<![CDATA[Blog]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/ Mon, 26 Feb 2018 10:30:44 +0000 Zend_Feed http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss <![CDATA[The Who's Who Of Protein]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-whos-who-of-protein/

The essential guide to picking the right powder. 

Choosing the right protein powder can be a tricky task! There’s whey protein isolate, concentrate, casein, hydrolysed isolate, egg albumin, collagen... and we haven’t even touched on the plant-based blends yet.. Feeling confused about which protein is right for you? Let us simplify it!


Whey is the most versatile member of the protein family and is offered in variety of different blends. In its liquid state, whey is a mixture of mainly water, with a little bit of protein, fat, carbohydrate and lactose. In order to turn the liquid into powder it is carefully filtered to remove the excess fat, carbs, lactose and any of the other naturally occurring ingredients - leaving a powder consisting of roughly 80% protein. This is what we call WHEY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE. This is the most basic of the whey blends and is correspondingly on the cheaper end of the scale, making it more of an entry level protein and not something we'd generally recommend here at FIT.


If the concentrate is further filtered to remove a little more lactose, carbs and fat you are left with WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE, which is roughly 90% protein and much more our style! Isolates are generally the fan-fav when it comes to protein. They’re quick absorbing, low in carbs and easily digested. Thanks to their speedy absorption rate and their ability to supply the muscles with the nutrients required for recovery and growth, isolates make the perfect pre-and post-workout protein fix. Rival US Native Pro 100 earns the title of FIT favourite when it comes to isolates!


HYDROLYSED WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE is the next in line and as its name suggests, consists of isolates which have been hydrolysed to amino acids. This reduces the fat, carb and lactose content even further and facilitates a much more rapid digestion than its isolate and concentrate counterparts. Hydro contains roughly 99% protein and is essentially pre-digested making it easier to tolerate for people with allergies and intolerances. Hello happy tummy! We’re obsessing over Rule1 ISO right now, and you should be too!


CASEIN is likes whey’s long lost cousin - related but from a different protein. It has a slow rate of digestion, which results in a gradual but steady release of amino acids into the circulation. Due to its slow absorption, casein is commonly used during sleep to support and sustain the long period of anabolism for enhanced muscle growth. So basically your guns grow why you snooze – it doesn’t get much better that! Gen-Tec Casein Custard scores a 10/10 if you’re asking!


COLLAGEN is the gold standard when it comes to protein. This stuff is the most abundant protein in the human body and is found everywhere – from skin and muscles to bones and joints. It’s basically the glue that holds us together. Seriously, this stuff is responsible for healthy hair, skin, nails, tendons, ligaments, artery walls – we could go on for days! Now alongside its impressive role in promoting the perfect pout, collagen has the incredible ability to aid in the production of creatine – a compound essential for building muscle and producing energy. Collagen is found in the flesh and connective tissue of beef (bovine collagen) and fish (marine collagen) and gets a big fat high five from the team at FIT. We are completely infatuated with ATP Science’s No Whey hydrolysed bovine collagen – you NEED to try this stuff!


The last of the animal based blends is our humble friend EGG ALBUMIN – AKA protein sourced from eggs. It’s obtained by isolating the egg white, pulverising it, removing the fat via filtration and drying the remains into a powder. Egg white protein delivers a medium rate of digestion, allowing for a steady sustained release of amino acids. Being dairy, legume and grain free, egg protein is the bees’ knees for anyone following a paleo diet or restricted by allergies. For a super smooth and eggxelent hypoallergenic protein fix check out Protein Supplies Australia Paleo Pro.


Now, just when you thought things couldn’t get any more complicated, the plant-based blends emerge - introducing PEA PROTEIN. This bad boy is made from yellow split peas and generally takes the title for the most popular vegan blend. It’s easily absorbed and contains a relatively high protein content for a wholefood source. Being all natural and free from soy, gluten and lactose, pea protein is a damn good go-to for people prone to intolerances and allergies. We’ve loving Passion Projects in the pea protein department and we can guarantee you will too!


BROWN RICE is next on the list, and another hidden gem for the intolerant folk since it generally contains nothing but.. you guessed it.. Rice! Being sourced from a grain, it does have a higher carbohydrate content than some of the other protein blends, and a medium digestion rate, which makes it a perfect meal-replacement or snack option. Unlike whey, both pea and brown rice protein alone do not contain all nine of the essential amino acids. This is why you will often notice a blend of the two - when pea and rice are combined, all nine essential amino acids are available and the protein becomes complete. Check out Prana on the brown rice front – these guys have totally nailed the perfect sweet, yet smooth blend of rice-based protein. Good luck trying to choose a flavour!  


As its name suggests, SOY PROTEIN is another plant-based variation made from hulled, dried and ground soybeans. Unlike the other vegan options, soy protein contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. The digestibility and absorption of soy protein is however, much slower than its milk and egg containing colleagues. Truth be told, we’re not a huge fan of soy around here – we save our shelf space for the good stuff!


HEMP is the last of the plant-based blends and contains all 21 amino acids, making it both a complete protein and possibly the most nutritious member of the gang. It’s manufactured from hemp seeds that are cold pressed to extract the oil, with the left-over meal cold-milled to separate the protein. It is roughly 50% protein and packs a healthy punch of fibre, chlorophyll, minerals, branch-chain amino acids, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Hemps’ impressive nutrition profile means it’s easily digested and a kick ass all-rounder! Hemp Protein Australia takes the cake when it comes to hemp-based blends – try it for yourself!  

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 04:02:01 +0000
<![CDATA[What You Need To Know About Hormones]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-hormones_/

The key to losing fat and building muscle is healthy hormone balance

Hormone control truly is the cornerstone of health. Your hormones control everything from weight and mood to your unwarranted emotional response when Richie chooses Alex instead of Nikki in The Bachelor finale. Truth is, when fat loss or muscle gain are your goal, hormonal control must be too. It’s not as simple as eating less and moving more, but about being in balance. And we aren't just talking about ladies here.. Hormones play an equally important role in your health too men! As your testosterone declines with age, it’s certainly not a coincidence that your beer belly grows. Capiche?


Now when it comes to hormone balance there’s one particular hormone that can really shake things up – introducing estrogen! Low energy, fatigue, cravings, weight gain, anxiety, low sex drive and fluid retention are just a handful of the delightful symptoms which can come into play when our pal estrogen is out of balance. For those of you not yet acquainted, estrogen is a feminizing hormone present in both men and women, yet more abundant in the female body. Estrogen is made from testosterone and plays a critical role in maintaining healthy bones, skin, nails and cardiovascular health. It’s a super important hormone to have, but like anything, if we have to much it begins to be problematic – hello man boobs.


Estrogen is proliferative, meaning it stimulates growth. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stimulate muscle to grow, it stimulates fat to grow. For this very reason, those who are estrogen dominant find it hard to lose weight, particularly in estrogen fat locations like the belly pouch, love handles, saddle bags, tuck shop lady arms, man boobs and we can’t forget the mum bum. And if that wasn’t enough, estrogen dominance can also exacerbate blood clotting, fluid retention, circulation issues, headaches, lumps, bumps, bloating, stress, anxiety and cravings. Just what you want, right?


Basically, high estrogen levels suck and can evidently cause a whole host of hideous symptoms, which is why stripping the body of excess estrogen can be extremely beneficial for both lads and ladies. It is important to note that we’re not talking about blocking estrogen production or activity here, but working with the body’s natural pathways to make and use estrogen for all its essential health benefits (menstrual cycle and fertility etc.) but then ensuring it is efficiently detoxified and eliminated from the body rather that accumulating and resulting in undesirable love handles. 


Dietary and nutrient modification through supplementation can be just as powerful as medicine in this process since both means have the ability to influence estrogen synthesis, receptors, and detoxification pathways. This is evident in ATP Science’s Alpha Venus and Alpha Mars which both contain broccoli sprout sulforaphanes, natural folates and rosemary, which work to offset excessive estrogen by making estrogen deactivation, detoxification and elimination efficient. This thereby allows the body to make, release and use estrogen for all of the healthy functions we spoke about earlier and then quickly and efficiently clear it out of the system so it doesn’t loiter around and cause hormonal dysfunction. High five ATP Science! So what’s the difference between ATP’s two estrogen-blocking bad boys? Let us delve a little deeper! 


Alongside estrogen comes androgens. Androgens do the exact opposite to estrogen so you can have estrogen dominance due to a deficiency of androgens or you may have excess estrogen and normal androgens. Regardless, if you increase androgens while dropping estrogen you will see faster change. If you drop or increase both and ratios stay the same, you won’t see a great deal of change. Truth is, ratios of hormones are more important than amounts and therefore it is more effective to alter ratios of hormones rather than just decrease body load.


This is where is becomes tricky… While both Alpha Venus and Alpha Mars contain exactly the same estrogen detoxification ability, they vary in the way they build androgens to offset the estrogen. Alpha Venus supports a healthy menstrual cycle by building up the androgen progesterone and clearing away estrogen excess (ta-ta PMS symptoms!) Alpha Mars on the other hand, takes a different approach, by increasing androgen testosterone, while ridding excess estrogen – hello fat burning and muscle building! 


So there you have it, the connection between hormonal health and the capacity to burn fat and build muscle is much more influential than you think! Want to learn more? Come and chat with one of our Nutrition Mentors!





Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:58:24 +0000
<![CDATA[Your New Year Plan To Shred Up And Slim Down]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/your-new-year-plan-to-shred-up-and-slim-down/

All the tips you need to stay tight and toned this year! 

The new year is well and truly upon us and now that gorging season has come to an end there really is no better time than the present to kick that booty back into shape! Shredding the post-Christmas coat tends to be a little easier said than done, but with some cheeky advice from our resident Nutritionist, you’ll have that banging bod back in no time!


When it comes to trimming down and toning up nutrition is absolute key! If you’re anything like the rest of the Australian population, I’m sure you had your fair share of food throughout the merry madness. Now’s the time to pump the breaks on overindulging and slide right back into a healthy eating routine. Load your meals up with essential nutrients and say sayonara to what you don’t need – silly season snacks, I’m looking at you. Base your meals around good quality protein to promote satiety and complex carbohydrates to provide a slow sustained release of energy. Add some healthy fats into the mix to prevent those 3pm munchies and viola, you’re back in the healthy eating game!


Gearing up with the right supplements is your next port of call when it comes to shredding those xmas-induced kilos. If you’ve promised yourself that 2017 is the year you’re getting your body in shape then it’s essential to get some Acetyl-L-Carnitine in your corner. This nifty little amino acid promotes the uptake of fatty acids into the cells, meaning you get more of your energy by burning fats! Can I get a hell yeah? And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, it turns out your new fat-burning BFF also plays an impressive roll in healthy brain function – think improved memory and mood, increased mental energy and a big ol’ boost in concentration.


Thermogenic's are another kick ass supp to have on your team when it comes to fighting the flab. By raising the body’s core temperature and prompting excessive calorie expenditure, our fat burning friends increase the body’s metabolism AKA the rate at which the body can process and expend calories as energy. Cool, huh? Oxyshred earns the title of FIT fav thanks to its ability to not only act as a weight loss formula, but also as a recovery and mood enhancing matrix. Well played EHP Labs!


Nutrition and supplementation aside, if you’re looking to beat the post-chrissy bulge, it’s essential to throw yourself right back into a solid training regime. A combination of weight training and cardio is the best way to shred those unwanted kg’s so focus your sweat sessions around a combo of the two. Aim to move your body daily and replenish your muscles with a lean protein formula like OxyWhey, which doubles as a fat burner by stimulating metabolic activity and fat breakdown!


So there you have it, if you’re keen on kicking your new year off to a slim and shredded start, it’s time to up your nutrition anti, gear up with the right supps and jump back on the exercise bandwagon! If you need a little help, drop by our Bondi Junction or Sydney City stores and chat with one of our nutrition experts!


Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:50:29 +0000
<![CDATA[Green Tea - The Fat Burning Phenomenon]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/green-tea---the-fat-burning-phenomenon/

Drink up to slim down – How green tea can help you shed those extra pounds.

Green tea might be best known as the perfect partner to a tuna and avocado sushi roll, but it just so happens to be a potent fat burner loaded in antioxidants too. The popular and oh-so invigorating brew, has a hell of a long history of human consumption and for damn good reason! Truth is, Asian cultures have known about the health and medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches and depression, to weight loss and detox. So what’s the deal? How can a little leaf juice keep me looking lean? Polyphenols are your answer! And what on earth are polyphenols we hear you ask? Let us explain… Polyphenols are actually phytochemicals, meaning compounds found abundantly in natural plant food sources, which have antioxidant properties. Nifty, right?


Before we go on, you’re about to partake in a simple science lesson so hold on tight. Polyphenols account for a third of the dry weight in green tea leaves and consist predominantly of catechins - a specific type of polyphenol (or plant antioxidant for those of you feeling a little lost), which promotes weight loss. Now, just in case you weren’t confused enough already, the catchins found in green tea can be categorized even further into epicatechin, epicatchin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin, and finally the king of catechins.. epigallocatechin-3-gallate – better known as EGCG. Are you still with us? Majority of the research in the field is focusses on EGCG as the predominant active ingredient in green tea, and the special little substance which keeps your waistline in check.


When it comes to shedding pounds, green tea works through a completely different mechanism than your common weight loss agents, which stimulate sympathetic hormone release and therefore tend to raise heart rate and blood pressure. Instead, the catechins found in the leaning leaf inhibit the enzyme that breaks down norepinephrine so that its biological effects (e.g. increased fat breakdown and increased metabolic rate) are prolonged. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, it turns out that the wonder leaf may also inhibit the mainenzymes involved in fat storage. For those of you we’ve lost - green tea basically turns you into a fat burning machine.


Now comes the fun part! Green tea extracts such as X50 for example, contain a complex mixture of different antioxidant constituents which act synergistically to exert their full beneficial effects. When it comes to drinking green tea, there can be a great deal of variability in the content of bioactive compounds (including our new friend EGCG). You see it all depends on how the leaves were processed prior to drying, the geographical location they were grown, the growing conditions, preparation methods – the list goes on. Because of these unknowns, supplementing with a standardized green tea extract, high in ECGC, like that found in X50, is a good idea, and to be frank, you’re going to reap far more of the rewards than you would sipping on a cuppa! Plus, each serve of X50 Green Tea Extract has the polyphenol equivalent of up to 20 cups of regular green tea! Impressive, right?




Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:46:29 +0000
<![CDATA[The Lowdown On Pre-Workouts]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-lowdown-on-pre-workouts_/

You have the motivation, now here's the supplementation to smash out every workout!

What’s your method of motivation in preparation for a grueling sweat sesh? Is a stern pep talk in the change-room mirror all you need to bust out an extra set? Perhaps a triple shot espresso is more your style? Both are valid means to get you in the zone, but what if we were to tell you there was a better way! The truth is, while Metallica echoing down your earbud might give you somewhat of an amp up, there’s a special supplement that can get your body seriously tuned in for the mother of all adrenalin rushes - We're looking at you pre-workout!


Pre workout supplementation should always be an important component of any sports performance nutrition regime. Whether you’re training for bulging biceps, a single digit body fat percentage, or even just a simple boost in performance, what you put into your body pre-session can have a tremendous impact on how well you train and how quickly you recover.  These workout- enhancing formulas have ingredients that increase oxygen to the muscles, boost heart rate, improve focus, upsurge blood flow to the skin and if you’re down for it, there’s even elements that give your body a nice little tingle. With all these added benefits you have the ability to train harder and faster for longer. Did we mention they taste delicious too? 


So what are these magical ingredients and how do they give you lazer-like focus, roadmap veins and the strength of a bull, I hear you ask? Let us explain! First comes caffeine, AKA the energy giver. This vigor-inducing fuel lowers the body’s perceived rate of exertion, which translates into an affinity to workout both harder and faster, and the ability to use stored fat as fuel. Impressive, right? Because of these proven health benefits, majority of pre-workouts contain caffeine. However, if stimulants tend to send you a little loopy (we’ve all been there) - there’s a multitude of caffeine-free formulas! Black Ops a-la-natural pre-workout gets our vote in the non-stim department! 


Next on the popular pre-workout ingredient list is Beta Alanine, AKA the fatigue fighter. This non-essential amino acid has the ability to increase levels of carnosine, or as we like to call it – the elixr of youth. This special substance has anti-oxidant capabilities which allow it to block the buildup of waste products that cause muscular fatigue. In turn, this handy little fella allows you to keep your intensity up for longer periods of time. And more volume means more gains. Bonus! With a clinical dose of Beta Alanine, Awaken pre-workout is a FIT fav! 


Branched chain amino acids, AKA the mass builders are the three musketeers of the supplement industry and the star players when it comes to pre-workout formulas. BCAA’s are made up of a combination of three essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine and valine; and are absolute key when it comes to regulating protein metabolism, increasing protein synthesis, and suppressing protein breakdown. If you’re looking for a pre high in BCAA’s then Black Ops is your man! On the flip side is creatine, AKA the strength donor and perhaps the most influential pre-workout ingredient when it comes to lower-rep workouts. Put simply, the rep-inducing substance helps to saturate the muscles with the specific energy source needed to produce big, fast, energy pumps. Basically if you want to be nailing Arnie-sized lifts a creatine loaded blend like Nitraflex where it’s at!  


These are just a handful of the impressive credentials that pre-workouts have to offer, and if we were to be honest, this is only just the beginning! Alongside these bad boys are things like arginine to boost nitric oxide production, citrulline to delay fatigue, tyrosine for mental focus, glycerol for increased pump; and we’ve only just scratched the surface! You see, each pre-workout blend is formulated with a carefully selected combination of ingredients, which work synergistically to ramp up energy and endurance, increase strength, promote mental clarity, crank muscle growth, burn off body fat and assist with recovery. What’s not to love?


So if being fitter, faster and stronger is your goal then utilizing a solid pre-workout like C4 with key performance ingredients is step number one in taking your training to the next level. Say ta-ta to flaking out on sessions, failing reps, and pathetic performance and hello to rapid results, improved performance and speedy recovery time. When it really comes down to it, the food you eat is only one piece of the puzzle. It might provide you with energy, but it’s not going to prime your central nervous system, increase nitric oxide, or help your nifty little muscle fibers contract harder. That job is reserved for pre-workout pals!


Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:38:39 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Bounce Back After The Holiday Binge]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-bounce-back-after-the-holiday-binge/

You may have spent the past month stuffing yourself silly, but the truth is, a few smart, attainable adjustments may be all you need to fight the festive flab.

Hands up if you ate your body weight in cheese over the festive season! Well my friends, you’re not alone! Bounce back after the holiday binge with a few simple tricks courtesy of FIT's resident Nutritionist Anna Warren.


Rule number one - drink more water. Yeah yeah, you’ve heard it all before, right? Well we’ve actually got science on our side with this one. Water not only supports optimal metabolism but studies show that feeding your body a frequent dose of liquid love can also help to curb your appetite. And if you’re anything like me, your appetite doesn’t tend to shy away when the festive season comes to an end. Upping your water also gives the body a chance to flush out excess sodium to help you beat the bloat, while getting things moving in the digestive system (if you know what I mean!). Aim for 2 to 3 litres per day.  


Getting back on track with your eating schedule is another sure-fire way to undo holiday heftiness. Yes, eating chocolate for breakfast was totally acceptable one week ago, but unless you want that newly developed pouch to turn into a fully-fledged belly its best to get your feeding agenda under control. Start your day with a healthy protein-rich brekky and enjoy evenly spaced meals throughout the day. This will help to maximize your metabolism, regulate your blood sugar and level out that newly apparent appetite. Whatever you do, refrain from cutting too far back. Eating too little forces the body to switch into conservation mode, which burns less calories and leaves you with a greater affinity to hang onto body fat. No thank you!


I’m going to take a stab in the dark here and assume you had your fair share of carbs over the scoffing season. Appropriately, now might be the time to drop your chip and dip consumption down a notch. Cutting carbohydrates completely can force the body to burn protein for fuel instead of using it to support and maintain calorie burning muscle, so it’s best to tighten the reins rather than cutting the macronutrient out altogether. Focus meals around veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats and a slightly reduced portion of wholegrains. Adding a good quality greens powder into your morning routine is another essential measure to ensure you're getting an optimal dose of detoxification nutrients. 


Now I know the extent of your movement during the holidays may have been limited to raising your fork, but there’s no better time than the present to throw yourself back into the exercise game. Moving your body not only helps to burn the excess calories consumed in a festive flurry, but it can also put you in a better head space, which allows you to make smarter choices when it comes to what you’re putting in your mouth.


Looking for a good quality greens powder to assist the post-Chrismas detox? Shop them here! www.fitnutritionfix.com/collections/greens  

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:34:08 +0000
<![CDATA[The Best Exercises To Keep Your Body In Shape This Swimwear Season]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-best-exercises-to-keep-your-body-in-shape-this-swimwear-season/

You work all year for your banging beach body so here's how to maintain it!

Winter woollies can hide all the seasonally sourced lumps and bumps, but come bikini season everything's on show. Stay taut, tight and toned this summer with these top training tips you can bust out anywhere at any time!  


Jump squats

Bend your knees and drop your hips, keeping your chest high. The hips should come down parallel with the height of the knee, before ground-forcefully jumping as high as you can. You might want to keep your bikini bod in mind while you embrace the deathly burn.  


Up-down plank.

Start in a plank position on your feet and elbows. Keeping the core and glutes tight and the hips square, rise from your elbows to your hands before returning back to your elbows and repeating. Ouch! My shoulders hurt just thinking about it.


Superman Rows

Lay on your belly face down with your arms resting on the ground above your head. Lifting your head, upper chest and arms, squeeze your shoulder blades together, hold and relax back into the starting position and repeat. Baby got back!


Spiderman Crunches  

We couldn’t throw in a superman inspired move without one motivated by his trusty sidekick. Start in a traditional plank position with your elbows and feet on the ground and hips square. Bring your right knee forward towards your right elbow and then return to plank position. Repeat by bringing your left knee toward your left elbow and continue to alternate on each side.


Ice Skaters

What’s a workout without a bit of cheeky cardio? Standing straight with your feet hip-width apart, kick out your right leg behind your left and lower your right hand to the floor in front of you. Bend your left knee, drop your weight to the floor and activate your glutes. Keeping your chin and chest up and looking forward repeat on the other side so it forms a fluid motion. You may look like Bambi on ice for the first few reps, but you’ll get the hang of it.


Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by a 15 second rest and then move straight into the next exercise. You should be starting a new move every minute on the minute. Complete as many rounds as you can! Good luck! (you’re going to need it)

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:30:21 +0000
<![CDATA[Food Cravings - What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/food-cravings---what-your-body-is-trying-to-tell-you/

There might be more to those cupcake cravings than you think...

Is it the salty-ness of potato chips, the richness of chocolate or the sweetness of gummy bears alluring your tastebuds when the clock strikes three? Whatever it may be, there’s a good chance your body is trying to tell you it’s missing out on valuable nutrients... Take a seat guys, you’re about to learn how to decrypt those cravings!



Let’s be honest, everyone loves chocolate, but do your 24hr Lindt cravings have a deeper meaning? Believe it or not, those delectable brown squares contain magnesium - a mineral involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, yet commonly deficient in the diet and often the one to blame for those horrid cravings! Now before you go thinking you can reverse a deficiency with chocolate, we need to get a few things straight. The more processed the chocolate and the higher the sugar content, the lower the cacao / cocoa content and the more inferior the level of magnesium. Drinking too much coffee, alcohol, tea and soft drink also has a tendency to deplete the mineral and can contribute to the likelihood of cravings.


The remedy: If you’re desperate for chocolate, opt for one with at least 75% cacao and a low sugar content. Include lots of nuts and seeds in the diet - particularly brazil nuts, and make sure your getting a sufficient intake of leafy greens. Alternatively supplementing with a good quality magnesium powder will be a sure fire way to keep your magnesium levels in check.



Sugar.. sweet sweet sugar.. This bad boy is one of the hardest cravings of all to pin point thanks to a number of nutritional deficiencies which can be blamed for the whirlwind that characterizes a sugar craving. On top of the list is Chromium, an important mineral which plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels through its influence on insulin regulation. Low levels of chromium in the body can often result in intense cravings for sugar, which we all know tends to end in an all-out sugar binge (just what you need mid bikini season, right?).  


The remedy: Try curbing your cravings with natural sources of sugar. Fruit is a perfect option since it also contains fibre, which is digested gradually and accordingly slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Fat has a similar effect, so teaming an apple with some nut butter or dipping strawberries into coconut cream will help to keep blood sugar levels stable. Including chromium rich foods in the diet, like lean meats, asparagus, cheese, molasses and whole grains, will also help to reduce the likelihood of a deficiency. Perhaps the easiest approach is a simple chromium supplement which’ll make sure your bod’s got a rich supply of the mineral.  



Pretzels, crunchy corn chips, giant slices of pizza with bacon and cheese… What’s not to love? Truth is, if you’ve fallen victim to the constant hankering of salty desires you might just have yourself a mineral deficiency. Our bodies require sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc and a whole bunch of other trace minerals to run the chemistry of neurochemical reactions that take place in the body and to build blood and hormones. The nifty part is that many of these minerals have a salty (or minerally) taste to them, which is why the body tends to throw a tater chip craving your way when mineral levels are low.


The remedy: Reach for kale chips, air-popped popcorn and crunchy produce like apples celery or carrots. Dip veggie sticks into hummus if you feel a chip and dip urge coming on. Boost your mineral intake with a high-quality multi-vitamin. Eat more mineral dense sea vegetables like nori and kelp, and throw some super seeds like hemp and chia into the mix on the daily.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:25:20 +0000
<![CDATA[The 411 On Fat Freezing]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-411-on-fat-freezing/

Move over lipo there's a new guy in town

Blame it on bikini season and the official arrival of bare legs and exposed abs, but there’s been a hot topic on the tips of tongues around the nation: Cryolipolysis. Not an entirely new technology, the hour-long fat-freezing procedure uses controlled cooling to crystallise fat cells. Over a period of two to three months, the frozen fat cells are killed off and end their unwelcome life in the toilet bowl. Cool, huh?


We called in the dream team from Body Catalyst to shed some light on the science-backed tummy tightening treatment which has taken the world by storm...


What is Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is a breakthrough, non-invasive procedure that uses a controlled cooling technology to permanently kill fat cells without surgery.


How does it work?

A targeted controlled cooling process using a special vacuumed applicator is placed onto an area of fat on the body and lowers the treatment area to -6°C. Clinical studies show fat cells cannot survive past -1°C and so it effectively kills the fat cells underneath the skin, literally freezing them to the point of elimination.


Where does the fat go and is it permanent?

Once crystallized, the fat cells slowly break down and are transported through the lymphatic system to the liver where they processed out of the body as waste. Once the treated fat cells are gone, they are gone for good. As long as you maintain your weight with your normal diet and exercise, your long-term results should remain stable.


Which areas can be treated?

The stomach, flanks, waist, hips, love handles, outer and inner thighs, back and front thighs, buttocks, upper arms, bra-line, calves.


What does it feel like?

As the cooling begins during the first few minutes, you will feel pressure and intense cold. This soon dissipates as the area becomes numb. Many people read, watch videos, work on their laptop, or even take a nap during their treatment.


When will I start to see results?

Results can start to show after two months. But your body will still flush out fat cells and continues doing so for up six months after treatment.


So there you have it guys and gals, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to revolutionise your fight against fat, Cryolipolysis might just be the answer!


If your keen on quite literally freezing your ass off or you simply want a little more info, head over to http://www.bodycatalyst.com.au and get in touch with Amy and Sam - the body-sculpting gurus!

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:20:08 +0000
<![CDATA[Want Big Biceps? Here's How To Get Them]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/want-big-biceps-heres-how-to-get-them/

Fitness Expert Lenny Chadd provides the lowdown on building bulging biceps. 

Every guy wants bigger arms whether he admits it or not! Truth is, if you want your biceps to bulge you need to know how to hit them properly. Now you can train them daily or you can take an educated approach and learn the best techniques and exercises for maximum bicep and tricep development.


The three most important factors to think of in the beginning is;


  1. Grip for holding weight (neutral, underhand & overhand)
  2. Implement being used (dumbbell, barbell or cable machine)
  3. Body position in relation to the elbow (is the dumbbell behind the body or in front of the body)


So you will need to vary your body position so you can perform the exercise either seated, standing or kneeling as they all are different in their execution. A simple tip is to isolate the arm as much as possible, as isolation is crucial to the recruitment of muscle.

Try these exercises for BIGGER Biceps;

  1. Scott bench EZ curl or preacher curl with dumbbell or barbell.
  2. 45 degree incline bench hammer curl
  3. Kneeling zottman curl

Try these exercises for BIGGER Triceps;

  1. Parallel bar dip
  2. Close grip bench press
  3. Standing french press EZ bar


To design an arm program which is effective then try super-setting the bicep & tricep exercise with a small 45-60 second rest with at least 4 sets. 


Try using the exercises above for at least 10-12 reps with a superset method. Track your weights for at least 4 weeks and once you start to notice improvements in the strength and size of your arms, mix it up! - change exercises, grip and dumbbell position and watch your weapons grow!


Lenny is an accredited Strength Coach with the Poliquin Institute and co-owner of SIGFIT. An expert in total body transformations for both men and women, Lenny’s holistic approach to personal training consists of optimal nutrition, supplementation & exercise techniques. Check out www.sigfit.com.au to find out more.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:15:39 +0000
<![CDATA[Top Tips To Beat The Xmas Bulge]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/top-tips-to-beat-the-xmas-bulge/

Losing the Christmas load isn't easy. Here's how to avoid piling it on in the first place.

Alright FIT fam, the silly season in well and truly here and you know just as well as we do that tis’ the season of expanding waistlines. Truth is, it’s not the one off indulgences that cause weight gain, it’s the gradual yet sustained increase of calories and changes in diet that cause the problem – a candy cane here, a few NYE frothy’s there.. and before you know it your pre-season abs are nothing but a distance memory. Well not this year! Here’s our top tips to keep your body looking bangin’ this Christmas…


Don’t get too keen too soon or drag the celebrations out too long.

You can’t take ALL the fun out of Christmas – indulging here and there is a human right. The issue is we all get a little excited in the lead up and tend to loosen the reins a little too early in the party piece. Give yourself a few designated ‘let your hair down’ days.’ That way you can indulge on special occasions and keep on track with good habits on the days leading up and in between. If you can stick to your normal health and fitness routine amongst the madness you won’t be left high, dry and heavy when February rolls around.


Never attend a party hungry.

How tasty are mince pies, particularly after a glass of wine or two? A common Chrissy mistake is overdoing the chips and dips waiting for the ‘real food’ to arrive. Avoid overeating at festive events by sneaking in a snack before you go. A handful of nuts or a boiled egg make the perfect option since they contain slowly absorbed fats which will help to keep you nice and full till the turkey rolls around.


Keep up the exercise.

Make it a priority to continue your sweat sessions over the festive season – maintain workout commitments and sneak in some additional walks to compensate for all that extra tucker!


Ease up on the pantry loading. 

We’re all guilty of over stocking the cupboards with an abundance of processed rubbish over the Christmas period (chips, choccy and lollies ringing any bells?). Talk about a recipe for disaster! Toss the temptation by purchasing only what you need and opt for healthier alternatives like berries, cherries, dark chocolate, nuts and good quality cheeses.  


Watch the booze.

If you think I’m about to lay down a ‘no alcohol during Christmas’ rule you are sorely mistaken. Enjoy yourself but try your best not to use the silly season as an excuse to overindulge on the alcohol front. Opt for at least 3 alcohol free days each week, drink plenty of water and avoid high calorie mixers like juice and soft drink.


Ditch the all or nothing attitude to dieting.

Rather than completely writing off the festive month with poor food choices and a luck lust attitude to fitness, work on maintaining balance amongst the Christmas cheer. Enjoy good quality, tasty treats in controlled amounts, but balance them out with nutrient dense summer foods like seafood, salads and fresh fruit. Use the holiday period as an excuse to move your body more and you’ll be well and truly on your way to a fitter and healthier new year!  

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:11:25 +0000
<![CDATA[Greens Powders - Why You Need Them]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/greens-powders---why-you-need-them/

What makes the superfood blends so super?

We all know greens are good for us (mainly thanks to Popeye and his spinach-induced bicep growth), but are you eating enough of the good green stuff to keep your bod functioning just the way it should?


Evidence is continually emerging in support of green veggies and their ability to both fight and protect against major lifestyle diseases. Nevertheless, the stats continue to show that most of us still aren’t getting our daily dose.  


While whole foods are always the best source of nutrients, making sure we’re consuming the recommended requirements is a lot easier said than done. Busy lifestyles, poor food quality, stress-induced nutrient requirements and poor digestion can each contribute to a lack of the good stuff our bods need purely to function.


That’s where greens come in! A good quality greens powder is a fast-track way to boost your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, probiotics and enzymes to make sure your body is armed with all the nutritional goodness it needs to support energy production and boost vitality.


These magical powders come in varying shades of green and are particularly fine, making them super easy to digest and versatile enough to be added to water, juices and smoothies. Their nutrient lists are as impressive as they are long and generally consist of an array of grasses, algaes, veggies and fruit, which provide a nutrient-dense and convenient source of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.


Blends are often more natural than your average multivitamin, a whole lot tastier than isolated nutrient greens powders (*cough* spirulina *cough*) and blended in a way which allows the nutrients to work synergistically - a nifty little process that boosts the bioavailability of the nutrients and allows for a greater absorption and uptake of all that glorious green goodness.


While greens powders are perfect for people on the run, traveling or those simply not reaching their daily nutrient requirements; they also make an excellent addition to the diets of active folk too. Regular exercise training has the ability to increase acid production, which occurs in response to repetitive muscle contractions. Together with protein, alkalising foods have the capacity to enhance recovery, however if large amounts of protein are being consumed without fruits and veggies, it can compound acid production. In instances like these where the diet falls short, a nutrient dense greens powder is a must!


FIT PICK: Passion Projects Complex Green:

This raw, organic plant-based green superfood blend features over 80 ingredients, including sprouts such as quinoa and kale; and antioxidant rich berries such as acai and blueberries. Designed to be a broad spectrum formula, this is the product to start your day with - packed with organic protein, chlorophyll, antioxidants, herbs, mushrooms, probiotics, digestive enzymes, fibre, fatty and amino acids, and vitamins and minerals - in a base of raw, organic, freeze-dried vegetables and fruit.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:07:29 +0000
<![CDATA[Why We're Loving Hemp Protein]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/why-were-loving-hemp-protein/

The perfect package of plant-based protein 

I bet you didn’t know that hemp was one of nature’s best sources of plant-based protein. In fact, our fancy friend hemp might just take the cake when it comes to dairy-free protein, with a complete amino acid profile, including all 20 of the organic compounds! If you’re looking to boost your protein intake from an a-la-natural source, then humble old hemp might just be your guy.


Hemp protein is a by-product of cold pressing hemp seed oil – a process which separates the seed from the oil. The defatted hemp remains are then milled and sieved into a fine powder ready for tissue building, muscle recovering action. The dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free, paleo-friendly protein consists of a unique blend of two highly digestible proteins - albumin and edestin. Now the nifty part is that these two particular proteins are very similar to proteins found in the blood, which makes hemp one of the most functional and bioavailable sources of protein for the human body.


Protein accolades aside, hemp is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre, with one 30g serve providing almost one third of your total daily fibre requirements. This not only means your colon gets a nice little cleanse, but you’ll feel full for longer too. Not just that, but the combination of protein and fibre will help to slow digestion, prevent spikes in blood sugar and help the body to sustain energy. High five hemp! To top it off, the protein powerhouse packs a hefty punch of essential fatty acids, chlorophyll, minerals and antioxidants sans saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugar! This plant-based bad boy has definitely got our vote!  

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:03:50 +0000
<![CDATA[Guilt Free Rocky Road Recipe]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/guilt-free-rocky-road-recipe/

The Perfect Healthy Indulgence 

This healthy take on rocky road courtesy of nutrition guru Jessica Sepel looks and tastes incredible! Sweetened with natural medjool dates, it’s refined-sugar free and full of healthy fats, making it a satiating yet decadent treat. Get creative with the additions too – white mulberries, goji berries, coconut or your favourite nuts and seeds will taste deeeeeelish!


Makes: 9 slices


  • 3/4 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 cup cacao powder
  • 5-6 medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 cup gluten-free granola or puffed brown rice
  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/4 cup mixed raw nuts, chopped (I used hazelnut and pistachios)
  • 1/4 cup goji berries



  1. Add coconut oil, cacao powder, cinnamon, sea salt and dates to a food processor. Process until smooth.
  2. In a large bowl, combine granola/puffed brown rice, coconut, mixed nuts and goji berries. Pour over cacao-coconut mixture and stir to combine.
  3. Spoon the mixture into a lined baking dish and place in freezer to set for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove from freezer and slice. Enjoy immediately.

About Jess

Jessica Sepel is a clinical nutritionist, bestselling author, international health blogger and travel expert. She is also the beloved voice behind ‘JSHealth’, passionately advocating how to achieve a balanced lifestyle through wholefoods. Her philosophy is focused around building a healthy relationship with food, placing emphasis on balance, rest and indulgence in moderation. 


Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:00:26 +0000
<![CDATA[Commit To Be Fit With These Simple Tips And Tricks]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/commit-to-be-fit-with-these-simple-tips-and-tricks/

Improve your workout accountability 

It’s one thing to commit to an exercise plan but actually sticking to it tends to be the tricky part! Stay motivated and keep your commitments in check with these simple tips…


Sign up for a competition

There’s nothing quite like an “I need to be fit by this date” mindset to get your body moving. Put your name down for a fun run, a triathlon or a crossfit comp so you’ve got something achievable to work towards. Keeping your goals in sight really is the best way to reach them, not to mention it’s much more attainable than your typical strive for a 6-pack. Plus, once you sign yourself up there’s no backing down!


Do it for a cause

Let’s be frank - Self-motivation is tough! So how about sweating it out for your favourite charity? You become accountable to the to the people donating money, to everyone cheering you on and most importantly – the charity. It might just be the kick your booty needs to get to work.


Sleep in your clothes

Goodbye pyjamas – hello compression tights! Gear up the night before so when your alarm goes off in the AM you can roll straight out of bed and off to the gym. The worst part? If you cheat your morning gym sesh you’re going to have to deal with the guilt of stripping off your sweat-free workout attire in the morning. Oh the shame!


Put money on the line

There’s no incentive quite like money! Team up with a friend and throw a sneaky wager on the first one to reach their fitness target. Alternatively, you can hand over cash and earn in back by reaching your fitness goals. Cha-ching!


Ditch the scale and take photos instead

Go get your scale and get rid of it. The scale certainly doesn’t tell the whole story and has a well-known tendency to derail motivation. Truth is, your weight has the potential to fluctuate more than the stock market depending on what you have eaten, drunk and the amount of sodium you’ve consumed. Photos on the other hand provide a much more motivating means to track your progress and accomplishments along the way to reaching your goal. 


Find a workout buddy

For most of us, having someone in our corner makes a huge difference to how motivated we can be. Exercising with a pal who encourages and supports you will not only boost your commitment to your fitness goals, but also the confidence you need to achieve them. Plus, you’ll feel a lot less tempted to ditch your sweat sesh if you’ve got a buddy waiting for you!

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:56:31 +0000
<![CDATA[Stress Less To Lose More - How Stress Can Impact Weight]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/stress-less-to-lose-more-how-stress-can-impact-weight/

If you’re struggling to shed your winter coat, getting your anxiety levels in check might just be the saving grace you’re looking for.


A little bit of stress here and there is totally normal, we all feel it! But living in constant state of pressure can be enormously disruptive to your health, wellbeing and weight. From wrecking your workouts to sabotaging your sleep, stress can definitely wreak havoc on your life if you let it.


One of stress’ most evil attributes is its capacity to release cortisol – a stress hormone which acts directly on fat deposits and causes the old spare tire around the tum (just what you want coming into summer, right?). You see, when our bodies are under stress our adrenal glands trigger a flight or fight response, which sends a message to the cortisol receptors in our bellies. Being the intelligent little creatures we are, our bodies go into red alert – putting bodily functions on standby and preparing for perceived threat. Hence, the extra tub stored around the tum as available fuel in case of famine (It’s actually kinda clever when you think about it).


Fat storage aside, our stress hormones can also take responsibility for those god forsaken Krispy Kreme cravings during angsty times. Dear old cortisol gives us a higher preference for addictive behaviours and makes sugary and fatty foods as attractive as Channing Tatum in Magic Mike. Plus, the rebellious little hormone acts on the hypothalamus in the brain, increasing hunger and practically feeding you itself during times of stress.


Being the age of technology, the real problem lies in the fact that we no longer have a clearly defined beginning and end to stressful periods. Our phones are with us at all times, we’re constantly reading our emails and never really switching off entirely. This is why out bodies tend to react in such an extreme fashion. Most of us are living in a constant state of stress and our bodies are making themselves at home in struggle town.   


So now I’ve showered you with all the bad news, I can deliver the good part... There are ways to improve your response to stress and it all starts with recognition. Take note of your physical reactions to stressy situations -  do your shoulders tense up? breath become short? or heart start pounding? Learn some breathing exercises, close your eyes, download some sort of mind soothing app. When you feel the wrath of stress starting to take hold, simply distract yourself. Walk away, call a friend, do some stretching - anything you can to calm your mind. If work is the culprit, put boundaries around it. Take meals and snacks away from your desk and be sure to leave the building and step into the sunshine at least once a day.


Perhaps one of the most effective tools in stress management is humble old exercise. It gets you pumping endorphins AKA happy hormones, which make you… well... happy. And we all know there’s no room for stress when your grinning like a Cheshire cat. The truth is, just as how you deal with stress is individual, so are the ways in which you can resolve it. Whether it’s working on your time management skills, taking a holiday, practicing meditation like some sort of Peruvian Guru or jumping on the yoga bandwagon, find what works for you and stick with it. Trust me when I say your spare tire will thank you.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:51:58 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Drink Without Sabotaging Your Diet]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-drink-without-sabotaging-your-diet/ 7 rules for enjoying booze without adding to the bulge

Alcohol can be the worst enemy of those on a health regime or who are loosing weight. Think excess calories, sugary mixers, decreased willpower and hangovers that lead to poor food choices, not to mention throwing a spanner in the works of your exercise routine when recovering from a boozy night out.


But let’s be realistic: enjoying some occasional drinks in moderation with friends is fun and part of a balanced lifestyle. The key is to drink smartly. Here’s your cheat sheet to having your alcohol and drinking it too.


Rule 1: Eat before you drink

If your stomach is empty, the alcohol will be absorbed quickly into your system, meaning you will get drunk faster and be more susceptible to poor food and drink choices as the night goes on. Consuming something that is high in protein or good fats will line the stomach and create a natural buffer. Opt for a pre-drink healthy snack, such as a handful of nuts or hummus with vegetables.


Rule 2: Know how to count your drinks

Many places serve larger drinks than what is technically considered to be a “standard drink.” That glass of wine could actually be up to 50% more than you think. Add to the equation poured spirit drinks and cocktails and you could easily be consuming more alcohol and its empty calories than you planned. Familiarise yourself with standard drink volume measurements of the alcohols you regularly drink so you know how much you are really being served.


Rule 3: Slim down your order

If you are dieting to loose weight, there are plenty of ways you can slim down your drink order by making smarter, lower calorie and lower sugar choices. If you’re a beer drinker, choose the low carb options, which more than cuts the carb content in half.

Spirits are a great choice if served correctly, with vodka, gin, rum, whisky and tequila coming in at around 100 calories per shot. Opt for soda water with fresh lemon or lime as the mixer and you have a relatively low calorie beverage.


Rule 4: Skip the sugary drinks

Most cocktails are loaded with sugar and excessive calories, so give them a miss. The same goes for mixing your spirits with juice or soft drinks.


If you really must have a cocktail, request it to be made without syrup or choose one of the neater options, such as a martini or cosmopolitan.


Rule 5: Drink water

Alcohol dehydrates your body, so it’s even more important than usual to keep rehydrating with water. As a rule of thumb, have a glass of water after every alcoholic drink you consume. This method will also help to prevent you becoming too drunk too quickly, which is a major cause of alcohol fuelled overeating, and stop a horrible hangover the next day. Win, win!


Rule 6: Don’t munch mindlessly

If there are nibbles around you, whether bar snacks or party food, it’s easy to chow down mindlessly after a couple of drinks. These foods are generally not good choices and are high in calories, such as salted trail mixes and chips. Make sure you sit or stand out of reach of the bowl to help prevent munching away at them endlessly. Research suggests too that if food is out of sight you are far less likely to eat it.


Rule 7: Pre-plan your post drink meal

Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and can stimulate your appetite, a combination that often leads to poor food choices after you’ve been drinking. At the end of the night, do yourself a favour and skip the pizza or kebab lines to go home instead. Make sure you have a selection of healthy snacks for when you get back, in case you need to eat something before bed.


The same applies for the following morning. Plan what you will eat and have the ingredients on hand at home, so you don’t turn to a greasy “anti-hangover” meal. If you’re going out for breakfast, make sure you head somewhere with healthy options and opt for a clean dish such eggs, greens and avocado.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:42:49 +0000
<![CDATA[Try This Post-Workout Snack: Sugar Free Protein Balls]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/try-this-post-workout-snack-sugar-free-protein-balls/ This low sugar, low carb, high protein recipe makes the perfect post-workout, nourishing treat

Protein balls are a handy power snack to have on hand post-workout. After exercising, it’s important to feed your body quality protein to assist with muscle repair and growth. Unfortunately a lot of commercial protein balls contain high amounts of sugar, be it from honey or dates, your body really doesn’t need such high concentrations of it after your workout. In fact, high sugar snacks can trigger a blood sugar roller coaster, which leaves you craving more sugar. 


That’s why FIT has created this recipe for a delicious, sugar free version of protein balls. They are quick and easy to make, and can keep in the fridge for up to 10 days. Add it to your weekend food prep and you will be set for the week ahead! 



  • 4 tbsp. protein powder of choice (visit the FIT store either online or in person where you can get your hands on a wide variety of the best dairy-based and vegan-based protein supplements on the market) 
  • 2 tbsp. LSA mix 
  • 1 tbsp. raw cacao powder 
  • 1 tbsp. cacao nibs  
  • 4 heaped tbsp. nut butter of choice (FIT loves natural peanut or almond butter) 
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil 
  • 1 tbsp. chia seeds 
  • Stevia liquid or powder, to taste 
  • ¼ cup almond milk or filtered water (add more slowly if needed for consistency) 



  • Combine all ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender until smooth.  
  • Mixture shouldn’t be very moist but able to hold together when rolled into a ball. Adjust consistency if needed by adding more liquid or more protein powder.  
  • Roll into individual balls and place in an airtight container in the fridge.  
  • Enjoy!
Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:35:59 +0000
<![CDATA[The Threat Of Sweat - Why Replacing Electrolytes Matters]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-threat-of-sweat-why-replacing-electrolytes-matters/

Stay hydrated all summer long

We all know electrolytes are essential for anyone crazy enough to be running a marathon in the summer sun, but did you know they might just be necessary for you too? If you’re working up a solid sweat in the gym or leaving yoga with a sticky mat, chances are you’ve lost yourself some valuable electrolytes.


What are electrolytes, you ask? Put simply, electrolytes are critical salts and minerals found in the blood and cells, which conduct electricity throughout the body. These clever little chemical messengers regulate the body’s fluid – controlling thirst, maintaining blood pressure and enabling muscles and nerves to function. Now sodium and chloride tend to hog the electrolyte limelight, but truth is calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphate are all key members of the fluid-regulating gang.


During exercise, the body’s electrolyte balance tends to shift and no longer does your post-workout stench become the only problem at hand. In fact, if the sweat you’ve so tactfully worked for has taken with it one too many electrolytes, an imbalance can occur and symptoms like muscle cramps, nausea, fatigue and even mental confusion can follow. Uh oh!


In order to make sure your electrolyte levels stay in check post run-in-the-sun, it’s essential to get the right food and fluids in. Electrolyte formulas provide a quick and easy way to replenish the fluid-regulating nutrients lost during your sweat sesh. Mineral rich foods can also top up the tank so be sure to munch on things like celery, coconut water, dried apricots, leafy greens, avocado, bananas, blueberries and yoghurt. Alternatively, give your own post-workout fix a try. We love mixing banana for potassium, cacao for magnesium and coconut water for sodium and phosphorous. 

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:29:53 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Tips To Get Your Metabolism Firing]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-tips-to-get-your-metabolism-firing/

Bring on the fat burning just in time for summer

We’ve all heard the genetics excuse when it comes to a slow metabolism. But what exactly is metabolism and can you really speed it up? Essentially metabolism is a blanket term used to describe all the chemical reactions in our bodies which create energy. Truth is, the speed of our metabolism inevitably depends on what we’re putting in our mouths and how we’re moving our bodies. Sure, genetics make up a piece of the puzzle, but nothing has quite the effect of diet when it comes to boosting the old energy maker! Here’s a few tips and tricks to give your metabolism a push in the right direction...



The essential fatty acids found in fish, nuts, seeds and beans are a total treasure trove of metabolism boosting goodness. These special little members of the nutrient clan have been found to balance blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation and stimulate leptin - all of which assist in the regulation of metabolism.



The magical green brew has long been heralded for its antioxidant polyphenols. But new evidence illustrates that the active ingredient catechin has the capacity to crank up metabolism. Pull out the lipton!


Eating a nutrient dense breakfast in the AM is one of the most influential steps to take when it comes to speeding up metabolism. Starting the day with wholefoods like oats and berries or eggs and avocado wakes your metabolism and gets it firing for the day ahead.



Thermogenesis is a nifty little process which sees your body using roughly 10% of its caloric intake for digestion. Since protein takes longer to breakdown and burn than carbohydrate or fat, your body consumes more energy digesting a protein rich diet. Plus, the slowed digestion rate will leave you feeling fuller for longer. Bonus!



It’s one of the harshest realities of dieting – if you cut too many calories, your metabolism thinks times are tough and puts the breaks on fat burning to conserve energy. The trick? Keep your metabolism firing by eating at least enough calories to match your resting metabolic rate or BMR (the minimum amount of calories your body needs at rest to function) – google a BMR calculator and it’ll do the maths for you!



Put simply, thermogenic supplements work by heating up the body, which makes it harder to work at a molecular level. The increase in energy required to undertake bodily processes results in a greater caloric burn and an increase in metabolism. Hellllllllo fat burning!  

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:23:09 +0000
<![CDATA[Supplements - Why You Need Them]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/supplements-why-you-need-them/

Why diet alone just wont cut it 

In the perfect world we’d get all the nutrition we needed from a healthy wholefood diet - macronutrients, micronutrients, the lot.  Unfortunately, it's not that simple! The stress of modern life coupled with relentless over farming of Australian soil, constant exercise and the environmental toxin load on our often undernourished bodies, means that a majority of us require a basic supply of the nutritional resources we need to keep us alive. 


What’s often overlooked is the magnitude of effect that specific nutrients have on every single biochemical reaction that takes place in our intricate little bodies. Without enough magnesium our heart beat can lose its regularity, just as an inadequate intake of protein can hamper with our blood sugar levels and cause fogginess of the brain. The fact of the matter is that without sufficient levels of these nifty little nutrients, we cannot possibly thrive (and surviving becomes a little tricky too). Yet people continue to question the value of supplements and where they belong in the diet. Buckle your seatbelt kids, your about to learn exactly why we can ALL benefit from supplementation...


The current commercial agriculture techniques employed within Australia see constant over-farming of soil – a practice which leaves soil deficient in important minerals. This deficiency then translates to the food grown in the soil - magnesium deficient soil means magnesium deficient spinach, you with me? Sadly, the hampered quality of produce doesn’t end there. Many foods are shipped long distances and stored for lengthy periods of time, again having detrimental effects on the nutrient composition and quality of the food.


Food quality aside, stress, erratic eating habits, improper chewing and blatantly stuffing your face in your 15-minute lunch break, can contribute to poor digestion and make it difficult for your body to absorb and assimilate the nutrients it requires from food. Coupled with pharmaceutical drug use, which has a tendency to deplete essential nutrients, these factors leave us much more vulnerable to deficiencies. And then there’s the effect of environmental pollution in our air, water and food, which requires high levels of antioxidant vitamins to detoxify and eliminate the free radicals from our bodies.


Are you an athlete or even just a frequent exerciser? Exercise alone increases nutrient needs. All the extra oxygen and energy used throughout your workout necessitates a nutrient consumption that far exceeds the typical recommended daily intake for someone living a sedentary lifestyle. This is where we have the ability to lean on supplements. Supplements provide the body with the necessary nutrients needed not only to function optimally, but to build muscle, improve strength, increase energy - the list goes on. In fact, when taken right and combined with a good diet, trusty ol’ supplements can both enhance your training and give you that nice little advantage needed to out-lift or out-bend your pals.


So there you have it. Supplements aren’t just for gym junkies and body builders alike, they have a place in each and every one of our diets. They’re there to provide a support system for a healthy diet and help to ensure that our glorious little bodies are getting all the essential nutrients needed to thrive!


For more personalised information about supplementation, visit us in-store and have a chat with one of our nutrition experts…

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:13:54 +0000
<![CDATA[Nutritionist Tips For A Beach Ready Bod]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/nutritionist-tips-for-a-beach-ready-bod/

Bikini season is just around the corner. 

Summer’s a comin’ and whether you’re inches away from your bikini body, seeking a last minute strip down or gearing up for a weight loss journey ahead, here are some simple and effective tips and tricks to get your bod beach ready!



Fibre is one of the most underrated tools when it comes to slimming down. Simply because it fills you up without adding lots of extra calories. Think about it – a smoothie is going to do a much better job of filling your tum than a juice containing exactly the same ingredients. Since fibre slows down the digestion process, you’ll feel fuller for longer and those fruit sugars will be absorbed at a much slower rate. Hello stable blood glucose levels and goodbye mid-morning slump! Shoot for 25-35g of fibre per day.



If you’re under the impression that a high protein diet is purely for athletes and body builders, think again! Not only can protein help to build lean muscle and optimize body composition, but it can do a damn fine job of curbing hunger, enhancing satiety and promoting weight loss too. In fact, protein has little effect on the body’s release of insulin and when insulin is low, the body burns more fat. Nifty, right?



Our deep sea pals are high in protein, low in calories, full of essential nutrients and the perfect choice for anyone looking to shed some extra kg’s. Fatty fish like salmon are particularly beneficial as they’re also jam packed with omega-3s which provide a sustained release of energy and help to control appetite. You should be aiming for at least two servings per week.



Spice it up dudes! Herbs and spices are the best way to add flavour to your food minus calories, sugar and sodium – which is essential when you’re trying to shed some extra pounds. Why you ask? Research shows that if you’re not down with the taste of what’s on your plate, you’re a whole lot less likely to stick to your diet, no matter how disciplined you may be.



It turns out the nifty green leaves don’t just have the capacity to energise, revitalise and detoxify - they’ve got the power to shift your fat fighting metabolism into high gear too. This is all thanks to green tea’s potency of metabolism boosting antioxidants. Not so keen on the taste? Give the naturally flavoured green tea sachets a try!



Truth be told, stress can wreak havoc on our eating habits. When you’re under stress, the balance of hormones in the body can change - causing cravings, increased appetite and a predisposition to fat storage. Feeling stressed out? Try walking, yoga, meditation and herbs like kava and ginseng.



Conquering your 3pm choccy cravings can be a tricky feat, so it’s essential to get some fail-safe strategies in place. Get organized by prepping your meals, sticking to an eating schedule, avoiding mindless snacking, steering clear of the chocolate isle and choosing healthy alternatives where possible. Swap out lollies for a bowl of berries, chips for some home-cooked popcorn and ice cream for frozen fruit sorbet. Most importantly, don’t restrict yourself! Deprivation always results in binging and sends you right back to square one!



We all know exercise and diet go hand in hand for weight loss, but as it turns out, your morning workout plays a much bigger role in the grand scheme of things. Exercise has the ability to reduce stress, control the boredom which triggers mindless eating, increase energy, mental clarity and serotonin release; all the while combatting disease and promoting better sleep. Funnily enough, each of these elements have a direct effect on your ability to loose weight. Interesting, right?



Dehydration can cause us to eat more. Our desire to drink water and keep hydrated is particularly weak when compared to our hunger signals, which see us grab food the minute we feel the slightest sensation of hunger. The remedy – Drink a glass of water when you start to feel hungry, wait 15 minutes and see whether its thirst or hunger your body is trying to signify.




Often our struggles to loose weight go far deeper than our poor food choices and lack of exercise to reflect nutrient imbalances within the body. The stresses of modern life make the ability to get all the nutrition our bodies require from food a little tricky. This is where supplements like greens powders, proteins and multivitamins come into play. These nifty little guys take one for the team by proving the body with the extra nutrients it needs to work optimally!

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 02:08:30 +0000
<![CDATA[Top 5 Breakfast Foods To Include In Your Morning Routine]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/top-5-breakfast-foods-to-include-in-your-morning-routine/

Say goodbye to the mid morning munchies! 


The next time you’re rushing out the door in the AM with an empty belly, remember this..  Skipping that all important meal to break-the-fast can have dire effects on your appetite later in the day. We’ve all been there – kale smoothie for breakfast, turkey salad for lunch, 45 chicken nuggets a double bacon burger and a large side of fries for dinner. Sound familiar? Making sure you fill your bod with something nutrient dense in the morning will set you up for success throughout the day. You’ll feel satiated, your brain will actually work and you’ll have the energy to visit the gym you joined on New Year’s Day and are yet to workout in.  


My number one breakfast rule is that your perfect little plate MUST contain both protein and fat. You're about to learn that these two are my favourite members of the macronutrient clan. They both provide a slow and steady release of energy, which keeps you nice and full until lunch rolls around. Complex carbohydrates and fibre are another two very important additions to the breakfast menu and you’re about to find out why.. 


Here’s my top 5 breakfast foods.. 



These bad boys don’t just taste great; they pack a hefty nutritional punch too. You’ve got fibre to keep your digestive system happy, complex carbohydrates to provide a nice big dose of energy, and let’s not forget manganese - the ever important mineral responsible for bone health, skin integrity and blood sugar control. Plus, the humble grain is SUPER versatile! You can make porridge, muffins, pancakes, smoothies, cookies and even bread!



Talk about a perfect little package of protein. At 6g of protein per serve, a couple of eggs accompanied by some avocado and a slice of wholegrain toast makes for an ideal combo that’ll keep the belly full and the taste buds satisfied. Alternatively, their versatility allows for plenty of brekky options like an omelet or frittata. Here's a hot tip - pairing protein and carbohydrate (like eggs and toast) will slow down the process in which the carbohydrates are metabolized, meaning nice stable blood sugars and a slow steady release of energy. Yes please!


Protein Powder

When I say protein powder, I certainly don’t mean you should be spooning it out of the tub for breakfast. What I do mean, is it makes for a sensational breakfast base. Think protein pancakes, smoothies, muffins, heck you can even make protein custard. As you would hope to assume, protein powder provides a nice hefty dose of the macronutrient, which has been found to have a particularly beneficial effect on brain function. This is thanks to the supply of amino acids which act as neurotransmitters and relay messages around the brain. Cool, right?



These babies are definitely a fan fav among the FIT crew. Such an easy way to sneak in some extra fruit and veggies to make sure you’re hitting all those micronutrient RDI’s. Here’s a sneaky tip – frozen zucchini and avocado make a perfect low carb / low sugar smoothie base for those looking to tighten the waistline. Mix the two with a scoop of protein powder, a little bit of milk and viola, you’re set till lunch! Getting your hands on a good quality greens powder is another trick of the trade which makes meeting those requirements a whole lot easier. Not to mention the energy boosting and digestive soothing effects all that chlorophyll will have on your bod.


Chia Seeds

The nutritional profile of these teeny tiny seeds are a whole lot more impressive than their size. Loaded in protein, omega 3’s, vitamins, minerals and fibre; chia really is a one stop nutrient shop. The nifty little seeds are able to absorb 12 times their weight in water - providing a surefire way to prevent dehydration. But their impressive list of credentials doesn’t end there. Soaked in Greek yoghurt, the seeds become gelatinous and make one hell of a pudding. Topped with fruit, nuts and seeds, you’ve got yourself a delicious and equally nutritious breakfast option!

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 01:55:24 +0000
<![CDATA[Why Women Need More Protein]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/why-women-need-more-protein/

How low protein intake could be affecting your health and fitness goals


What was once touted purely as bicep fuel for body builders and gym junkies alike, has since gained traction among the female masses - and with damn good reason! Proteins are the building blocks of life. In fact, every single cell in our glorious little bodies contains protein. While the macronutrients credentials are generally linked in with muscle recovery, repair and growth; proteins’ impressive resume tell us that the string of amino acids has far more to offer…


When we eat protein our digestive processes break the molecule down into amino acids, which are passed into the blood and throughout the body. From this point our cells have the ability to hand-pick the amino acids they need for the production of new body tissue, hormones, enzymes, antibodies, neurotransmitters and blood cells. Impressive, right? The problem is that if we don’t get enough protein through the diet, these processes are impeded, which results in a whole host of issues ranging from muscle wastage, energy loss and hunger, all the way to poor immunity, hormonal imbalances and difficulty losing weight. No thank you!


Ever wondered why you are still peckish an hour after you eat or those post-meal sugar cravings are beyond concerning? Chances are insufficient protein is your culprit. Protein is broken down and digested gradually, which results in a slow sustained release of energy. Ensuring that you are getting a high quality source of protein with each meal will help to safeguard against the dreaded mid-morning slump while keeping those afternoon freddo frog cravings at bay!


As a blanket recommendation it is suggested that active women consume approximately 1g of high quality protein per day for every kg of body weight. So someone exercising daily and weighing in at 65kg would require roughly 65g of protein per day to meet the recommended requirements. While wholefood sources of protein are always the first port of call, meeting these requirements can be a tricky feat for even for the best in the biz.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 01:47:52 +0000
<![CDATA[The Creatine Craze]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-creatine-craze/

What it is, how it works and why you need it in your stack!


Creatine is an amino acid derivative made from arginine, glycine and methionine. It’s produced naturally by the body in the liver, kidneys and pancreas and stored primarily in the muscle. This humble amino acid by-product plays an important role in the tissues where energy levels quickly rise and fall, hence its convenience in the muscle.


The energy requirements of short, sharp bursts of movement are met by the phosphagen system, which quickly replenishes ATP and provides energy to the working cells. However, muscles contain only a certain amount of ATP – enough for a few seconds of hard work. Anything outside of this requires more of the phosphates which ATP is made of.


This is where good old creatine comes to the party! Creatine takes one for the team by donating its phosphate - a process which generates more ATP so you can smash out that final rep. Since creatine plays such a vital role in the mechanics of this system, more creatine means higher ATP potential and an improved performance on short-duration high intensity and explosive tasks. Think sprinting, lifting, throwing, jumping and swimming.


Using supplementation to increasing free creatine within skeletal muscle essentially boosts the naturally occurring energy pools that replenish ATP. Alongside performance, boosting muscle creatine has an additional cell volumizing benefit by drawing water into the muscle. Over time, the swelling which results has the potential to both increase both protein synthesis and glycogen storage. Cool, huh?


Want to know more? Come visit us in-store and chat with one of our nutrition experts about where creatine can fit in your stack!

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 01:38:14 +0000
<![CDATA[Yoga Vs Pilates]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/yoga-vs-pilates/

Which practice is right for you?


Let’s be honest, the world is split between two body stretching troops. But which side should you take? It’s a question all too familiar for health and fitness experts. So what’s the verdict - would pilates or yoga take the cake in a strength and flexibility face off? The truth is, the answer depends on you, on what health and fitness means to you, and on what it is you’re trying to achieve.


We called in our pal Bree Corbett from Elixr Health Clubs to shed a little light on exactly how the strength and lengthening routines differ...


Yoga and Pilates have evolved independently in different corners of the world: yoga in India, and Pilates in Germany. While they are different disciplines, they both have benefits for the mind and body – and together they are a powerful combo for holistic health and wellness.


Yoga: union of the body, mind and breath

This ancient system of philosophies, principles and practices aims to cultivate health and happiness, as well as a greater sense of self-awareness and higher consciousness. While many people in the West are familiar with the physical practice of yoga, a true yogic lifestyle goes beyond this to include proper nutrition, relaxation, meditation, and study of the self and ancient philosophy. It isn’t just about mastering a system of movement; it’s an entire way of being.


I have found yoga to be incredible for relieving stress and anxiety, and for developing resilience, which I believe is crucial for long-term happiness. Yoga’s focus on correct diaphragmatic breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, the key system that allows us to feel calm and peaceful. When our body is calm and peaceful it burns energy efficiently (it helps to burn fat), strengthens our immune system and calms our monkey mind.


Yoga is also unsurpassed in enhancing flexibility and increasing range of joint motion. For long distance runners, cyclists and CrossFit junkies with sore and stiff muscles, yin yoga is the perfect antidote with its key focus on loosening stiff connective tissues in the body.


Pilates: posture, alignment and core conditioning

Popular with dancers and gymnasts, Pilates is also used globally by health practitioners looking to rehabilitate clients with back injuries and other structural ailments.


I have seen first-hand the impact a regular Pilates practice can have on the rehabilitation of a back injury. Unable to sleep from chronic pain and fearful of being on pain medication for the rest of my life, I started practicing Pilates 3–4 times a week. Within 3 months, I was pain free. Understanding that the foundations of functional movement and athletic performance all stem from core strength, correct alignment and posture, I knew Pilates was going to be a permanent fixture in my life


Keen on giving one or maybe even both body balancing practices a try? Come visit us in-store and score yourself a FREE Elixr class pass with each nutritional supplement purchase!

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 01:29:26 +0000
<![CDATA[Detox Protein Brownies Recipe]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/detox-protein-brownies-recipe/

This recipe tastes deliciously sinful but is actually good for you

These brownies are bursting with superstar detox foods, including turmeric, beetroot and avocado, plus protein for muscle support and satiety. They make the perfect healthy indulgence that won’t sabotage your diet, training or Spring cleansing efforts.



1 cup sunflower seeds

3/4 cup almonds

1/2 cup activated buckwheat

1/4 cup goji berries

1/4 cup tahini

Stevia, to taste

¼ cup cacao powder

¼ cup vegan protein powder of choice

1 medium raw beetroot, cubed

1/4 avocado

2 Tbs spirulina

1 Tbs turmeric

2 Tbs almond butter

3 Tbs coconut oil, melted

Pinch Himalayan salt



1 Tbs Maca root powder (great for fertility and hormonal balance)

1 Tbs lucuma (adds a beautiful caramel flavour)




1) Place the sunflower seeds, almonds and buckwheat in your food processor and process until a fine flour forms.


2) Next add the gojis, dates, beetroot and avocado. Blend until broken down.


3) Add all remaining ingredients until well combined and no chunky pieces remain.


4) Press into a baking paper lined tray and place in freezer for one hour or until firm.


5) Remove from tray and cut into small squares (5cm by 5 cm is a good size).

Keep in the fridge and reach for them when you need to retreat into detox bliss!


 About Anna

Anna Mitsios is an Australian Naturopath & Nutritionist, whose love of herbal and natural ingredients provided her with a vision to create Edible Beauty Australia, a luxurious “edible beauty” brand. Anna is committed to creating products founded on naturopathic philosophies, using exotic, natural and certified organic ingredients and encouraging her clients and people who use her skin care to nourish their skin, from the inside, out. 

Website: www.ediblebeautyaustralia.com / Facebook: www.facebook.com/ediblebeautyau/ Instagram: @ediblebeautyau

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 01:22:14 +0000
<![CDATA[10 Rules To Get Your Summer Body]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/10-rules-to-get-your-summer-body/

Implement these easy tips to improve your health and drop the kilos 

You’ve probably read your fair share (or more) of what to do and what not to do if you’re trying to cut the kilos, but there is no magic pill or formula to losing weight. 

First and foremost, you need to create an environment in your body that is conducive to letting the weight come off. This means consistently doing things that support your bodily systems to function at an optimum level. For healthy and sustainable weight loss, it is vital that the endocrine (hormones) and digestive systems are in balance and working properly, blood glucose levels need to be stable throughout the day, the body needs to move and also have adequate rest, and so on.

Here are 10 easy rules that you can start implementing into your lifestyle immediately to help weight loss and increase your overall health.


  1. Detox the Liver Daily

You often hear of going on a “detox” but what we actually need to do is be “detoxing” on an ongoing basis, every day. By supporting your liver to detoxify regularly, your body will be much more readily able to lose weight. The toxins that the liver cannot deal with are often stored in your fatty tissue, making it harder to get rid of. Start your day with a glass of warm water plus the juice of half a lemon or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (to help your liver move the sludge. Herbal teas designed for detoxification are also great too. You may also like to add a quality greens supplement to your routine.


  1. Eat a Good Breakfast

Breakfast is crucial to healthy and sustainable weight loss. Studies have shown that those who eat it are more successful at losing weight and also more likely to keep it off. Chowing down on a wholesome morning meal will start the metabolism and set the tone for stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. Breakfast sends the message to your body to start burning the metabolic furnace. If you eat a low glycemic breakfast this will provide you with a slow release of energy, reducing sugar cravings later on and helping prevent overeating at night. Chose a meal that combines complex carbohydrates, fibre, protein and healthy fats, which is free from processed sugar. Good options include oatmeal with berries and nuts, eggs with spinach and avocado on rye/spelt/sprouted toast, or a low sugar smoothie with protein powder.


  1. Stay Hydrated

It’s important to keep the body hydrated and doing so will benefit your weight loss efforts. Aim for 2-3 litres of pure water a day, depending on your activity level. A good tip is to carry a 1 litre bottle with you and make sure you consume its contents twice throughout the day. Add sliced lemon, ginger and mint to jazz it up! Coconut water is also an excellent choice following heavy exercise as it contains natural electrolytes to replenish stores lost through sweating.


  1. Balance Your Hormones

Hormones are very tricky and when they are out of whack it can make it seemingly impossible to lose weight. They can also be responsible for making you store fat in certain areas, such as around the stomach or on the hips and butt. Thyroid problems are a huge contributor to being unable to shift stubborn fat. Nutritionist Jessica Sepel recommends including iodine in your diet to help balance this thyroid gland. Choose sea vegetables such as nori, wakame and dulse, or supplement with kelp tablet. Maca is another great natural aid for hormone health.


  1. Stress Less

This one relates to the point above. You know stress is bad for you, but do you realise that it is actually impacting your weight? When the human body is under stress, it stops functioning properly. We feel tired and run down, which is not conducive to weight loss. In fact excessive cortisol (the stress hormone) has been shown to be a contributing factor to weight gain, making your body more likely to store fat and less likely to burn it. Please try not to let stress get the better of you! Practice daily stress relief methods such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing. Intimacy is also a fabulous anecdote to the negative effects of stress… just saying!


  1. 30 Minutes of Movement

You have to move it to lose it. Make sure you fit in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and try to incorporate a mix of cardio and weight training into your routine. Exercise burns calories, releases endorphins that relax you and make you feel good, increases the metabolism, strengthens the muscles and is a key component to weight loss. If you’re new to exercise, start off by adding a brisk 30 minute walk in each day and build it from there. Above all, find what you like and what works for you, that way it will be something you can maintain in the long run.


  1. Protein at Every Meal

Protein is the building block for our bodies. It has the highest thermogenic effect of the three macronutrients, meaning it uses the most internal energy to break it down, absorb and use once consumed. It is key to providing satiety (fullness) and a slow release of energy into the blood stream, not to mention its central role in muscle repair and recovery. Aim to include a good quality source of protein with every meal and snack to balance blood sugar levels, keep ghrelin (hunger hormone) in check, and help prevent junk food/ sugar cravings. Good options include raw nuts/seeds, tempe, organic poultry and meats, organic eggs, organic sheep/goat/cow dairy (if tolerated well) and beans.


  1. Get into Probiotics

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that we want to fill our digestive tracts. They are vital for maintaining healthy gut flora which recent studies have shown is key to achieving your body’s optimal weight. When your bacteria is imbalanced, you may be more likely to crave and eat the foods which feed the bad bacteria, such as processed carbohydrates, sugary foods and other junk. Having lots of the good guys will help you digest your food properly, minimise gastrointestinal upsets (such as gas and constipation), and make healthful food choices. Make sure you are including probiotics everyday with a high quality probiotic supplement capsule (available to purchase from FIT).


  1. Embrace Healthy Fats

Forget any of the low fat diet myths you may have heard; fat is good and it’s here to stay. And no, if you consume the right kinds, it certainly won’t make you fat. Having healthy fats in your diet is vital for immunity, vitamin absorption, mood, satiety, lowering bad cholesterol, beautiful hair, skin and nail, among other benefits. Make sure you include a variety of unsaturated fats, such as from nuts, avocado, olive oil and salmon. Saturated fats can also be consumed healthily in moderation in the form of organic dairy (cultured butter is fantastic source of vitamins and minerals), organic meat and poultry, coconut oil and coconut products.


  1. 8 Hours Sleep a Night

Good quality sleep is important for regulating our appetite hormones, feeling good, having energy, bodily repair, and detoxification. Get at least 8 hours a night and refrain from staying up late as this can mess with our body’s circadian rhythms (natural body clock). If you have trouble falling asleep, try not to watch TV or go on the computer right before bed, as the brightness stimulates receptors in our eyes that wake us up.

Don’t eat too close to bedtime either. If your meal is still being digested it can make it difficult to sleep properly. Still struggling? Have a relaxing bath with lavender oil or a calming herbal tea (chamomile or “sleepy time” varieties are great), to relax the mind and body before hopping into bed.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 01:07:23 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Steps To Making Salad A Meal]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-steps-to-making-salad-a-meal/

The ultimate FIT guide to creating a filling and nourishing salad bowl

Yes, salad can be a main meal! You just have to know how to do it right. Making a balanced salad that contains plenty of complex fibre, protein and good fats is a fail proof way to an easy, healthy and sustaining meal. Here’s how:


  1. Fill half your bowl with greens and dark leafy and/or non starchy vegetables (raw, steamed, baked or sautéed in coconut oil). For example:
    • Spinach, kale, lettuce, silverbeet, cabbage
    • Broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts


  1. Chose a fist size piece of high quality protein. Example options include:
    • Organic eggs
    • Organic chicken
    • Seafood
    • Tempe
    • Beans/legumes


  1. Chose a wholefood carbohydrate (approx. 1-2 cups depending on activity level). Examples:
    • Quinoa
    • Brown rice
    • Millet
    • Spouted gluten-free bread
    • Baked pumpkin or sweet potato


  1. Add a healthy fat source, such as:
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
    • ½ avocado
    • 1 tablespoon flaxseeds
    • 1 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
    • Handful of nuts and seeds
    • 1 tablespoon tahini


  1. Complement your meal with:
    • Spices
    • Herbs
    • Himalayan or sea salt
    • Pepper
    • Lemon/lime juice
    • Fermented foods (raw sauerkraut & pickles)


Wed, 05 Jul 2017 01:01:21 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Eat Well Without Dieting]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-eat-well-without-dieting/

A simple approach to eating healthily everyday without going on a diet

Wellness coach Kavisha Jega doesn't like diets and never advocates going on one. Here is her no-fuss way to eat (without dieting) that will keep you glowing and feeling amazing everyday.

Say bye-bye to these foods…

  • Sugar: Refined sugar is addictive, fattening and a leading cause of diseases like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • Seed and Vegetable Oils: Soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, rice bran oil. These are processed fats with a high amount of Omega-6 fatty acids, which are harmful in excess.
  • Trans Fats: Chemically modified fats that are extremely bad for health. Found in some processed foods.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Despite being calorie free, observational studies show a massive correlation with obesity and related diseases.
  • “Diet” and “Low-Fat” Products: Most of these “health foods” aren’t healthy at all. They tend to be highly processed and loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Highly Processed Foods: Foods that are highly processed are usually low in nutrients and high in artificial colours, flavours and chemicals.


Eat more of these foods that will make you feel awesome…

  • Fruit and Vegetables: Contain fibre and many nutrients that are essential for the human body. Eat fruit everyday and vegetables at EVERY MEAL.
  • Organic Meat: Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, etc. Unprocessed meat is good for you, especially if the animals ate natural foods (like beef from grass-fed cows).
  • Fish: Healthy, satisfying and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients. You should eat fish (preferably fatty fish like salmon) every week. Tinned sardines are also fantastic.
  • Eggs: Eggs are the perfect little package of protein + fat. The yolk is the most nutritious part so make sure you eat it! Choose organic and free range.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Rich in various nutrients. Eat in moderation everyday.
  • High-Fat Dairy: Cheese, cream, butter, full-fat yogurt, etc. are rich in healthy fats and calcium. Dairy from grass-fed cows will be rich in Vitamin K2, which is very important for health. Always choose organic dairy.
  • Fats and Oils: Avocado, extra virgin olive oil, butter, ghee, coconut oil. Do not fear the fat. Use saturated fats (butter, coconut oil, ghee) for cooking.


At the end of the day it’s important to remember to just eat “Real food”. Minimally processed, no packaging, seasonal, local and organic whenever possible!


About Kavisha

Holding a Masters degree in Wellness, Kavisha works to promote optimal health and wellbeing by teaching people how to move away from processed foods and towards a more nourishing whole foods diet. Her educational seminars and cooking workshops draw on her knowledge of whole food cooking and passion for wellness to show everyday people that healthy eating can be easy and attainable. A lover of all things food and travel, Kavisha also has a wellness travel practice, which focuses on connecting health savvy travellers with good food by showcasing local, organic and whole food experiences all over the world.

W: www.kavishajega.com / F: www.facebook.com/kavishajega / I: @kavisha_jega / Y: www.youtube.com/kavishajega / E: info@kavishajega.com

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:55:35 +0000
<![CDATA[The Priceless Beauty Technique You Need To Start Now]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-priceless-beauty-technique-you-need-to-start-now/

This beauty secret doesn’t come in a bottle or tablet and works much better too

When it comes to looking and feeling beautiful, one of the techniques I always introduce to my naturopathy clients is SLN. It may sound like the next high tech brain re-wiring or food intolerance testing technique, however it is in fact way more powerful and more importantly – it’s free. It is Self-Love & Nurturing.


While it is easy to dismiss self-love or pampering, it is actually a critical component of any beauty routine. Read on for three key SLN methods that will help you nurture your inner and outer glow.


  1. Beauty Sleep


Sleep is critical for the growth and renewal of all body systems, including the skin. A reduction in sleep leads to a decrease in the body’s release of melatonin, a natural antioxidant secreted at night which acts to prevent the skin from free radical damage. This is one of the reasons poor sleep may lead to accelerated aging and reduced skin health.


The other reason that sleep may make you look older is that a lack of sleep increases the body’s release of the stress hormone cortisol. Excess cortisol in the body will influence the breakdown of skin collagen, the protein that keeps the skin smooth and elastic.


I have three favourite herbs for combating stress and promoting sleep:

  • Passionflower is a beautiful herb for relaxing and calming and is particularly effective when there may be many circulating thoughts preventing sleep.
  • Chamomile is another wonderful herbal antidote for stress and anxiety and acts as a relaxant, promoting sleep and calming the body.
  • Skullcap as the name suggests, focuses on reducing anxiety associated with mental stress. It is a comforting herb which has traditionally been used to alleviate nervous tension and exhaustion and works to promote emotional well-being and relaxation during times of stress.
  1. Switch Off


Time and time again I see clients who feel so burdened by work issues, with no down time, feeling they need to be constantly in work mode - checking emails, responding to calls and thinking about work at least 14 hours per day. This work-dominated culture we have produced means we are constantly exposed to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMFs) from our computers, smart phones and other electronic devices. Radiation exposure at the levels we are exposed to on a daily basis can result in skin burns, dry, wrinkled skin and what is known as photo aging.

To switch off from EMFs:

  • Switch off from all electronic devices at least two hours before sleep.
  • Invest in a proven EMF blocker.
  • Do not sleep with your phone next to you or put it in aeroplane mode to prevent you checking it in the middle of the night.
  • Aim to have at least 10 hours of the day EMF free (you may be surprised at how difficult this is!).
  1. Allow Yourself to Receive


We often think that we must be constantly giving to others and that we do not deserve to be pampered or receive. However, when we allow ourselves to self-pamper and receive we actually build a supply of energy, strength and confidence that allows us to be the radiant beings we deserve to be.


There is no need to wait for others to give back to you - practice doing your best to receive from yourself. You can indulge yourself without guilt. A few of my favourite ways include having a relaxing massage, switching my phone off and enjoying a day in the ocean or lighting beautifully scented candles and reading a light hearted book in bed.


 About Anna

Anna Mitsios is an Australian Naturopath & Nutritionist, whose love of herbal and natural ingredients provided her with a vision to create Edible Beauty Australia, a luxurious “edible beauty” brand. Anna is committed to creating products founded on naturopathic philosophies, using exotic, natural and certified organic ingredients and encouraging her clients and people who use her skin care to nourish their skin, from the inside, out. 

Website: www.ediblebeautyaustralia.com / Facebook: www.facebook.com/ediblebeautyau / Instagram: @ediblebeautyau

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:51:25 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Simple Tricks To Increase Your Calorie Burn During Workouts]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-simple-tricks-to-increase-your-calorie-burn-during-workouts/

Rev your calorie burn without needing to exercise for even a minute

Would you like to burn more calories without spending extra time at the gym? Well really, who wouldn’t? In our time-poor society, it’s all about getting maximum gain in the most efficient way possible. Making just a few small tweaks to your exercise regime can amp up your calorie burn, so give these workout hacks a try:


1. Add weight

When it comes to burning calories through weight training, it’s all about the volume you’re lifting, not the amount of reps. Research shows that when exercisers lifted the same total volume but with different weights and reps, it was those using the heavy weights for fewer reps that burned approximately 25 per cent more calories by the end of the workout. "Heavy weights create more protein breakdown in the muscle, so your body has to use more energy to repair and recover,” says researcher Anthony Caterisano, PhD. In turn this creates lean muscle mass which has the positive effect of raising your basal metabolic rate (BMR) so you actually burn more calories 24/7.


2. Go outside

Aside from the benefit of interesting scenery, hitting the ground running outdoors can really rev up your calorie burn. Running or walking outdoors has been proven to burn an extra 10 per cent of calories when compared to doing the activity at the same speed on a treadmill. "You use more energy to propel yourself over the ground," explains fitness expert Jay Blahnik, author of Full Body Flexibility, "and pushing a little against the wind or other elements burns more calories, too." If you usually warm up before a weights session, try jogging outside of the gym and then head inside for the lifting.


3. Up the incline

If you are working out on the treadmill, push yourself by upping the incline to increase your calorie burn by up to 60 per cent, plus get a toned backside. Aiming for somewhere between a 5-7 per cent incline is ideal. 


Prevention Magazine recommends the following method for safely raising the level on your treadmill:


  • Don't lean. Maintain an upright posture; keep your shoulders over your hips; your hips over your ankles.
  • Start easy. Do a 5-minute slow walk and then a 10-minute brisk pace before adding your first hill.
  • Go 5 and 5. Alternate 5-minute hills with 5 minutes of level walking. Repeat as often as you like. Cool down for 5 minutes.


4. Use high intensity bursts

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be the most effective strategy for burning a large amount of calories in a short amount of time and is especially good for burning fat. The basic idea involves alternating low to moderate intensity intervals with high intensity burst of vigorous exercise. If you don’t already use this technique in your training, now is the time to google “HIIT workouts” and start reaping the rewards from putting in the short and hard yards. As a bonus, in one study, participants of a HIIT program burned nearly 100 more calories per day during the 24 hours after exercise too.


5. Swing your arms

Getting those fists pumping as your walk can increase your calorie burn by up to 15 per cent. Holding your arms with a 90-degree elbow bend, push forward with each step as you power away. The movement is thought to encourage a quicker pace and also adds another dimension to your activity, equating to a heightened calorie burn over the course of the workout. It’s kind of fun too!

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:32:08 +0000
<![CDATA[The Reasons You’re Still Hungry After Dinner]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-reasons-youre-still-hungry-after-dinner/

Could one of these be the cause of your nighttime munchies?

Can't stop eating even after you've finished a good dinner? We've all been there before, but loading your body with food before bed is counterintuitive to your health. Here are some of the top culprits that lead to post-dinner binging.


You didn’t eat enough during the day

If you haven’t consumed enough throughout the day, your blood sugar levels have probably been allover the place. When your blood sugar is unstable, it leaves you feeling hungry and cravings are intensified – often for sugary or junk food options, which provide an energy quick fix. Make sure you start your day with a balanced and nutritious breakfast and eat at regular intervals throughout in order to keep yourself full throughout the whole day, as well as keeping your energy levels sky high. 


You’re dehydrated

It’s easy to become dehydrated and not be aware of it. The feeling of slight dehydration can be very similar to the feeling of hunger, which means people sometimes mistake the two. If you’re still hungry after your dinner, drink a big glass of water and wait 15-20 minutes to see if it has appeased the feeling. Chances are, all you needed was the water.


You didn’t have enough veggies

Non-starchy vegetables should be enjoyed in ample quantities at dinnertime. They are high in water and fibre, making them naturally low in calories and satiating. Dark leafy green vegetables are the best choices, such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard and broccoli. These vegetables are also rich in folate and vitamin K, which help prevent weigh gain and fatigues, as well as assisting with food cravings by regulating insulin levels. Chowing down on non-starchy vegetables and greens will help fill you up and nourish your body, so you aren’t left wanting more food later. 


Your dinner was lacking protein or fat

Protein and healthy fats are both essential nutrients that provide satiety after meals. They take longer for the body to digest, which helps to promote a sense of fullness, whilst also being low glycemic. Eating a dinner rich in lean or vegan protein sources and a moderate portion of good fats (such as coconut or olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds) is a great way to prevent nighttime hunger pangs.


You’re bored or emotional

There are many reasons that we eat aside from being hungry and at the top of the list are boredom and emotional comfort. If you’ve consumed a balanced and nutritious meal, you should be left satisfied. If you’re not and find yourself scouring the pantry for more food, ask yourself if it’s real hunger or something else. Are you bored? Are you feeling upset? While it may seem like a good idea at the time, using food as a distraction or emotional crutch isn’t helpful. Instead, call a friend, take a bath or curl up in bed with tea and a book.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:23:33 +0000
<![CDATA[Spring Detox Salad Recipe]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/spring-detox-salad-recipe/

This is Kelly Gellner's favourite “Eat Yourself Skinny” detox salad

Springtime is the perfect season for cleansing and eating detox promoting foods. FIT loves this recipe from Kelly of Eat Yourself Skinny, which is bursting with good stuff. 


“This detox salad is legit loaded with so many delicious veggies such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale and cabbage, has such great texture with the added sunflower seeds and crunchy almonds, and it literally makes a TON so you are sure to have plenty to last you the whole week!  I just love making this because I can easily just throw everything into my food processor, blend away and I’m done.  Doesn’t get much easier than that, huh?” says Kelly. Yep, we’re sold! 


  • 2 cups kale
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 2 cups Brussels sprouts, roughly chopped
  • 2 cups red cabbage, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup carrots, roughly chopped
  • ½ cup fresh parsley
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 1 to 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds
  • For the dressing:
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ cup lemon juice (or juice of two lemons)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • 3 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp. honey (or maple syrup)
  • ¼ tsp. sea salt


  1. Using a food processor, process all the veggies up to the parsley until finely chopped and mix together in a large bowl. This may take a few batches.
  2. Add almonds to the food processor and pulse, until roughly chopped, and mix in with the salad along with the sunflower seeds.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing and drizzle over top of the salad OR place in a jar and use as needed. Enjoy!
Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:06:11 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Signs Of A Good Workout]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-signs-of-a-good-workout/


Here's the hot proof you just nailed your exercise session

Many people think the more you sweat, the better your workout, but this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, the amount of fluid you lose is highly subjective and even comes down to genetics. The fitter you get, the less you can judge how effective your workout was from sweat and sore muscles alone. So what are the tell-tale signs that you’ve kicked some serious butt during your exercise session? Here are 5 signs of a good workout:


1. You couldn’t hold a conversation

Struggling to chat to your gym buddy during your workout is a surefire sign you’re exercising at a good level. Scientifically, this means you are working at a relatively high Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), which is defined by the American Council of Exercise as "use of a 0-to-10 chart to rate the feelings caused by your exertion." For example, 0 would be resting on your couch and 10 would be your absolute limit before passing or not being able to physically continue. Personal trainer Kerri Lyn Ford recommends aiming high in an article on the Huffington Post; “I tell my clients to work at a higher rate of perceived exertion because most people think they are working out at an 8 when they are only at a 5.”


2. Your heart was thumping fast

When your heart rate is up, you known what you’re doing is working. An elevated heart rate is a great indicator of calories being burned and your aerobic capacity increasing. Try using a HR monitor to get an accurate reading throughout your workout, which can help you determine if you’re exercising within your target heart rate zone. A quick google search will show you how to calculate your maximum heart rate and you can then check against this to stay at the right intensity. “When you're doing cardio to burn fat, you want to stay in the range of 65%-70% of your maximum heart rate. If the goal is to increase stamina and aerobic capacity, you aim for 85%,” suggests personal trainer Matt Danielsson.


3. You went with quality over quantity

Unless you’re training for an endurance event, it’s usually better to workout at a higher intensity for a shorter time period. “Exercises engaging fast-twitch muscle fibers (plyometric drills, sprints and High-Intensity Interval Training) burn more calories during your workout and maximize calories burned afterward (known as the after-burn effect.) The same holds true for compound strength training movements activating more than one muscle at once,” says Ford. If you went hard for a shorter amount of time rather than a lighter intensity that was sustainable, it’s a sign your workout rocked.


4. Muscle Fatigue

Did you feel your muscles giving out by the end of your session, despite your mind telling them to push on? Not being able to do the sprint at the end of your circuit or struggling to finish the last couple of reps are surefire signs that you’ve just worked out to maximum exertion. Remember to be careful not to push yourself past this point, as that can adversely result in injury.


5. You felt amazing afterwards and slept like a baby

Two of the great perks of a good workout are the exercise high that follows and the fantastic sleep the night following it. After you finish your session you should feel elevated and energised, not depleted. If you’ve worked at a good intensity, you should still have a bit of fuel left in the tank and will be feeling on top of the world due to the endorphins produced in the body post exercise. When you go to bed that evening, you should sleep soundly. This is a nifty byproduct of the hormones and cytokines released during exercise, which interact with neurotransmitters in your brain

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 23:47:24 +0000
<![CDATA[Fit Nutrition Fix Gets Lit With Stylerunner]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/fit-nutrition-fix-gets-lit-with-stylerunner/

LIT is Sydney’s latest health-conscious lifestyle space that will blow your mind

Stylerunner, the leading destination for the world’s most coveted activewear, this month, launches their first concept store – in pop-up form. Located in Sydney’s Paddington and labelled Stylerunner LIT #liveintrainers, Stylerunner will use this space to give back to fans in the way of an immersive concept space which encourages customers to interact and be their best self.


The Stylerunner LIT #liveintrainers store will sell new and exclusive product that is available only in-store. Featuring a personalisation bar by Mon Purse for apparel and shoes, Stylerunner LIT will also have a team of dedicated stylists on hand throughout the week and on weekends to help customers with their purchases.


Stylerunner LIT will be a lifestyle space with health-conscious food, drink and bespoke nutritional product on offer by FIT Nutrition Fix; the space will also be used to host events such as weekly hip hop yoga sessions and HIIT classes.


The Stylerunner LIT space is designed and directed by Federico Maccapani (@MBROIDERED) and has been created to appeal to all the senses - with a retail first light installation in collaboration with Philips HUE.


What you can expect:

- FIT Nutrition Fix Corner

- A team of dedicated stylists on hand

- A personalisation bar

- Healthy food and drinks

- New and exclusive products and specials (including 15% off our naturals range, with incredible brands such as Prana On, Passion Projects, and Fusion vitamins! )


Stylerunner LIT will be running from 3 September to 31 October at 17 Oxford Street Paddington. For a timetablewww.stylerunner.com/LIT of events, stay tuned to www.stylerunner.com/LIT

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 23:29:45 +0000
<![CDATA[Why You Want To Be Alkaline & How To Do It]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/why-you-want-to-be-alkaline-how-to-do-it/

Your easy guide to the what, why and how of optimal body pH balance

Health and balance are like two best friends - a fabulous and inseparable duo. At a biochemical level in the human body, maintaining the balance of alkalinity and acidity in our fluids and tissues is vitally important for overall health. The good news is that nutrition and lifestyle choices are the key factors that impact upon how alkaline or acidic your body is at any given time, meaning you have the power to tip the scale in the favourable direction. Hint: your body loves to be alkaline!



The Acid-Alkaline Principle

So what exactly is the acid-alkaline principle? Let’s get scientific. To measure the balance between alkalinity and acidity the pH level is used. The pH refers to the ‘potential of hydrogen,’ and measures the amount of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. The higher the ion concentration, the greater the acidity, the lower the ion concentration, the more alkaline it is. The pH is measured on the scale of 0–14: 7 being neutral, 14 being extremely alkaline and 0 being most acidic. When alkalinity increases, so too does oxygen. Since oxygen is vital to human life and healthy cells thrive in an aerobic environment, it makes sense that we ideally want to maintain a slightly alkaline pH level in our bodies. For optimum health, the blood pH should fall on or very close to the magic number of 7.365 on the scale.


Factors that Increase Acidity 

Now that we’ve got the basic chemistry under our belt, let’s take a look at the bad guys. It’s time to know your enemies and stop them robbing your precious body of a happy, alkaline existence. Unfortunately the contemporary lifestyle is host to a plethora of stressors that leave one living in a less-than-ideal acidic state. At the forefront are poor nutritional choices. The over consumption of “food like substances,” to borrow the term from Michael Pollan, which are highly processed, sugar-filled, artificially-laden and flooded with saturated and trans fats, greatly increase the acidity in the human body. Stress, overworking, poor sleep, a lack of exercise and technological radiation are other common factors that contribute to an acidic pH. 


Why We Want Alkaline

If you’re not feeling your best and suspect you may be too acidic, it’s time to join the alkaline tribe and reap the benefits that leading an alkaline life can bring both your body and mind. A huge burden will be taken off your liver, allowing toxins to be processed and eliminated effectively so that your organs and cells can function at peak performance. This means better digestive processes, increased energy, slower aging, beautiful skin and a peaceful mood, among other benefits. Being alkaline also greatly reduces your chances of illness, as many diseases, such as cancer, are anaerobic (read: flourish in an oxygen depleted environment). So let’s flood our bodies with oxygen and alkalise, baby, alkalise!


Eat Your Way There

The first place you want to start is with your diet by adopting a way of eating that follows the balance of the acid-alkaline principle. Most of the foods that are highly acidic are the ones we know we should limit or avoid, such as processed foods, refined sugar, sodas, artificial sweeteners, red meat and dairy products. On the flip side, alkaline forming foods are the healthy ones, with greens, sprouts, non-starchy vegetables and ripe fruits topping the list. A good ratio to aim for is to 70-80% of your diet coming from alkaline foods, with the remaining 20-30% made up of acid forming foods. However, it’s favourable that the acidic portion of your diet be consumed in the form of healthy acid foods, some of which are brown rice, salmon, and certain nuts. You can find many resources on the internet that provide acid-alkaline food charts to help you better understand how the food choices you make will affect your pH and then chow down accordingly. 

Adding a daily greens supplement to your diet is an easy way to help alkalise your body. FIT has a wide range to choose from in our online store and at our Bondi Junction and Sydney City locations.



Other lifestyle factors you can bring on board for your alkaline journey are practising relaxation techniques (such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing), daily exercise, drinking lots of good quality water, getting enough sunlight, and enjoying plenty of time spent with the people we love.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 23:23:47 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Get Out Of A Workout Rut]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-get-out-of-a-workout-rut/

Break out and discover newfound zest for your exercise routine

These handy tricks will help you break through a plateau, train better or get out of that workout funk.

Pump your tunes

Blasting your music can have a powerful effect on your workout. The right tunes can help improve energy efficiency and get you through the toughest moments of your fitness routine. Research has also indicated that music of a certain tempo (believed to be 125 to 140 beats per minute) may boost motivation and reduce the feeling of how hard you’ve exerted yourself. This then allows you to mentally and physically strive for harder.


Grab a workout buddy

Working out with someone else, whether a friend, family member or your significant other, can help your workouts in more ways than one. It’s great for getting you to squeeze in that workout, have fun while doing it, keep you accountable and can also inspire you to work harder.

The secret? Choose a workout buddy that you see as fitter than you and research suggests it could increase how long and hard you workout by up to a huge 200 per cent!


Use fitness apps & trackers

Engaging technology is a great way to get out of that workout rut. There are plenty of fitness apps available that do everything from take you through a yoga class, track your reps and sets at the gym, or match music to your heart rate. Here are 6 fitness apps that FIT loves.


Fitness trackers that you wear on your wrist are fantastic for keeping you accountable and keeping a record of your progress, patterns and overall health. If you’re looking to purchase one, check out FIT’s pick of 4 of the best.


Mobilise & rest your body

We often put our bodies through more than they can comfortably handle. With the stresses of everyday life and the physical impact of training, it’s easy to overdo it. If you don’t mobilise your muscles and take active rest days, it can result in strains and poor recover. This means your muscles will not be functioning together optimally, hindering your workouts and making injury more likely.


To improve your mobility and range of motion during your workout, try incorporating foam rolling into your fitness regime and make sure you stretch before and after your workouts.


Enlist a trainer

There are times when you simply need some help with getting motivated, showing up to your workouts and improving your exercise repertoire. The solution can often be to get yourself professional help. Studies have shown that having a personal trainer supervise a workout means you’ll try harder, have a more intense session and reap better results. 


Get more sleep

Maximising your snooze time means you’ll have more energy and stamina for a good workout. Aim to get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. If you need some help, a sleep support supplement may be for you.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 23:15:38 +0000
<![CDATA[This Is Why You're Not Losing Fat]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/this-is-why-youre-not-losing-fat/


One of the most frustrating things can be when you think you’re doing everything right in order to loose weigh but you’re not getting any results for all your hard work. At worst, you could even be gaining more fat, which is a recipe for loosing motivation and feeling like nothing you do will work. Stop! More often than not, one or more of these silent showstoppers are what’s really holding you back from hitting your weight loss goals. 

Health and fitness expert Libby Babet shares 5 of the most common reasons why you’re not losing fat and how to counteract them:

1. You think your diet is healthy… but it isn’t.
If your diet consists of a whole lot of “diet products”, guess what? That’s not real food. If you are consuming low calorie drinks, low carb noodles, protein bread, low-fat cereal or long-life guacamole, it’s definitely not the same thing as your body receiving real, nourishing food in its natural form. My advice is to try to steer clear of eating too many things with labels! If you can’t pronounce the ingredients 

2. You’re burnt out
If you’re stressed at work, going hard at the gym, not getting enough sleep, chugging coffee and generally operating at a million miles an hour, you could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. 


When you’re constantly working your adrenal glands, which are your first line of defence for managing stress, your body will produce hormones like cortisol and insulin (as a result of all the cortisol). This is okay every now and again, but when it happens chronically, excess of these hormones can mean that you can’t burn fat no matter what exercise or diet program you follow. 


If this sounds like you, see a holistic doctor for a plan to restore the health of your adrenals and start your own healing by cutting out coffee, refined sugar and alcohol, making sure you get 7-8 hours sleep (minimum!) each night to help rebalance your hormones, and perhaps consider taking up meditation, yoga, or even just regular walks in the great outdoors. Eat a diet rich in wholefoods and low in chemicals and… turn all your screens off after 7pm. Tough love!

3. Your gut isn’t happy
A lot of health issues start in your digestive system, so if you’re constantly feeling discomfort in your tummy, it might be worth getting checked. A poorly functioning gut can affect your immune system, create hormonal imbalances and be the catalyst for blood sugar fluctuations, all of which make it harder to lose weight and keep it off. 


Get yourself off to see a professional for this one, or start by including a quality probiotic supplement, fermented foods, healing bone broths and and more fibrous vegetables in your diet.

4. Your blood sugar levels are unstable
When your blood sugar levels are chronically elevated, or fluctuating between high and low, it results in imbalanced insulin. Insulin is the storage hormone that shuttles glucose from your blood stream to your cells – either your muscle or fat cells. If you often feel ‘starving’ between meals, crave sugar constantly, or have a diet high in sweets and carbohydrates, you may be in this category, which makes fat loss really tough.


Make sure you get a checkup first, then try a 2-week challenge to turn your insulin issues around. Remove all refined sugar, sauces/toppings and simple carbs, such as white bread, pasta, rice, crackers and baked goods, from your diet. Instead load up on quality proteins from meat, fish and eggs, plus healthy fats like avocado, chia seeds and organic dairy, as well as plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Getting off the blood-sugar rollercoaster will do wonders for your health and waistline. 


5. You’re not doing the right kind of training for your body or age
We’re all different. Some people suit a lot of cardio, while others respond better to weight training, and for others, yoga or pilates are key. If you’ve been doing the same thing with your sessions for a while, try shaking it up by switching your ratios around. Ditch a few cardio sessions and replace them with strength work, or add a few yoga sessions to your week. You know what they say about doing the same old thing and expecting different outcomes!

It’s also important to be aware that your needs may change as you get older. In your 20s, cardio will often be more than enough to get you through. In your 30s, strength training becomes more important. From 40, flexibility is harder to maintain and from 50 onwards, functional and balance training are critical. Remember that multi-directional and rotation training are important throughout every stage. 

By health and fitness expert Libby Babet
Libby Babet has a long line of credentials under her belt. As a known health specialist, presenter and writer, fitness expert for Women's Fitness Magazine, owner of AGOGA and' Bottoms Up!' Fitness, and brand ambassador for Lululemon and Vie Active, Libby’s passion for wellbeing makes her one of Australia’s favourite health and fitness personalities.


Tue, 04 Jul 2017 17:47:02 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Stick To Your Fitness Goals]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-stick-to-your-fitness-goals/


Keep your eyes on the fitness prize with these tips from celebrity trainer Ben Lucas

It’s one thing to make fitness goals, but keeping them is a whole other ball game. Sure, you had the best intentions when you pledge to yourself to go to the gym 6 days a week as the new year clocks over, or when you swear to yourself that you’ll stop the late night snacking and get that six pack you’ve been lusting after for years…but somehow it all fell to the wayside and you found yourself back to where you started before long.

Let’s face it: temporary changes do little good for our health in the long run. To make real changes, smash goals and get to where you want to be, you need to be persistent and stay on track.

It’s certainly easier said than done, so FIT picked the brains of celebrity trainer and co-founder of Flow Athletic, Ben Lucas, on his top tips to keep to your fitness goals:


1. Set a goal you feel excited about

If you are setting a goal around something that you don’t even enjoy, the odds of you sticking to it will be slim. When setting yourself a goal, choose something that you genuinely want to accomplish, so that you will be willing to put in the hard work to get there.


2. Know why you are doing it

Identify the reasons why you are setting your goal. If the benefits of achieving your goal are important enough to you, you will be more likely to reach it. Write it down somewhere as a reminder, so that when you feel like throwing in the towel, you can reflect on why you started.


3. Don’t go in with an “all-or-nothing” approach

In my opinion, this is arguably the biggest reason why healthy lifestyle changes are not followed through. The danger of an “all-or-nothing” approach is that one minor slip up can derail the journey entirely. Just because you make a minor mistake, it doesn’t mean giving up. Allow yourself to make mistakes and get straight back on track. Remember, when it comes it health, it’s definitely not black and white – you always need room for flexibility.


4. Try new things to find your fit

There are such a wide variety of fitness programs and activities available that it’s possible to just keep trying new things until you find something you like. My advice would be to give everything a couple of tries, so you can make a clear decision on whether it’s the right fit for you. If you enjoy your workouts, you’ll be much more likely to stick to your routine.


5. Incorporate fitness habits into your daily life

You won’t even realise you’re working out if you make your downtime more active. For example, if you are someone who watches a lot of Netflix, you could always get a resistance band and some dumbbells and you can do a few exercises while you are relaxing. Doing planks, squats, or bicep curls when you’re watching TV or listening to music at home is a great way make your relaxation time productive.


6. Track it with an app

There are a variety of apps on offer that track your daily steps, activity and/or calorie intake. These are great for keeping yourself in check, and seeing where you are in relation to your goals, which is great motivation to keep on going.


7. Be aware of your fuel

They say that the key to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise and I agree with this statement to an extent. A healthy diet boosts the metabolism, increases energy levels, allowing you to exercise harder, and improves an individual’s overall wellbeing. Bear in mind that everyone has different dietary requirements and goals, so if you are unsure about what works for you, consult a professional to help you.

Ben Lucas

Ben Lucas has been in the fitness industry for 18 years. Prior to opening Flow Athletic he owned 3 successful personal training businesses and was an NRL player for the Cronulla Sharks. He is a regular voice on health and fitness in the media. Ben has several high profile clients who are fans of his dynamic and results-driven training methods. 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 17:39:17 +0000
<![CDATA[Supplement Spotlight: Glutamine]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/supplement-spotlight-glutamine/ The amino acid that can shorten recovery, increase muscle growth, improve digestion and support immunity

What is glutamine? 

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue, but can become depleted during intense exercise - which decreases strength and lengthens recovery glutamine also plays an important role in protein synthesis (the creation of muscle tissue) and for best results needs to be in a positive balance. On top of that, glutamine is the major component in the immune factor glutathione, a deficiency of which often leaves hard-training athletes vulnerable to colds or infections. 


How can glutamine benefit my training?

Athletes and bodybuilders most often take supplemental glutamine before, during, and after training to improve endurance, reduce muscle breakdown, and accelerate recovery.


How does it actually work?

Glutamine plays a crucial role in cell volumising and has powerful muscle building effects, promoting protein synthesis while inhibiting protein breakdown. It has been shown to help aid in increasing protein synthesis and growth hormone secretion, promoting nitrogen retention and muscle cell volumisng, speeding recovery after workouts, optimising glucose and insulin function, and helping prevent muscle breakdown.


Is it just for body builders and people strength training?

No, many people can benefit from supplementing with glutamine, aside from weight trainers. It is also a powerful gut aid, with your small intestines actually requiring the most glutamine of anywhere in the body to assist with rebuilding the lining. It is also an important factor in keeping a healthy immune system.


How should I take it?

Bodybuilders should take 10 to 15 grams of glutamine a day, supplementing it 2 to 3 times daily, with each serving at around 5 grams.

The best times to take glutamine are in the morning, after a workout, and at night before bedtime.

L-Glutamine can also be taken with meals or in your smoothie to replace muscle glutamine stores, and rebuild glutathione levels. For general health, you may take one serving a day, or as advised by your healthcare professional.


Find it in our FIT smoothies: Muscle, Rip, Recovery, Strip, Tone, Immunity

Buy it from FIT: we stock Body Ripped L-Glutamine, APS Glutamine, Muscle Pharm Glutamine and EHP Labs Glutamine

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 17:34:33 +0000
<![CDATA[7 Must Have Kitchen Gadgets For Fit Foodies]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/7-must-have-kitchen-gadgets-for-fit-foodies/ These handy items will revolutionise your healthy food game

FIT has rounded up 7 kitchen gadgets that will make preparing and eating your healthy food easier, whilst also saving you time. What’s not to love? If you don’t already own them, make sure you add these trusty items to your kitchen repertoire immediately!



Zucchini noodles, AKA “zoodles”, have become a favourite for fit foodies as a naturally gluten free, low carb alternative to regular pasta or noodles. Owning a spiraliser allows you to make your own thin spaghetti like strips from a variety of vegetables (you definitely don’t have to stick to zucchini - carrot, beetroot and sweet potato are also excellent options) in a matter of moments. If you don’t have the storage space or regular need for a full-sized spiraliser, there are also very affordable handheld options which get the job done too.


Compact “bullet” blender

The bullet blender has changed the game for smoothie makers around the world. Simply throw your ingredients in, attach the blade lid and clip into the motorised base to whizz together. Moments later, you have a health-packed blend ready to drink straight from the cup. It’s perfect for those who don’t have much time in the morning to prepare breakfast and need to take it on the go.

These blenders also take up little bench space and are fantastic for making all sorts of healthy sauces, dressings, dips and soups.


Kale & greens stripper

It’s clear that kale is here to stay, but the one downside to this wonder veggie is preparing it with all those pesky, fibrous stems that need to be removed. Enter the kale and greens stripper. A small, handheld item, with 8 different sized holes, you simply pull the stem end through and the leaves are neatly stripped off. The smaller holes are ideal for preparing other fresh produce, such as herbs or spinach.


Salad spinner

The humble salad spinner is a much underrated kitchen gadget. No one likes unwashed lettuce, but there’s nothing worse than a soggy salad. Adding this super simple tool to your culinary arsenal makes cleaning lettuce an easy (even fun!) task.

Just fill basket with rinsed salad greens, place in bowl, close lid and press top knob to spin. You’ll be amazed at just how much water comes off too!


Sprouting jar 

Sprouts are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are literally living plant food, which means that they are bursting with enzymes. If you’re sprouting legumes or grains, the germination process also removes enzyme inhibitors, making them much easier to digest.

A sprouting jar features a stainless steel screen and you simply place two tablespoons of seeds or 1/2 cup of legumes/grains inside with three times as much water as seed, soak overnight, rinse seeds in fresh, luke-warm water and drain again. Replace in a cool spot on the kitchen counter and they should be ready to eat in 3-5 days.


Avocado slicer

Ah, how to create those Instagram worthy avocado slices? With the “avo-slide” slicer of course! This neat invention will give you picture perfect cutting in one swift movement. Next, fan the slices, twist them, put them on toast or salad – there’s a whole world of possibility!



Smoothie and acai bowl connoisseurs, pay attention! The hybrid straw-spoon will change the way you eat them forever.

A simple but clever device, the straw-spoon is a stainless steel straw with a spoon scoop attached to the end, so you and slurp and shovel your smoothie bowls with ease. Perfect for getting to the melting parts, whilst also being able to spoon-feed yourself the thick parts and delicious toppings.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 06:14:35 +0000
<![CDATA[4 Workouts For Recovery Day]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/4-workouts-for-recovery-day/ Embrace movement-based recovery and get results

You don’t need to be working out and training hard every day to reach your fitness goals. In fact, doing so would be counterintuitive, since our bodies need time to rest and regenerate for optimum results. Your muscles need to be able to repair and slower forms of movement are also beneficial for managing stress levels.


Recovery and regeneration should be an important part of any fitness regime. Having 1-2 days of active rest a week is recommended for best results.


Here are 4 exercises to incorporate into your next movement-based recovery day. Click on the image for each to read more.


1. Practise Foam Rolling

2. Go for a Scenic Walk

3. Have a Stretch Session

4. Get Your Yoga On

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 05:44:23 +0000
<![CDATA[4 Drinks That Assist Digestion]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/4-drinks-that-assist-digestion/ Sip on these tummy-loving beverages and beat the bloat

One of the most common health complaints are digestive issues. From constipation to flatulence, it’s no fun. But sometimes a natural remedy is only a cup away, so Fit has rounded up 4 of nature’s superstar drinks that help digestion.


Lemon Water

You can’t get a tip easier than this. Simply squeezing lemon juice into your water is delicious and a great help for the digestive system.


Sipping lemon water aids in digestion as the atomic composition of the beverage is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid found in our digestive juices. It also helps break down bile and prevent excess bile in the body, assisting the liver. This is particularly helpful for those healing from digestive illnesses as when the body struggles with digestion and processing our food a large burden is placed on the liver, so it may need an extra kick to get going. So when life gives you lemons, grab one and get squeezing!


Peppermint Tea

No list of natural digestive aids would be complete without peppermint tea. Peppermint is highly soothing to the digestive tract, with the active ingredient menthol having anti-spasmodic effects.


You can enjoy peppermint tea brewed as a comforting hot drink or chilled to be a refreshing cool beverage, in order to get the benefits.  It can help settle an upset stomach, ease nausea, relieve stress (which in turn effects your digestive system), help excessive gas in the GI tract and stimulate digestion.


If you suffer from Coeliac Disease or gluten intolerance and accidentally get some gluten into your system, having a pot full of peppermint tea may help to ease your symptoms and reduce recovery time.


Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a deep green power food that ranks highly on the tummy love hit list. For general health it is awesome, aiding the building of healthy red blood cells (it has an almost identical structure to haemoglobin), delivering magnesium to help keep our bodies alkaline, cleansing the liver and reducing inflammation.


More specifically for the digestive system, chlorophyll helps break down gas, which often accumulates and causes discomfort if you have gut problems or poor digestion. A general recommendation is to take 2-3 teaspoons of a liquid concentrate mixed into a small glass of purified water and sip throughout the day.


Aloe Vera

All hail the aloe vera plant! Yes it is an incredible antidote for sunburn, but when the juice is taken orally is has the same anti-inflammatory effects on the gut, functioning as a digestive healer. 


It soothes internal inflammation and helps heal the GI tract from the inside. It is also a natural aid in relieving constipation. Take a serving (usually about 50ml) daily, best on an empty stomach. You can shot it straight or pop it in some water, green juice, a smoothie or with your chlorophyll drink. 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 05:28:00 +0000
<![CDATA[The Secret To A Healthy Supermarket Shop]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-secret-to-a-healthy-supermarket-shop/ These tips will ensure you come home with a bounty of good food

If you have good food in your pantry and fridge, you’ll eat good food. If there’s junk around, it will be tempting, which is why it’s so important to make sure you shop smart for your health when doing the grocery haul.


Unfortunately it’s all too easy to hit the shops with good intentions for only loading up on healthy options at the supermarket, but once there you may find yourself purchasing less than stellar items, only to regret it later.


These tried-and-tested tips from healthy shoppers will help ensure you get out unscathed, with plenty of fresh product, lean protein and wholefood items, and without any of the processes, sugary and packaged options.


Shop the Perimeter

Fresh wholefoods like fruit and veggies, eggs, lean meat, poultry and seafood are typically around the perimeter of the supermarket layout, while less healthy, processed foods are shelved in the aisles. Sticking mostly to the perimeter will help you make the healthiest choices, with the exception of legumes, pulses, complex grains (like quinoa and brown rice), healthy oils (olive oil, coconut oil) and spreads (such as tahini and 100% nut butters).


Plan Ahead

Plan your weekly meals and snacks before going to the grocery store, so that you are armed with what you need. Having a menu set out for the week ahead is also a great way to keep you on track with your healthy eating!


Once at the store, avoid wandering aimlessly around, don't shop the end-of-aisle displays and stick to your pre-planned shopping list. You’ll shop healthier and also get the bonus perks of saving time and money while you’re at it.


Shop on a Full Stomach

When you're hungry, your blood sugar dips and hormonal changes increase cravings for foods high in sugar, fat and other unhealthy ingredients. This means that if you shop while you are hungry, you are more susceptible to making poor choices at the supermarket.


Make sure you’ve had a good balanced meal before you go to avoid hunger fuelled impulse purchases. If it’s not close to your mealtime, grab a healthy snack (such as vegetable sticks with hummus or a handful of nuts with a piece of fruit) to keep your blood sugar levels stable whilst you shop.


Read Labels

When buying packaged foods, nutrition labels are the first thing you should look at. Skip foods with artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives. If you don’t know what an ingredient is, can’t pronounce it, or it has numbers in it’s name, ditch it! Instead, opt for foods that are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and trans fats, and rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 05:02:29 +0000
<![CDATA[Must Visit Healthy Eateries In Bondi]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/must-visit-healthy-eateries-in-bondi/


5 of the best local haunts to get your health foodie game on

Bondi is no longer only visited by people far and wide for its iconic beach status. Health enthusiasts and foodies alike have much to celebrate when it comes to the Bondi café and restaurant scene, which has exploded over the last few years to house an expanding collection of eateries serving up everything from paleo breakfasts to superfood salads. Here are 5 of FIT’s favourite places to grab a bite to eat and hang:


The Hill Eatery

Aptly named (perched just up the hill at North Bondi), The Hill Eatery offers a seasonal menu conceived via a farm-to-table approach. Enjoy fresh produce and inspired modern Australian dishes in charming rustic-chic setting. Dishes can cater to vegan and paleo diets, while flavour is paramount due to the emphasis on fresh herbs, spices and garlic. As trendy as it is healthy and delicious, this is a great spot for a group meal or date.


The Plant Gallery

After a long awaited arrival, The Plant Gallery is Sydney’s latest raw vegan offering to open its doors on Bondi Road. Featuring a completely raw food menu, exotic kombucha flavours and cold-brew coffee, this is the ultimate destination for trying something new. With the mission statement, “We exist to reinvent the way plant-based cuisine is seen and enjoyed,” you know what you get will not only be good for your, it will also be full of culinary finesse. Enjoy your meal on up-cycled timber furniture with a vertical garden as the backdrop, and make sure you try the superfood abundant desserts.



Henley’s Wholefoods

Henley’s Whole Foods is a concept café that beautifully balances sustainable practice with serving up deliciously nourishing cuisine. Located in the heart of Sydney’s trendy Bondi Junction, venturing down the stairs you’ll find this little gem nestled just below the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street. If it’s gluten-free, sugar-free, organic, local, raw, vegan, paleo or anything else trending in the health world that you’re after, then you’ve come to the right place. The lunch menu routinely features three hearty salads alongside some protein options and specials, so the diner can mix and match as they chose.



Bondi Harvest

As a natural flow on from the success of their online TV show by the same name, Guy Turland and Mark Alston brought their concept alive for the public when they opened the Bondi Harvest eatery. Situated at The Eastern in Bondi Junction, Bondi Harvest boasts a healthy food philosophy of home-style cooking that varies with the season’s produce offerings. “Bondi Harvest is a food reflection of the Bondi lifestyle – a nice paradox of soft sand running and green smoothies in the morning, followed by dinner and cocktails with good mates that evening,” describes Guy Turland.


Tue, 04 Jul 2017 04:57:21 +0000
<![CDATA[Should You Do A Liquid Cleanse?]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/should-you-do-a-liquid-cleanse/ Why getting juicy could boost your health

Doing a liquid cleanse is no longer reserved for the spiritually elite or those wanting a quick fix weight-loss diet. Periodically saying goodbye to solid foods in the name of health and detoxification has gained considerable popularity in recent times. Fit examines the what, why and how of liquid cleansing.


What does it involve?

As the name suggests, a liquid cleanse means consuming only liquids (water, herbal teas, tonics, juices, smoothies, etc) for a particular amount of time. There is great room for flexibility in this framework; some people may only drink juices, whilst others prefer smoothies with the fibre, or a mix of. It could be for 24 hours for a beginner, or 30 days for very experienced cleansers. Some have liquids until dinner, or simply liquid fast for one day each week. A popular option that many companies offer now is three consecutive days of plant filled liquid goodness with about 6 varied beverages to be consumed each day.


What are the benefits?

Many people may be looking to do a liquid detox with the aim to drop some weight fast, however Naturopath Kristen Shanks who founded Vogue-coveted cleanse company Orchard Street, suggest instead viewing a cleanse as ‘an opportunity to experience health and vitality, with a good dollop of radiance and a healthy glow on the side!’. Indeed, if you need to lose weight this will usually come hand in hand with detoxifying your body, however the true benefits of following a liquid diet are much greater than that. ‘A cleanse is an opportunity to experience health and vitality, with a good dollop of radiance and a healthy glow on the side!’ Kristen Shanks. 


On a juice or plant based liquid cleanse you can expect to be consuming about 7 kilograms of fruit and vegetables. In a liquidised state, the nutrients are easily digested, absorbed and utilised by the body. While you might wonder how can you can get enough nutrition from juice alone, its likely that a liquid cleanse will deliver you superior nutritional value to a regular diet when followed for a short time. Furthermore, the current cleansing craze promotes “feasting” rather than “fasting,” and it is advised to consume large quantities of liquids. You will be surprised how filling a properly planned liquid cleanse is.


The digestive system also benefits from liquid cleansing as it allows it to have a well-deserved rest and repair, since it does not have to be constantly digesting food. Simultaneously it can use this opportunity to rid the body of accumulated fluids and toxins. This in turn is fantastic for your liver, skin and every gorgeous cell in you have. Many detoxers report feeling energised, relaxed, having improved sleep, a flat stomach free of bloating, and a glowing complexion.


‘You feel really good after a three-day cleanse,’ says juice cleanse company owner and passionate juice cleanser Katharina Azanza, “It’s like it takes you apart and puts you together again. It goes through the process of detoxification and re-building.’



What About Side Effects?

So it might be worth it, but that doesn’t mean doing a liquid detox is going to be a walk in the park. However, as the old saying goes, nothing worth having comes easy and this is very true when it comes to a cleanse. When consuming only liquids, you may expect to experience a one or more of a variety of unpleasant side effects. This is simply the process of your body moving the toxins through to be eliminated, which can result in headaches, irritability, nausea, fatigue and skin aggravations. Push through the difficulties and as Orchard Street so beautifully puts it, ‘you’ll be basking on bliss island in no time!’


Is a liquid detox for me?

Some warn against it, such as Tracy Anderson, celebrity trainer to stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow. According to her, ‘Juice detoxes are the worst thing that ever became commercialised. They’re horrific for people’s health. They crash people’s metabolic rate.’ Contrary to such opinions, evidence continually emerges that supports the positive power of liquid cleanses. For Joe Cross of famed documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (2010), it completely changed his life for the better – or arguably even saved it! In a state of detrimental health and full of medications, Joe vowed to drink only fruit and vegetable juices under the care of Dr. Fuhrman for 60 days in a bid to reclaim his health, which is exactly what he did with amazing results. As for the argument that liquid cleansing will slow the metabolism, in actual fact removing toxins from the body via a detox is likely to have a positive impact on helping metabolic processes to run at an optimum level. 


If you feel like you need to give your health a boost, then a liquid detox could be for you. It’s a great tool to use for kick-starting a healthy lifestyle change as benefits are often felt after only a day. Removing toxins is also important if you are trying to lose weight in the long term as toxins are often stored in fat cells, making the body less likely to want to use them as a self protection mechanism, so it is best to help the body remove the bad stuff from them first.


However, there are certain times when a liquid cleanse is not a good option, such as for those suffering specific medical conditions, pregnant or breast feeding, under 16 years of age, those who have a history of eating disorders, those on prescription medications, those with blood sugar imbalances and more. Bondi Beauty recommends that it is always a good idea to check with your health care professional before embarking on a liquid cleanse.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 04:37:39 +0000
<![CDATA[Shredding 101]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/shredding-101/ What and how to shred like a pro

Most of you would have heard the word “shredding”, but what exactly does it entail?


Shredding is getting leaner than the body normally wants to sit at for a short amount of time like an event such as getting up on stage, or a special occasion like a life milestone birthday or wedding as an example.


Shredded could be measured for a male at sub 10% or sub 16% for a female. The body is an intelligent piece of equipment and is always looking for an energy balance which is simply the bodies ability to find “homeostasis”. Homeostasis means steady or the same, which in turn for the body’s processes means stable conditions for survival.


When I design a nutritional plan for a client, whether male or female, I first look to establish a baseline of calories for the body to remain the same scale weight. We then factor in daily energy requirements like what the client does for work and training schedule. Then if shredding is the goal then time to establish a deficit of calories.


So use these three tips when designing a meal plan for serious shredding:

  1. Establish an amount of daily calories to maintain optimal energy and scale weight 
  1. Decide on a calorie deficit that will be consumed for fat loss, you may start with 10%
  1. Adjust calories to suit your training day requirements and non-training day requirements. If shredding is your goal then you will need to consume calories which digest easily and promote the right hormonal response, so eat whole unprocessed foods. Consistency is key so test and measure. Try doing your body every 7-14 days and adjust your calories accordingly.


Now, go and get shredded!


About Lenny Chadd  

If you have any questions or need help with your meal planning please contact me on lenny@lcprotocol.com.au or check out my website at https://www.lcprotocol.com.au 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 04:31:01 +0000
<![CDATA[Top 4 Indicators Of Good Health]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/top-4-indicators-of-good-health/ How healthy are you really? Look for the signs!

Health is much more than the absence of disease. These 4 parameters are fantastic indicators of your true state of wellbeing:



The state of your skin can give many clues about the appropriateness of your diet and lifestyle. Ideally, the skin is smooth and clear with good elasticity. There are no dark circles under the eyes. Dry skin, acne and itchy rashes can signify that you may be eating foods that are not optimal for you (e.g. acne – dairy, refined sugar products) or that you are lacking in some dietary component (e.g. dry skin – water, omega 3 fatty acids and other fats). If your skin is not looking it’s best, try changing your diet. Try increasing your intake of water, healthy fats (salmon, avocado) and fruit and veggies (berries, sweet potato and leafy greens are best). Also, make sure you’re reducing your intake refined sugar, dairy and alcohol (or better still cut it out completely) and switch to natural and organic skincare products. Wait 2-3 weeks and watch the health of your skin transform.



The bowels are a major indicator of the state of our health. Digestion is crucial for the breakdown, assimilation and absorption of nutrients, so it is easy to see how disturbances in digestion can keep you from looking and feeling your best. Not to mention the role digestion plays in many inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Ideally, you should be moving your bowels at least once a day, but not much more than three times daily! If you’re having trouble moving your bowels try drinking a large glass of warm water with squeeze of fresh lemon juice or try going for a brisk walk or doing some other form of exercise to help stimulate the bowels. Taking probiotics or eating probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, or pot set natural yoghurt are also great for keeping your digestive system healthy.



Vibrant energy is a classic indicator of health. Do you wake refreshed and ready to start your day? Are you able to stay mentally sharp throughout the day without artificial stimulants (i.e. caffeine or sugar)? If you wake up groggy after 7-8 hours of sleep and feel drained or lethargic after lunch, then it’s time to take a look at what you are putting into your mouth. Adequate protein and keeping blood sugar stable with frequent meals, adequate hydration and a consistent bedtime routine and schedule, are top priorities when considering energy. Try cutting out the processed packaged crap and the ‘white’ carbs, eat only fresh whole foods, drink 1 glass of water every hour and make sure you’re getting to bed before 10pm. Exercising first thing in the morning will also help to increase your energy and keep you mentally alert. An intense 20 minute session or even a brisk 15 minute walk around the block will do.


Time Spent In A Positive Mind State

Our mental-emotional state has an underrated impact on the state of our health. Negative thoughts generate negative emotions that create stress responses in the body. In turn, this releases inflammatory stress hormones, which constrict blood vessels, elevate the heart rate, and basically send an alarm signal throughout the body. After many years of this, hypertension and heart disease can develop. Stress can worsen any disease state, so it is important to keep it to a minimum. Positive emotion has the opposite effect on the body – protecting the heart, blood vessels and brain and stimulating the immune system in a positive way. Try gentle exercise such as yoga or guided meditations to help reduce stress. If that’s not your thing, simply spend more time doing the things you love and with people who lift your spirits higher and bring out the best in you. Other things that can put you in a positive mind state include getting off social media and connecting with people in real life, smiling and doing kind things for others (without expecting anything in return!).

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 04:26:37 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-get-rid-of-stomach-fat/ Know the triggers and lose that unwanted abdominal fat for good

Belly fat, or abdominal fat… how do I rid myself of it? Belly fat is one of the most popular topics researched on the Internet. If I had a dollar for every time I have heard how do I lose this abdominal fat?” I could retire now!


The target area we are speaking of is the fatty tissue around the umbilicus. To learn how to rid yourself of this unwanted fat, you need to understand what is causing it and what are the solutions to eliminating it.


Cortisol - what is it?

So let's start with what is causing fat to be stored around the abdominal area. Cortisol is a stress related hormone that is secreted by the adrenal gland. Cortisol begins synthesis of glucose, fats or proteins to be utilised as energy for a time of need. It could be acquired when playing a sport or under a stressful situation in your workplace. Cortisol has a purpose to help with energy, although on the flip side, it can also promote fat storage around the umbilicus area.


What are the triggers to abdominal fat storage?

  • Workplace stress
  • Relationship stress
  • Food allergy stress


These are the common three causes I see every day, although there are more! So the stresses you are looking for are either internal (body) or external (environment) in nature. Either of these three, when out of balance, causes fat storage around the umbilicus area.


LOWER stress levels

Workplace and relationship stress are the bodies external or environmental stresses. There are many effective ways to reduce stress, although I think many aspects of stress could be reduced by simple activities like;

  • Yoga or Martial arts
  • Walking in the outdoors
  • Participating in Recreational sports
  • Enlist the help of a counsellor or life coach
  • Meditation

Food allergy stress

Food allergies act as a stress on the body and are a common occurrence. They will help promote fat storage to the belly, which is the bad news! The good news is you 100% totally control this stress because you decide what you EAT!


There are some common foods like wheat, nuts, gluten, yeast, eggs and dairy to name just a few which are quite common causes of food allergy stress. A simple way to remove common food allergy stresses is to begin a Paleo eating plan. The Paleo diet plan removes the common food allergy problems by removing dairy, grains, refined sugars and salts as well as Trans fats!


Simple & effective training methods to reduce abdominal fat

  1. Resistance training– One of the fastest ways to reduce body fat is through resistance training at least three times per week. Select a Hypertrophy (lean mass gaining) model. Which simply means your workout should consist of at least 30-45 sets in total and a rest period between sets of 60 seconds maximum. Perform at least 8-12 reps and   3-4 sets of a particular exercise.
  2. Full body exercises– (FORGET PERFORMING THE AB CRUNCH) do not waste your time on 20 minute abdominal programs when body fat percentage is the real key for an exposed abdominal wall, or body fat of 13% maximum. Select exercises like the squat, dead lift, chin up, bench press and dip to truly get a growth hormone response to metabolise fat.
  3. Interval training– Interval training or sprint training is far superior to LSD (Long Slow Distance Training) as Interval training promotes Lactic Acid build up (the feeling of tiredness during training.)The body is forced to secrete growth hormone to buffer the blood circulating the body which in turn metabolises the bodies fat stores.


Belly fat, or Abdominal fat, is an area where fat is stored purely through life’s stressors, both internal and external. Simply control these stresses through correct exercise prescription and holistic stress relieving methods such as supplementation and stress relieving lifestyle practices. 


About the Author: Lenny Chadd

Lenny is an accredited strength coach with the Poliquin Institute and owner of SIGFIT training studio in Bondi Junction. An expert in total body transformations for both men and women, Lenny’s holistic approach to personal training consists of optimal nutrition, supplementation and exercise techniques. 


As a knowledgeable, celebrity personal trainer and fat loss expert, Lenny provides each of his clients with a written meal plan tailored to their specific goals to ensure real results.  

If you have any questions or need help with your meal planning you can contact Lenny by email: lenny@lcprotocol.com.au  

Website:  www.lcprotocol.com.au

Instagram: @lennychadd_sigfit 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 04:19:56 +0000
<![CDATA[Fit Overnight Protein Oats Recipe]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/fit-overnight-protein-oats-recipe/ Try these grab and go pots of goodness for your morning meal

This breakfast is the perfect balance of convenient and nutritious. It provides a good balance of complex carbohydrates, protein and good fats, which are important to include at breakfast to provide satiety and a steady energy flow.


The FIT crew love making this when we’re time poor and have to leave the house in a rush, as it can be prepared the night before. Simply grab and go! This is a great option for people to take to work. It’s also delicious too!




1/3 cup rolled oats (choose gluten free oats or substitute for rolled quinoa flakes if you are gluten-free)

2 tablespoons chia seeds

¾ cup almond or coconut milk

1 tablespoon protein powder of choice (we stock a wide variety of the best protein supplements in our FIT stores)

½ teaspoon cinnamon


Toppings (you choose):

Fresh or frozen fruit (berries, banana and grated apple work well)

1 tablespoon of nut butter o

2 tablespoons of natural dairy or coconut yoghurt

Handful of raw nuts / seeds / trail mix

Sprinkle of superfoods (cacao nibs, goji berries, bee pollen and shredded coconut are delicious)



  1. Combine oats, chia seeds, protein powder, cinnamon and milk together until well mixed. Put the mixture into a jar and seal.
  2. Top with your chosen fruit, nut butter / nuts, yoghurt or superfoods.
  3. Place it in the fridge overnight to soak and soften.
  4. Grab and go in the morning. Enjoy cold!

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 04:13:04 +0000
<![CDATA[Your Food Cravings Decoded]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/your-food-cravings-decoded/ What they really mean and what to eat instead

Everyone has experienced cravings for certain foods at times in their life.


Desperate for some chocolate? Can’t survive unless you get that packet of chips? While people generally crave less healthy food options, there is a hidden beneficial message within. Learning to understand what our bodies are really telling us when they crave salty, sweet or other various foods can help you ditch the junk and improve your health.


FIT takes a look at what the most common food cravings mean and what you need to chow down on instead.



If you’re having intense cravings for chocolate, it may be due to a magnesium deficiency, as chocolate is particularly high in this nutrient. If this is the case, you may also be experiencing symptoms such as anxiousness, muscle cramps and tiredness. Choose a healthier option to satisfy your body’s needs by eating nuts and seeds, pulses and leafy greens. You could also be in need of antioxidants, so make sure to stock up on purple coloured fruit and vegetables, such as blueberries and beetroot.



While the caffeine in coffee makes it addictive, a sudden espresso urge that’s out of your ordinary routine could be your body telling you it has an iron deficiency. For women, this is very common, especially during and after the menstrual cycle. If you’re not getting enough iron to transport oxygen around your precious body, lethargy will set in and could lead to coffee cravings. To solve the problem in the long run, you need to increase iron in your diet by including green leafy vegetables and lean red meat. Natural liquid iron supplements can also lend a helping hand.


 Salty Snacks

If you’re frantic for hot chips, crisps, pretzels or anything salted, it may be a deeper issue related to stress and sodium. When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol, a process that requires sodium. To combat it, include stress-busting practices in your daily life, such as running, yoga and meditation, all which cut down cortisol levels in the blood. Opt for natural sources of sodium, by eating shellfish, beetroot, artichoke, and sea vegetables.

You could also simply be dehydrated and lacking in electrolytes, in which case drink water with a pinch of pink Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, or grab a fresh coconut water.

Lollies & Sweet Foods

If you’re after a sugary hit such as lollies or biscuits, you could be lacking in chromium, the mineral which helps keep blood sugar levels stable. If these are unbalanced, your body may crave sweets to compensate. Other tell tale signs are a feeling exhausted and under the weather. Natural food sources of chromium are broccoli, grapes and chicken, however it’s a tricky one to get from diet. If you’re deficient, nutritionist Shona Wilkinson recommends trying a supplement.


Fizzy Drinks

That can of lemonade might be what you’re craving, but it’s likely that it’s not the fizzy hit your body really wants. According to Wilkinson, this is quite a common craving that signals a need for calcium. Drinking fizzy beverages actually leaches the mineral calcium from the bone; the body then absorbs this and craves the fizzy drinks to get more. This is bad news for bones health. Instead, choose wholefood dietary sources of calcium, which is abundant in leafy green vegetables, almonds and dairy products.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 03:58:21 +0000
<![CDATA[How Often Should You Train For Best Results?]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-often-should-you-train-for-best-results/ Expert Lenny Chadd breaks it down for FIT


How long is a piece of string? There are so many variables in this question like……

  1. How long have you been training?
  2. What is your training goal?
  3. How frequently can you train with your weekly schedule?
  4. How long can your sessions go for?


There are more factors in this question but lets keep it simple and set you up with a training schedule that can set you up with a few training wins!!!! When I say TRAIN I mean weight train not exercise like playing sports, running or Yoga or Pilates. Although I still like all of those activities but for today’s purpose we are talking about weight training. 


Lets set you up into three different categories:

  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced


So a beginner would be if you have only just started to weight train in the last six to nine months. Your muscular system and nervous system are being primed to move weights efficiently. You should be training at least 3-4 times per week. To help you improve as a beginner you must understand your strength is beginning to build and your are not causing a lot of muscular damage.


This means you can train major body parts every couple of days. So when I write programs here are a couple of general tips.

  1. Use single arm and single leg exercises predominantly DB to help train your stabilisers for the first 4-8 weeks.
  2. Once you have moved into Barbell training stay with learning techniques of the larger lifts like the Squat, Press, Chin, Dead Lift. (Stay away from isolation exercises like arm training)
  3. Your training split could be like an upper body / lower body split completed 4 times per week with a rest day in between.


If you have moved onto the Intermediate phase then the muscular and nervous system are accustomed to weight training and the body will start to adapt faster to different training stimulus. The body has become more efficient. 

  1. The majority of your training when it comes to exercises will consist of the larger muscle group exercises like the Squat, Press, Chin, Dead Lift. You can now introduce some smaller muscle group exercises like arm isolated work. A good reference point is to bring in arm training once you can bench press your own body weight for 1 rep.
  2. My favourite training split is a 3 day split for intermediate trainees and can be completed 4-5 times per week. Try training shoulders / back day 1. Train quads / calves / core day 2. Train Chest / Hams day 3.


When it comes to advanced trainees training schedule then training within the correct window is very important. Your program will need to more specific to your training goal.

  1. The correct window is once the body has been trained and has recovered, there is a window of opportunity where you will be stronger or perform better where you will need to train within.
  2. Your lifts need to be more specific to your goal, an example would be if you were training for soccer than the BB front Squat is a better lift as it’s more athletic. Another would be a boxers preferred lift maybe incline BB bench to replicate a punch and make him stronger.


Conclusion. Keep to a training program for a period of four weeks before changing it up, this way you can track progress with the weights you have lifted and therefore know if your programs working for you. You are welcome to try out my Protocol program or book in a consult with me if you don’t know where your at for some nutritional or training help.


About Lenny Chadd 

Lenny is an accredited strength coach with the Poliquin Institute and owner of SIGFIT training studio in Bondi Junction. An expert in total body transformations for both men and women, Lenny’s holistic approach to personal training consists of optimal nutrition, supplementation and exercise techniques. 
As a knowledgeable, celebrity personal trainer and fat loss expert, Lenny provides each of his clients with a written meal plan tailored to their specific goals to ensure real results.  

Website:  www.lcprotocol.com.au

Instagram: @lennychadd_sigfit 


Tue, 04 Jul 2017 03:48:26 +0000
<![CDATA[These Foods Are Amazing For Digestion]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/these-foods-are-amazing-for-digestion/ 3 super star foods to improve your gut health

Since eating is something we do multiple times a day, most days of our life, it is a great place to incorporate some “nutritional medicine.” Just by choosing the right foods, we can help out body break down, absorb and assimilate our nutrients easily, minimising gas, bloating and other digestive discomforts or problems. 


The process of eating and digesting takes up a huge amount of our energy every day and is lots of work for all our digestive organs. They are sweating it out big time for you! However, your stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine and liver will just love it if you chip in too. How? Get these wonder foods into your guts ASAP!


Blended Foods

Including blended foods in your diet is an amazing strategy to help digestion. This means green smoothies, superfood smoothies (visit our FIT locations to grab one of our nutritional blends) and soups.


Why? The blending process means that the food is already broken down into fine particles, which equals less work for your system, which equals more energy conserved for repair. By incorporating blended meals into our daily intake, it lets our digestive organs have a bit of a rest, as opposed to eating a complex meal that we have to chew (and most people don’t chew anywhere near enough!), churn endlessly in the stomach, continue to break down in the small intestine, and so on. Blending the food also makes the nutrients in it more available and easily assimilated by the body. A high-powered blender can break down cellulose (the fibrous part of fruit and veggies that we cannot digest), unlocking the goodness inside. 


Important tip: just because it is blended, does not mean we can skip the important step of digestion, which is chewing. You need to still “chew” your blended meals in your mouth before swallowing in order to mix saliva with the food. Our saliva contains amylase, the enzyme needed to break down carbohydrates and sugars, which is a vital part of the digestive process.


Cultured Foods

One word: sauerkraut. This is a true superfood for the gut and can offer your digestive system a dose of good stuff in the form of probiotics and enzymes.


Probiotics are the friendly bacteria that we ideally want to have flooded throughout our digestive system. They help us maintain a healthy gastrointestinal flora, keeping the ugly bad guys (like candida albicans) at bay.  


When raw sauerkraut or other fermented foods (such as yoghurt, kefir, miso, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar, natto and kim chi) are made, it allows the ingredients to culture. This process grows millions of beneficial lactobacilli bacterium that we can then easily consume! 


The fermentation process also means that the food has become pre-digested, making the vitamins and minerals highly bioavailable and readily assimilated in the body. This is particularly helpful if you suffer from digestive problems, such as damaged intestinal villi because it helps make it easier to get the valuable nutrition out of our food.



Ginger not only tastes delicious added to meals and tea, it also has amazing healing properties for the digestive system. If you suffer from any kind of digestive discomforts or disorders, the addition of this wonderful food to your diet is highly recommended.


Ginger both aids and soothes digestion by stimulating muscle contractions in the stomach, which help pass food into the beginning of the small intestine. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which make it a wonderful aid to an irritated and inflamed gastrointestinal tract. In fact, ginger has been used for centuries to effectively help with indigestion, gas and bloating, nausea, diarrhoea, and irritable bowel syndrome, many of which are associated with low or irregular gastric mobility.


Easy ways to incorporate ginger as a healing food into your diet include adding it to your blended meals (such as smoothies and soups), adding it grated into salads, using it in your favourite dressings and sauces, lightly sautéing the root in cooked dishes (great with Asian foods such as healthy veggie stir fries), putting slices into miso soup or herbal tea (great with peppermint or green), and adding it to your juices.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 03:33:52 +0000
<![CDATA[Low Carb Cauliflower Pizza Recipe]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/low-carb-cauliflower-pizza-recipe/ Pizza lovers rejoice! A slice of this is completely guilt free

Pizza is one of those favourite comfort foods that so many people love, despite it traditional versions being less than healthy! “Cheesy, gluten-y, salty pizza – not so good for our heart, skin and digestion,” says Jessica Sepel, nutritionist and author of The Healthy Life. But there is a solution: the low carb, wholefood cauliflower base, topped with any array of healthy goodies. “The body will love you for this alternative,” says Jessica, “I top my personal pizza with leek, mushroom, Parmesan and rocket.” Delicious!


  • 1/2 head cauliflower, cut into florets
  • 1 free-range or organic egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped rosemary
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped sage
  • 1 tsp. cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil
  • Himalayan salt and ground pepper
  • Toppings of your choice


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C (160C fan-forced). Line a large baking tray with baking paper.
  2. In a food processor, pulse the cauliflower until it’s the consistency of fine crumbs. You can either steam the cauliflower first or use it raw; it works both ways.
  3. Place the cauliflower in a clean tea towel and squeeze out as much moisture as possible. The key is to make a crisp pizza base.
  4. To a mixing bowl, add the cauliflower and combine with the egg, onion, spices, herbs, olive oil, salt and pepper.
  5. Place the cauliflower mixture in the centre of the tray. Lay a second sheet of baking paper on top and use your palms or a rolling pin to flatten into a circle.
  6. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the base is firm and slightly browned.
  7. Remove from the over and top with your favourite ingredients. You may also want to add more seasoning, plus some extra olive oil.
  8. Return the pizza to the oven for another 10-15 minutes.
  9. Take the pizza out of the oven and cool for a few minutes before slicing.
Tue, 04 Jul 2017 03:20:01 +0000
<![CDATA[These Oils Come With Benefits]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/these-oils-come-with-benefits/ Here are 3 oils you’ll want to get into you, with the science to prove it

When it comes to oils, you need to pick the right ones to include in your diet. Some oils, such as common vegetable oil are hazardous to our health. On the other hand, there are other oils out there that offer incredible health benefits and should be a feature of a balanced diet. Here are some of the perks to consuming FIT’s favourite healthy oils:


Coconut Oil 

The fats in coconut oil are a special kind of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that have been shown to encourage greater energy expenditure compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats. One study found that 15-30 grams of MCTs per day increased 24 hour energy expenditure by 5%, totaling about 120 calories per day, making coconut oil a great weight loss aid, when consumed in moderation.


Coconut oil is also high in lauric acid, which has powerful anti-microbial properties, allowing it to function like a natural antibiotic for any of the bad bacteria in your system.


With a high smoke point, this is the best oil for cooking a high temperatures with, as it won’t spoil.


Olive Oil

Leading by example, the health of Mediterranean cultures has sparked much interest in the benefits of consuming olive oil. Many studies have confirmed that olive oil is extremely good for the body, largely due to it being a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high antioxidant levels of polyphenols.


A review of studies of the effects of olive oil found that regular consumers had lower levels of bad cholesterol and were less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases. It is also shown to be anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant and to help reduce cancer risk and tumor cell activity.


“Opt for cold pressed extra virgin olive oil,” says registered dietician Mary Snell. This comes from the first extraction, is the most unrefined form and no chemicals are used in the extraction process.


Flaxseed Oil

The essential fatty acids (EFAs) in flaxseed oil are one of its key healing components. EFAs are particularly valuable because the body needs them to function properly, but can't manufacture them on its own. EFAs work throughout the body to protect cell membranes, keeping them efficient at admitting healthy substances while barring damaging ones.


One of the EFAs in flaxseed oil, alpha-linoleic acid, is known as an omega-3 fatty acid. Like the omega-3s found in fish, it appears to reduce the risk of heart disease as well as many other ailments.


Flaxseed oil is an excellent source of omega-3s. Just 1 teaspoon contains about 2.5 grams, equivalent to more than twice the amount most people get through their diets. Flaxseeds also contain healthful omega-6 fatty acids in the form of linoleic acid.


Just make sure you don’t heat flaxseed oil as it goes rancid. Keep it in the fridge and reserve for cold culinary uses (delicious in salad dressing!).

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 02:50:37 +0000
<![CDATA[Nutrition Tips The Victoria’s Secret Angels Swear By]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/nutrition-tips-the-victorias-secret-angels-swear-by/ Get the inside scoop on the health tricks from the models and their trainers

They are famous worldwide for their lean, slim and fit bodies, so you may have wondered what the Victoria’s Secret Angels eat to look this way. FIT have rounded up 6 of the top diet tips from the models and their trainers, which you can benefit from too. Hint: no fad diets in sight here, just good nutrition and dedication.


Portion control is key

Practising portion control is key to achieving a long, toned body. It helps you to avoid overeating unnecessary calories and is better for your digestive system. “Everything starts with nutrition and what you eat," says longtime Angel Adriana Lima, "I really watch my portions.”


Hydrate smartly

"I definitely drink [a lot of] green juices… I also drink lots of warm water in the morning with ginger, cayenne and lemon juice. It's a great way to clean your system,” says Angel Elsa Hosk.

Vanessa Packer founder of ModelFit, frequented by many of the Angels, is also a fan of veggie-heavy green juices, which can contain 36 per cent of your daily recommended potassium and 20 per cent of daily vitamin A, with no fat and 4 grams of protein, and recommends them to the models.


Sugar is out

Refined sugar is a no-go for the Victoria’s Secret Angels. It contains nothing but empty calories and also wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels and hormones, as well as accelerating the ageing process and contributing to weight gain.

However, natural sugars in their whole food form, such as those in fruit, are still a healthy part of the models’ diets.


Eat a good breakfast

Packer recommends the classic breakfast of oatmeal to the Angels as it contains plenty of complex carbohydrates and fibre to fill you up for the day, while providing a slow release of energy to fuel intense workouts.

Many of the Angels are also fans of eggs for breakfast. Romee Strijd regularly uploads snaps to her Instagram of her egg breakfast at a variety of healthy New York City cafes, whilst Hosk told reporters that her breakfast on the day of the Victoria’s Secret Runway show was “8 eggs!” Eggs provide protein and a variety of nutrients, making them a healthy morning meal.


Load up on lean protein + veggies

On her nutrition plan leading up to the catwalk show, Martha Hunt said “I've been eating lots of protein and vegetables.” Lean protein provides the building blocks for muscle and helps to keep you full after meals, while high water content vegetables are bursting with nutrients and fibre for healthy digestion, and are naturally low in calories.


Be prepared with healthy snacks

The Angels are often busy and out for large amounts of the day. This means it’s important for them to be prepared with healthy snacks so that they don’t reach for a poor option or go too long without food.

On her go-to healthy snack, Erin Heatherton says, “I enjoy eating fruits.”  Miranda Kerr has also said she likes to carry snacks and regularly has almonds in her bag as a quick and healthy low GI option.


Good fats are your friend

The Victoria’s Secret models are fans of keeping their skin nice with plenty of essential fatty acids in their nutrition plans, which also help with satiety. Salmon, avocado, nuts, good quality oils are Angel favourites!

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 02:43:18 +0000
<![CDATA[Are You Leaning Or Building Muscle?]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/are-you-leaning-or-building-muscle/ This is the question you need to answer and what to do to make progress on your goal

Have you been in a muscle-building phase forever or have you been trying to lose body fat for as far back as you remember? This is the question you should be asking yourself to know the best way to go about making progress.


The reason it’s so important is due to what is called ‘hormonal optimisation.’ Hormones like insulin and testosterone will help with muscle growth and fat loss when the body is at the correct body fat range, so understanding that this needs to align with your goals can be key in ensuring your hormones are working for you, not against you.


First point of call is to figure out what phase you should be in. This can be decided very easily with some simple calculations of body fat, which can be measured by Callipers, Body Metrix and Dexa testing systems.


Using these numbers from my online Protocol program, you can work out where you sit in terms of leaning or building muscle. If you are a male under 13% body fat then you should be in a muscle growth phase. If you are over 13% then you should be in a lean down phase. If you are female and your body fat is under 20% then you should be in muscle growth phase. If you are over 20% then you should be in a lean down phase. These numbers can be used as a guide.


Your objective will impact your nutrition in the following ways. The goal of your intake when leaning is to maintain enough energy during the day with lowest amount of calories, whilst losing body fat and maintaining muscle. On the other hand, the goal of your nutrition whilst muscle growth is your focus is to increase your lean muscle whilst your body fat stays the same or slowly creeps up to a satisfactory point, for which you will need more calories.


Regardless of which goal you have, I always recommend clients to follow this simple FOCUS Rule to help keep them accountable and on track with progress. When you are consistent, that is when you get results.








About Lenny Chadd

Lenny is an accredited strength coach with the Poliquin Institute and owner of SIGFIT training studio in Bondi Junction. An expert in total body transformations for both men and women, Lenny’s holistic approach to personal training consists of optimal nutrition, supplementation and exercise techniques.
As a knowledgeable, celebrity personal trainer and fat loss expert, Lenny provides each of his clients with a written meal plan tailored to their specific goals to ensure real results.

Website: www.lcprotocol.com.au

Instagram: @lennychadd_sigfit

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 02:27:43 +0000
<![CDATA[10 Easy Paleo Breakfast Ideas]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/10-easy-paleo-breakfast-ideas/ Try these delicious, grain free meals to break the fast

1. Almond Flour Banana Bread – Replacing traditional flour with almond meal allows you to create delicious, grain-free banana bread that is moist and nourishing. Load it with warming spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. 

2. Scrambled Eggs with Greens – Ready to go in minutes! Simply whisk the eggs and scramble in coconut oil or ghee. Serve on top of fresh baby spinach or sautéed kale, with half an avocado, fresh herbs and a tablespoon of flaxseeds. Season with lemon juice, Himalayan salt and pepper. 

3. Savoury Grain-Free Muffins – There are so many options available for savoury muffins made with nut meals and eggs as the base, then loaded with your favourite ingredients. Zucchini, broccoli and ham is a FIT favourite combination! 

4. Paleo Porridge – Make a delicious grain-free porridge substitute from shredded coconut and almond flour cooked in nut milk. Stir through roughly cut nuts, any of your favourite superfoods (think goji berries!) and top with berries and cinnamon. 

5. Chia Seed Pudding – Soak your chia seeds in your favourite nut or coconut milk until a thick, gelatinous pudding consistency develops (generally a 1:4 chia and liquid ratio). Sweeten with a touch of raw honey or maple syrup and sprinkle with your favourite breakfast toppings. 

6. Bacon & Broccoli Omelet – The name of this one speaks for itself. Yum! 

7. Sweet Potato Coconut Mousse – Combine skinned and boiled sweet potato with coconut cream in the blender until smooth and thick. Sweeten as desired and top with shredded coconut, nuts, seeds and cinnamon. Can be enjoyed hot or cold. 

8. Nut and Seed Granola - Purchase one of the many paleo friendly granolas from the local health food store or make your own. Serve with nut milk and berries. 

9. Paleo Bread with Poached Egg & Fermented Vegetables – Poach an egg or two, toast some grain-free bread (bought or homemade) and serve with a side of sauerkraut. Viola! 

10. Avocado Smoothie – Make a delicious and nourishing paleo friendly smoothie based on avocado. Combine with coconut water, coconut flesh, coconut oil, cinnamon and natural sweetener to taste. If you use grain free protein powders, you can add a scoop to make it even more filling.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 02:11:13 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Choose The Right Protein Powder]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-choose-the-right-protein_powder/ Find your perfect protein fit in a few easy steps

Protein powders can be an excellent way of supplementing a healthy lifestyle to assist in achieving physical goals. If chosen correctly, protein powders can aid in balancing hormones, weight loss, supporting metabolism, muscle gain, detoxification and boosting your immune system.  


Protein is found in every cell of your body and is an essential part of the diet. Unlike carbohydrates and fat, your body does not store protein, which is why it is important to consume it regularly. Having a protein shake, ball or bar at the ready is a convenient way to ensure you are getting your daily protein fix. 


There is a protein supplement for everybody’s needs and goals; it’s just a matter of finding your fit! Realising that different products will work for different people is the first step. Next, follow this:



Slim Down/Build Lean Muscle – Regular protein powder, with low sugar and carbohydrate content will assist with this. 
Build Mass - A mass gainer is essentially a protein powder that includes protein, carbs and fats and while all three macronutrients are required in the human body. You would choose this if you wanted to put on weight. 



Whey – The most popular form of protein powder. It has been shown to aid muscle recovery after a workout, increase muscle strength and size and boost the immune system. 
Hemp – A nutrient dense, low calorie form of protein that contains all 21 essential amino acids. Because the hemp plant hardly ever contains pesticides, herbicides, and is largely free from genetic modification, which is why it is usually organic. This type of protein is popular among those who have allergies or digestive issues, vegans and those who follow an organic diet.  
Brown Rice – An effective non-dairy alternative to whey protein. It is hypoallergenic, meaning it is gentle on the stomach and easily digested. This is a good choice for vegetarians looking to supplement their diet. 
Pea – Naturally fat, cholesterol, gluten and dairy free, pea protein is a great choice for those who are lactose or gluten intolerant. 


3. KNOW YOUR TYPES OF WHEY PROTEIN (if choosing one):

Concentrate: The cheapest and most common form of whey protein. It is absorbed at a moderate pace and designed to be taken between meals as a snack, with the goal of increasing dietary protein intake to build muscle mass. 
Whey Protein Isolate: This type of protein is easily digested and absorbed the fastest. This type of protein is recommended to be taken post-workout as its rapid absorption means it can aid in muscle recovery and increase muscle strength. 
Whey protein hydrolysate (WPH): WPH is considered to be the "predigested" form of whey protein as it has already undergone partial hydrolysis - a process necessary for the body to absorb protein. WPH doesn't require as much digestion as the other two forms of whey protein, which is why it’s a popular choice among athletes looking to build muscle quickly. 
Casein: This type of protein has a longer digestion time. Athletes or body builders may consider using it as their final meal before bed as amino acids will be released throughout the night into the body. 



Sprouted: The ingredients have been soaked and “activated” to make it easier to digest. 
Fermented / Bio-Fermented: The protein has been cultured to begin the breakdown process, mimicking digestion, making it more bioavailable. Ideal for compromised digestive systems. 
Check out these top FIT vegan protein picks 


TIP: If you need help selecting which products are the right fit for you, pay a visit to Fit Nutrition Fix and consult one of our experts! 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 01:55:08 +0000
<![CDATA[Swap Your Outdoors Running Routine In Winter For This]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/swap-your-outdoors-running-routine-in-winter-for-this/ Say goodbye to cold, wet runs and hello to smashing fitness goals with this new exercise method

It’s a bit late but as the temperature drops and the light fades, those of us who love the fresh summer air are questioning our training options. We wake up one morning with glorious sunshine and the next morning with the torrential rain pounding off the windows. You can’t pick it. Training in the rain is okay, but do you really have to pound the pavements through ankle deep puddles? No. 


You can swap a bike ride for a spin class or turbo studio. But how do you substitute an outdoor run session? Running on a treadmill is so boring, isn’t it? Not anymore!  


There is a new special addition to your winter training options that you will love if you are a keen runner. It is more than just a substitute session; it will springboard your training over the winter period. 


Orangetheory Fitness is a group personal training studio with 12 top of the range Flexi-Deck treadmills. The Flexi Deck base absorbs impact to help prevent injury while the touch screens mean that you can move through speeds instantly. Everyone wears a heart rate monitor in class and works towards spending 12 – 20 minutes in the Orange Zone – 84% or above of your max heart rate.  


The remainder of your time is spent developing strength and power. This is the secret weapon you have been searching for in your training. The trainer-led High-Intensity workout will take you through endurance, strength and power sessions on the treadmill and floor. Being led by a trainer you never know what you are going to get. You’ll use the power of the group to keep you on track and push you that little bit faster. Beginners can train alongside professional athletes because we are all working to achieve 12 –20 minutes at 84% or above of our individual max heart rate, we call this the Orange Zone. The fitter the heart, the harder you need to work to get into the Orange Zone. 


Your OT Beat heart rate monitor can be synced with your phone via the Orangetheory App so you can use the heart rate monitor outside of the studio in your other training sessions. Guarantee yourself at least one rain-free session a week, where you work as a team, can never get dropped or lost, and can have fun and be motivated by a trainer and the music. Come in out of the cold and the rain and try out Orangetheory today. 


Want more?   Visit the Orangetheory  Fitness website.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 01:48:08 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Boost Your Health With A Greens Supplement]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-boost-your-health-with-a-greens-supplement/ Just adding a serving of a quality greens supplement powder may help flood your body with vital nutrients

Green certainly is the new black when it comes to what’s in vogue in the wellness world. Green smoothies, kale salads, avocado with everything, and – yep, you guessed it – green powders that promise super health promoting effects just from taking 1-2 teaspoons a day.  


So can adding a greens powder to your daily regime really supercharge your health?  “A green powder supplement is like a multivitamin on steroids,” nutritionist Teresa Boyce told Body and Soul. “They offer you all the vitamins and minerals of a multi but with added nutrients such as probiotics, prebiotics, detoxification nutrients and disease-protective antioxidants.” So in a nutshell, yes, regular us of a greens supplement can certainly be worthwhile. 



How it works 

Green powder supplements are usually made of freeze-dried nutritious foods, such as vegetables, sprouts, grasses and algae, plus an array of ingredients such as trace minerals, digestive enzymes and cultured beneficial bacteria. This provides a very concentrated serve of vital ingredients that our bodies need every day in a conveniently small serving size. Basically, you can get in a lot more of the good stuff by taking a greens powder since it allows you to ingest higher quantities than you could eat if it was in the form of fresh produce. 


Make sure it contains algae  

Green algae such as spirulina and chlorella are key ingredients you should look for when choosing a greens supplement, with research backing up the positive impact these foods have on our health. A 2009 Japanese study found that chlorella could be an effective tool in combating serious lifestyle diseases. It was shown to reduce body-fat percentage and blood-glucose levels, as well as helping those suffering from type 2 diabetes, obesity or heart disease.  


These algae-based foods are also bursting with vitamins, minerals and are exceptionally high in protein, boasting more per calorie than most other foods on the planet. 


Choosing a quality greens powder 

Not all greens supplements are created equal, so make sure you take a good look at the ingredients before making your purchase. You want to avoid ones that are bulked up with fruit powders such as apple, instead opting for supplements that are made up with majority of green vegetables and other low-sugar green foods, with a good variety of ingredients. Prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes and herbs are a great addition that can make a greens powder even more nutritious, so look out for these. 


How to take it 

It’s the latest nutrition essential and sounds ideal: mix two teaspoons a day into water, milk or non-acidic juice, drink and then rest assured that your body is getting the nutrients it needs. 


Don’t skip the fresh produce! 

Greens powders can be beneficial whether you have a healthy diet or not, but the aim should always be to use them to supplement a diet rich in fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, wholefood carbohydrates and lean protein.  


Get the most out of it 

Do your research; select a quality green powder with low sugar and a variety of nutrients. After that, it comes down to consistency. Take the recommended daily dose and make it part of your everyday routine to get the maximum benefit. 


3 top FIT picks (available to purchase in store or online)



Tue, 04 Jul 2017 01:41:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Why Orangetheory Is The Exercise Method You Need To Try]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/why-orangetheory-is-the-exercise-method-you-need-to-try/ Fit caught up with the head trainer and studio manager who are bringing the Orangetheory Fitness trend to Australia

Stemming from the work of a team of exercise physiologists in America, Orangetheory Fitness is fast becoming a global exercise movement that is yielding its participants with real, fast results. How? It comes down to the science and unique use of real time heart rate monitoring to optimise the workout, keeping the heart rate and exertion within the “Orange Zone” for the duration of the training session.  


FIT chatted with Benjamin Fisher, National Head Trainer at Orange Theory Fitness, and Lee Mackie, the Bondi Studio Manager, to find out more about Orangetheory.  


The verdict is: you need to try this fitness craze ASAP. 


What is Orange Theory? Can you also explain the philosophy behind it? 

Orangetheory Fitness is 1 hour, full body workout led by a trainer. It is comprised of Endurance, Strength and Power training. Everyone is wearing a heart rate monitor and we are working across 5 heart rate zones.  


The class is split into 2 groups and they will switch during the session so that everyone does the same workout. We have 12 top of the range, touch screen, flexi-deck treadmills. You can choose to power-walk, jog or run depending on your fitness level and what your heart-rate is telling you. Your live colour coded heart rate is visible on large screens in the studio so you and the trainer can make sure you don’t under-train or over-train.  


You are aiming to spend 12 – 20 minutes in the Orange Zone which is 84% or above of your max heart rate. We give you one point for each minute spent in the Orange Zone. We call them Splat Points and throughout your workout you are chasing to achieve them. Women typically burn 500 - 700 calories per session and men up to 1000 calories.  


Following the workout design of our team of exercise physiologists, whether you are in New York, London or Bondi you will be doing the same work out as others training with Orange Theory around the globe! However every day is different and you will never do the same work out twice, which keeps it exciting. 


What are the unique benefits of this exercise style?  

We are triggering Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) in the body. EPOC is triggered when you spend 12-20 minutes in the Orange Zone. EPOC means that you will be burning calories at a rate up to 9 times higher than normal for 24-36 hours after you have finished training. We talk about our members burning calories in their sleep! 


20 minutes is the cap for EPOC where you are burning calories for up to 36 hours. Working harder for longer gets you absolutely no further benefit. This is why we encourage our members to work smarter, not harder.  


With a traditional heart rate monitor you can analyse your data afterwards and find out if you achieved this goal. At Orangetheory Fitness you are watching your Splat Points live on a large screen in the studio, so you can see in real time whether you need to work harder or if you have achieved your goal. No more guessing. 


How has Orange Theory changed your life / body? 

Lee: I injured my back after Ironman Melbourne in 2013 and was not able to do any training for nearly 3 years. Training would leave me incredibly stiff and in pain. There are 12 Flexi-deck treadmills at Orangetheory and they have a flexible deck that absorbs the impact. With a combination of interval training on the treadmill, the functional movement with the TRX and the ab work in the class, I am now back running! 


Can you share the kind of success stories you've seen with people doing this exercise style? 

Our last Weight Loss Challenge winners Annita and Warren lost 12.5kg and 12.3kg in just6 weeks. Warren has now lost over 18kg and telling us: 


"I started Orangetheory as an unfit, overweight middle aged guy suffering from heartburn and indigestion. Three months later and 18 kg lighter, I am now a fitter stronger, healthier, middle aged guy! Orangetheory Fitness is the best investment I could have made as the health benefits have been life changing. I sleep better, snore less and no longer require heartburn medication. 


I love coming to Orangetheory Fitness with my and wife and now my son. It is great that the whole family can experience the benefits together."  


These kinds of stories are what makes doing this so worthwhile! Our passions are helping people achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Orangetheory can really change people’s lives for the better. 


Want more? Visit the Orangetheory Fitness website. 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 01:35:47 +0000
<![CDATA[Superfood Spotlight: Goji Berries]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/superfood-spotlight-goji-berries/ These little red berries are a nutritional powerhouse

Goji berries are a sweet-tart fruit that is native to Tibet and regions of China, which have long been used medicinally in these cultures. With a host of nutritional benefits, it’s no wonder why in recent years they have become a popular health food around the world, touted at a superfood. Here’s why you should be including goji berries in your diet: 


Low in calories 

Like most berries, goji berries are naturally low in calories. A handful contains less than 100 calories, making them an excellent way to add nutrients without adding excessive calories to your daily intake. 



Goji berries are high in dietary fibre, which is essential for healthy digestive function. The fibre content means that the carbohydrates act in a low GI way and raise blood sugar slowly, so you won’t experience a sugar crash afterwards. 


High in Vitamins  

Goji berries are a rich source of vitamin C, iron and vitamin A, which are all essential nutrients the body needs. Adding a few tablespoons of goji berries to your meals each day is an easy way to boost your vitamin intake naturally. 



Studies have shown the high level of antioxidants in goji berries, especially zeaxanthin. It’s the zeaxanthin that gives goji berries their bright red colour. The antioxidants work to help protect cells from free radical damage.  


Weight Loss  

Goji berries are an excellent addition to a weight loss lifestyle because their rich, sweet taste, along with their high fibre content, which can provide a feeling of fullness. Keep goji berries on hand as a healthy option to help curb poor snacking. 


Super versatile  

Goji berries are usually sold in their dried form and can be enjoyed straight from the packet or added to so many different meals and snacks.  


For breakfast, try them sprinkled on your cereal, in oatmeal, yoghurt or blended into your favourite smoothie. Try mixing them with nuts, seeds and cacao nibs for a delicious homemade trail mix. Goji berries can also be added to tea or brewed with hot water on their own to create a deliciously health tonic. 


Goji berries also taste great in savoury dishes, raw or cooked, such as in salads or stews.  Their high vitamin C content is also great for helping you absorb the iron content in leafy greens or lean meats. 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 01:27:47 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Of The Best Walking Tracks In Sydney]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-of-the-best-walking-tracks-in-sydney/ Whether you want a scenic coastal stroll or a bush walk, this city has it

Sydney is known for being one of the most beautiful cities in the world and when you take a look at our surrounds it’s no wonder why! Sprawling from north to east and south to west, Sydney fitness punters, tourists and adventurers alike are spoiled for choice with a wide variety of walks to enjoy while soaking up the first class vistas.  


Here are FIT’s pick of 5 of the best walking tracks that Sydney has to offer. Add them all to your list pronto.


Bondi to Coogee  

Arguably the most iconic walk in Australia, this oceanfront cliff track is a hive of activity from dawn to dusk every day of the week. You can begin at either end and make your way along the approximately hour-long walk perched right above the Eastern Suburbs’ most famous beaches. If you want a shorter walk, you can do Bondi to Bronte, which will only take you around 30 minutes at a brisk pace. Wrap it up with a drink at the famous Bondi Icebergs and you will know why life is good. 


  • Barrenjoey Lighthouse  

Situated on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Barrenjoey Lighthouse is a beautiful heritage listed building that offers a number of scenic walks to get visitors to the top of where it is situated on Barrenjoey Head, Palm Beach, 91m above sea level. Enjoy natural Australian bush on the way up and unparralel ocean views at the summit. 


  • The Coast Track, National park  

The Coast Track allows walkers to enjoy the rugged and expansive beauty of the Royal National Park’s cliffs, beaches and escarpments and magnificent ocean. Following the coastline, the 26km track runs from Bundeena to Otford and can either be tackled in sections or in a day trek for more experienced hikers. 

Popular stop offs along the way include Burning Palms Beach, Wattamolla and the Figure of 8 Pools. 


  • Woolloomooloo to Circular Quay 

This short and sweet inner city route boats splendid views of Sydney Harbour and its most coveted icons, the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. You can make your way from Wolloomooloo past Mrs. Macquaries Point and the Royal Botanical Gardens or do it the other way around. Wind up by enjoying a meal at one of the popular eateries on the waterfront. 


  • Many to Spit Bridge  

Take in excessive view of the coast, lush bushland, waterways and stunning harbor front vistas on this 10 km trail that commences Manly Wharf. Part path and part bushwalk, you will eventually arrive at the Spit Bridge in Mosman after what can only be described as an enjoyable workout.

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 01:14:16 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits Of Vitamin C]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/health-benefits-of-vitamin-c/ You’ll want to make sure you’re getting enough of this nutrient

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin essential to human health. Everyone knows that vitamin C is good for keeping us healthy, but did you know that bolstering the immune system is just one of it’s many benefits? FIT takes a look at some of the other perks to loading up on this wonder nutrient.


It supports your immune system 

Your immune system is essential to your wellbeing and prevents you from getting common colds, flus or other bugs that we come into contact with every day. Vitamin C is best known for the role it plays in strengthening the immunity. In times of illness, the body requires higher levels of vitamin C than usual, with studies suggesting that increasing your intake with supplements can reduce the duration, symptoms and severity of sickness.  


It helps keep you wrinkle free 

Vitamin C has the ability to help the skin produce collagen, which is what gives skin its elasticity and keeps you looking youthful. Including plenty of vitamin C in your diet is a great way to fight ageing and help combat sun damage, as vitamin C functions as an antioxidant to fight free radicals in the body. 


It assists detoxification of heavy metals  

Vitamin C has been shown to assist with heavy metal detoxification in the body. In particular, vitamin C can lower lead levels. People can come into contact with lead through the foods we eat, water we drink and even the air. In order to keep your organs functioning at their peak, it’s important to help remove these toxic metals from the body, which is one of the helpful functions of vitamin C. 


It keeps your heart healthy 

 Vitamin C is also an incredible asset for maintaining cardiovascular health, with clinical research revealing that it can help with a whole range of heart related issues, such as high blood pressure and endothelial health, through reducing oxidative damage and inflammation.  


It helps skin heal 

Vitamin C is one of the key building blocks for skin repair and can even play a role in DNA repair. Ensuring higher levels of vitamin C intake can assist with faster wound healing and also reduce scars. 


It helps manage stress 

Stress is one of the biggest issues we face today that puts our health in jeopardy. While we are designed to handle the minor stressors of everyday life, our fast paced world and high expectations often means we come under more stress than the body can naturally deal with. Excess stress weakens the immune system and can even age us. The powerful antioxidant function of vitamin C helps to offset this by reducing free radical damage, which benefits us both physically and mentally. 


Think you need a Vitamin C supplement? Visit the FIT store, in person or online, to get your hands on one of our high quality Vitamin C products. 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 00:56:21 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Songs To Get You In The Mood For A Workout]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-songs-to-get-you-in-the-mood-for-a-workout/ These tunes are sure to get you going even when you don't feel like it!

There’s nothing like a good beat to make you feel inspired and ready to take on a good sweat session and carry you through from warm-up to cool down.  
FIT Crew member DJ Cadell stopped by to share 5 songs for your workout that he’s currently loving and you will too. 


1. Waiting All Night – Rudimental 

I really love Rudimental and how they can make tracks that have cred yet cross over to the mainstream. This track has an old school break beat feel, which is great to give you that extra push when things are getting tough. 


2. Hyper Paradise (Flume Remix) - Hermitude   

Anything flume related is welcome in the start of the sets or on the warm down. It’s great either way with the structure that is in his production. You just can’t go wrong.  


3. 679 - Fetty Wap  

The new school R&Bass is always going to be a good pump for a work out. Big bass and gritty sounds make it perfect for getting down and dirty in a big workout. 


4. Stoned Love - Good Chillaz  

Not everything is about the pump. The warm down is equally as important as the workout so I like to switch it down a few notches. This is just beautiful to run your stretches through.  


5. Etoile - Phil Mison 

Another one for the stretching or roller time. No matter how many times I hear this track over the years it just never gets old. A perfect wind down to finish and epic workout. 


Want more FIT music? 

Cadell is behind the curation of the playlists for your in-store enjoyment at FIT. In addition he’s the curator of our Spotify channel where you can check out a range of different playlists that cater for every situation. No matter what mood you’re in, come in and listen to something a little different that fits your vibe created by our man Cadell. 


About DJ Cadell 


Cadell has been across multiple facets of the music industry for almost 20 years. As a DJ in some of the world’s most renowned venues, he has built an enviable music library and developed an instinctive flair for curating the best tracks. 


He’s created playlists for some of Sydney’s top restaurants, fashion houses and beauty retreats. This has exposed him to a variety of different music genres, and has given him the knowledge to be able to cultivate the coolest vibes, moods and feelings through sound.   



Tue, 04 Jul 2017 00:46:50 +0000
<![CDATA[4 Foods You Think Are Healthy But Aren't]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/4-foods-you-think-are-healthy-but-arent/ Don’t be fooled by these pseudo “health” foods & swap for something that’s actually good for you

With all the marketing and mixed information out there, it’s easy to fall into the trap of consuming foods you believe to be healthy, but actually are not!  

FIT busts the cover on 4 foods commonly perceived to be healthy, which should actually be added to the no-go list. 


Breakfast cereals 

Arguably the most common Australian breakfast choice, thousands of people start their day with a bowl of one of the many popular breakfast cereals on the market. Stop! Most commercial cereals are actually highly processed, contain large amounts of sugar, with minimal fibre, protein or nutrients. It’s likely they could end up leaving you hungry shortly afterwards and spiking your blood sugar so you crave more sweet things later in the day. 

Swap it: 

If you want a cereal for breakfast, nothing beats old-fashioned oatmeal! Oats are filling, nourishing and low GI. You can add fresh fruit and nuts or nut butters to make it interesting.  
For the gluten sensitive, quinoa or buckwheat based breakfast bowls are also another healthy and delicious option. 


Bottled juice & smoothies 

There is a big difference between fresh smoothies and juices and the ones you buy pre-made in a bottle. Don’t be fooled by their health promising blurbs! As a general rule, store bought bottled smoothies and juices have been pasteurised, which strips most of the nutrients from them. Many also contain preservatives to extend the shelf life and have unnaturally high quantities of fruit, which bulks up the calories and sugar content. 

Swap it: 

Fresh is best. Make your own or visit us at our Bondi flagship store to get a smoothie when you are on the run – we will have you out the door with your nutritionist formulated, low-sugar blend in less time than it takes to do 15 burpees.  



Low-fat yoghurt 

Many people buy low-fat yoghurt believing it to be a healthy, waistline friendly option. Unfortunately when the fat is removed, it is often compensated for with sugar and other nasty ingredients, such as thickeners or artificial sweeteners. The end result is a product that wreaks havoc on your blood sugar, hormones and/or adds a chemical load to your body. 

Swap it: 

More recent evidence has disproved the theory that fat is bad. In fact, moderate quantities of fats are important for overall health, so skip the fat-free and low-far varieties and opt for plain, whole milk, organic yoghurt. Full-fat yoghurt is also more satiating, so it will help keep you full for longer. 
For those who don’t tolerate cow dairy, some great alternatives are coconut, sheep, goat or almond milk yoghurts. 


Trail mix 

Trail mix might seem like a convenient and healthy snack food, but most are not! The calories and sugars can really add up in just a couple of handfuls. Many are made with salted nuts and excessive dried fruit or other sugary additions.  

Swap it: 

A healthy version is possible, but it’s better to make it yourself so you know what is in there. Throw in superfoods like goji berries for bonus points! 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 00:40:00 +0000
<![CDATA[High Protein Vegan Foods]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/high-protein-vegan-foods/ Yes, you really can load up on protein from plants!


Whether you’re vegan or not, stocking up on plant-based foods is a great way to meet your protein needs. Vegan protein sources are a very healthy way to get essential amino acids in your diet. Plant-based sources are water soluble, and smaller molecules than animal protein, making it much easier for our systems to digest. 


And no, it doesn’t mean eating crazy amounts of beans or meat substitutes. These high protein vegan foods are good for you, delicious and pack a real nutritional punch… Get some broccoli on your fork! 



Quinoa is a pseudo-grain, which is actually a seed with an impressive protein content. Just a 1 cup serving contains over 8 grams of complete protein. Yes, quinoa is one of the few plant-based sources of all 9 essential amino acids required by the body.  It’s also extremely versatile – enjoy it hot or cold, sweet or savoury. Next time a dish calls for rice or cous cous, substitute quinoa into the recipe instead! 


Plant-based protein powder 

High quality vegan protein powders are a fantastic way to get a fast hit of plant protein, whether it’s supplementing a weight training program, supporting your general intake, or as part of a nourishing breakfast smoothie.  


Even if you don’t follow a plant-based diet, vegan protein powders are also a great alternative for those who experience digestive issues with dairy-based versions. Check out 7 of the best vegan protein powders here, which are all available to purchase from FIT.  



Spirulina isn’t only good for getting your daily dose of chlorophyll. This naturally highly nutritious micro algae is a rich source of vegetable protein, among other essential vitamins and minerals.  

With over 100 nutrients and a protein content of 60% or more (3-4 times higher than fish or beef!), adding just a teaspoon of spirulina to your regime is a great way to boost your protein intake and support peak health. 


Hemp seeds 

Just three tablespoons of these creamy, little seeds gives you a whopping 10g of protein. Bonus: the same serving of hulled hemp seeds also gives you almost 14g of heart healthy omega-3 and -6 fats, and 2 grams of fibre.  


Throw them into your smoothies, sauces, dressings or simply sprinkled on top of salads to increase plant protein intake in an instant. 


Nuts & nut butters 

Nuts and nut butters are a great addition to a plant-based diet or for those wanting to increase their plant-based protein sources. They contain a combination of protein and healthy fats but are also high in calories, so it’s good to eat them with moderation in mind.  


Always opt for unsalted, raw varieties and consume about a handful at a time. When it comes to nut butters, make sure the only ingredients are the nuts . Steer clear of hydrogenated oils, salt and sugar, which are commonly added. 1-2 tablespoons of your favourite nut butter is usually a good amount and enough to boost your protein intake. If you are trying to gain muscle or weight, then you can increase your servings of nuts accordingly. 


Chia seeds  

Like quinoa, chia seeds are another one of the coveted complete vegan sources of protein. A 2 tablespoon serving of these wonder seeds provides 4.7 grams of protein, with all 9 essential amino acids. Throw them into your smoothie or let them take centre stage and make a chia pudding. When mixed with liquid and left to soak they absorb many times their size, plumping up and forming a gelatinous consistency.  Simply choose your add-ins and create a delicious treat for breakfast, a snack or even dessert! 



You always knew it was good for you, but did you know that 1 cup worth of chopped broccoli contains over 8g protein? In addition, it’s low in calories and high water content, which make it perfect for healthy weight management. Blanched or lightly steamed are the healthiest ways to consume this green powerhouse. 



Chickpeas are from the legume family and boast 7.3 grams of protein in a half cup serving. They are affordable, easy and delicious. Try throwing them into salads or combined with tahini, lemon juice and garlic to make hummus. Yum! 


Tempe & tofu 

Tempe and tofu are both made from soybeans and are some of the highest vegetarian protein sources around, containing about 15 grams of plant protein in only half a cup.  With a neutral flavour, these foods easily adapt to different recipes and readily take on the taste of what you choose to flavour the dish with. When it comes to soy products, it’s always best to choose organic varieties. 


Green peas 

This one may come as a surprise, but the humble green pea contains almost 8 grams of vegetable protein in just one cup, along with a hefty dose of fibre.  Being so easy to include in all sorts of vegetable dishes, from soups and curries, to salads and sides, green peas are an easy way to increase your plant protein intake. A recent trend has even seen Instagram health foodies throwing them frozen into smoothies!

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 00:19:13 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Stay Well This Cold & Flu Season]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-stay-well-this-cold-flu-season/ Top tips to keep your immune system thriving

When cold and flu seasons hits, it can feel like it’s inevitable that you’re going to get sick. So what’s the secret of all those people who manage to get through the cooler months in good health? They have a secret weapon called a strong immune system! The good news is you can have one too. Putting these practices into place will help strengthen your immune system naturally, so you can get out of autumn and winter unscathed!  


Prioritise your gut 

We are all exposed to germs but the decider of who ends up sick and who doesn’t is how strong your internal defence system is, which lies largely on your gut health. If you have a good inner ecology – meaning plenty of good bacteria – your immunity will be high. 


To help create this beneficial digestive balance, make sure you include both prebiotics and probiotics in your diet. Probiotics are the good bacteria and prebiotics function as a food source to help the probiotics establish and thrive in your body. A high quality supplement is always a good idea. 


Immune-boosting foods 

Help your body give the cold and flu season the flick this year by fortifying your immune system with a diet high in vitamins A, B2, B6, C, D, and E, as well as Zinc and Selenium. These nutrients are important for a strong immune system and are abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables. Nutritionist and author of The Healthy Life, Jessica Sepel advises to eat a well balanced diet. “Be sure to include plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, legumes and lean red meat.” 


Make time to relax  

The fight or flight response that occurs in the body during times of stress may be designed to protect us from dangers, but over the long-term these same protective responses can wear down your immunity. “You become vulnerable to illness,” says celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder. “Some experts estimate as high as 75 percent of all doctors visits can be directly attributed to stress!” This means it’s important to make time to relax or do stress relieving activities to keep your stress levels in check and bolster your immune system. 


Avoid sugar 

Sugar is inflammatory and suppresses immune function, making it a no-go when you’re focused on building your immune strength. “Avoid processed sugar and products (including agave), which decreases immunity and causes spikes in blood glucose,” warns Kimberly. 


Stay hydrated 

Hydration, hydration, hydration! Make sure you are drinking at least 2 litres of good quality water each day, in addition to herbal teas to help keep your health and immunity high. Bonus points for adding antimicrobial lemon juice to your water. 


Plenty of rest 

Having at least 8 hours of quality sleep a night is essential for good health and plays a large role in natural immunity. “Research shows that when you are deprived of sleep, inflammatory cytokines rise while t-cells decrease. These two responses weaken your immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight off cold and the flu,” explains Kimberly. Make sure you get plenty of shut eye. 


Supplement smart 

When building the immune system up, Jessica recommends including specific supplements that support you. “Zinc is crucial for immune function as a zinc deficiency may cause a weakened immune response, predisposing you to a longer or more severe cold. Zinc and vitamin C are nutrients essential to good health and have a growing body of scientific evidence to support their benefits in boosting immunity and strengthening the healing process.” If you suspect that you’re coming down with something, dose up! 


Stay active 

Research has shown that exercise actually helps to improve the immune system, so there’s no excuse for hibernating on the couch just because it’s cold. “Pursue moderate exercise. Take a brisk walk during the day, go hiking, bicycle, practice yoga or find some other activity you enjoy and can pursue regularly,” says Kimberly. “One caveat, however. Over-exercising can lower immunity, so there’s no need to become a workout warrior.” 

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 00:04:56 +0000
<![CDATA[Hacks For The Most Common Nutrition Complaints]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/hacks-for-the-most-common-nutrition-complaints/ of the biggest issues that nutritionists are asked about and how to beat them

Complaint 1: 

" I never have time to eat breakfast, so often go without" 

Far too many people skip breakfast, arguably the most important meal of the day, due to a lack of time in the mornings. However going without that morning meal can lead to unstable blood sugar levels, causing low energy and a higher chance of reaching for unhealthy options later in the day. Eating breakfast also helps to kick start your metabolism. Indeed, research supports that you should eat breakfast, finding people who do are more likely to be within the healthy weight range.   


A healthy breakfast should be a non-negotiable. One option is to set your alarm 15 minutes earlier so you have time to have a simple, nutritious breakfast before leaving the house. If this won’t work for you, make friends with grab and go food to take with you on the way out the door, such as a piece of fruit with a handful of nuts, or a protein smoothie / shake, or healthy bar which you can enjoy on your commute. 


Another great option is to prepare your breakfast the night before in a portable container to bring with you and eat once you get to work or university. Overnight oats or chia puddings are perfect for this. You can add a scoop of your favourite protein powder to the mix too for extra staying power. 


Complaint 2 

"I often get bloated after meals, even if they are clean and healthy" 

Many people struggle with bloating after meals, which is even more frustrating if you think you’re doing everything right by consuming clean meals free from the usual bloating suspects, such as gluten, sugar and dairy.  


It can be highly demotivating too if you’re really making an effort with your healthy lifestyle but still suffering from a distended stomach no matter what you eat.... but don’t despair! 



The problem could lie not in the foods you are eating (although it’s good to rule this out too with the help of a nutritionist), but in how your body is digesting them. If food is not being broken down properly, it can lead to fermentation of food particles in the digestive tract, which causes excess gas and bloating. Try taking a broad-spectrum digestive enzyme 15 minutes before meals and make sure you chew each mouthful well. A probiotic supplement may also help establish a healthy gut flora for optimal digestion, thus preventing bloating, 


Complaint 3 

"I get tired and hungry in the afternoon and find it hard not to grab something naughty for a quick energy boost" 

The 4pm slump is all too familiar; that time in the later afternoon when your energy levels feel low, your stomach is grumbling and you are most susceptible to succumbing to a vending machine visit.  



This issue could likely be caused by unstable blood sugar levels, so look at what you are possibly consuming earlier in the day that may be causing it. Simple carbohydrates and sugary foods, as well as excess coffee, can lead to a sudden crash in energy that leaves you wanting something that will bring it back up again quickly, creating a rollercoaster effect.  


Make sure you have a balanced breakfast and lunch, with adequate protein, good fats and complex carbohydrates to release a steady flow of energy into your blood stream, to help prevent low energy in the afternoon. 


Be prepared with healthy snacks on hand that will help maintain your blood sugar, improve satiety levels and stop you reaching for junk. Raw nuts, protein shakes, a hard-boiled egg or vegetables with hummus are great options. 


Complaint 4:  

"I’m eating diet and low-fat foods, but I’m not loosing weight" 

Low fat and diet foods may be cleverly marketed to make you think that they are great for weight loss, but the truth is that they generally aren’t. Why? In place of the fat, these foods are often filled with sugar and artificial ingredients, whilst being stripped of nutrition. This makes them unsatisfying, lacking in nutrition and likely to cause more cravings.  



Ditch these processed “fake” foods and instead opt for nourishing wholefoods that naturally assist with weight loss. High water content vegetables and fruits are low in calories but high in fibre and nutrients, making them excellent meal components or snacks. 


Research is actually strongly indicating that it’s not fat you should be afraid of when it comes to watching your waistline, but sugar. In fact, consuming foods with their fat in tact actually has health benefits as well as keeping you fuller for longer, so you’re less likely to overeat at your next meal.  


Moral of the story? Scrap the “diet” fruit yoghurt snack because it’s not doing you any favours. Instead chow down on organic whole milk Greek yoghurt or coconut yoghurt with some fresh fruit instead. The same applies to the rest of the low-fat and diet foods out there: the whole and real counterpart is always better. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 23:52:17 +0000
<![CDATA[Fitness Trackers: 4 Of The Best]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/fitness-trackers-4-of-the-best/ It’s time to tech fit with these savvy devices

A fitness tracker is your one-stop shop to counting your steps, monitoring your sleep quality and keeping yourself informed on all the components of your health journey with superior accuracy. It’s like having a virtual finger on your pulse, keeping everything in check, then feeding it back to you in quantifiable data. Yep, it’s pretty cool! And when it comes to your health, you can definitely justify splurging on the best. We’ve lined them up here:  


Fitbit Charge HR 

Weighing in at just 22g, the Fitbit Charge will easily become one with your body and you won’t even realise you’re wearing it, not to mention it’s sleek and discrete appearance. 


This sporty tech accessory features an altimetre and pulse counter, which guarantees you more accurate data results. The watch-style strap allows for maximum, comfort and security while wearing it. 


Bonus: the Fitbit gadget is supplemented with a forward-thinking app plus social ecosystem. 


UA Band 

This fitness tracker is the lovechild of Under Armour and HTC. The UA Band is bursting with features that make it a clever purchase for those wanting to keep a tab on their fitness journey.  


The high performance, coveted design delivers impressive results both with and without the companion app, UA Records.  


Other perks include its lightweight, 5 day battery life and responsive touch screen. 


Jawbone UP3 

The Jawbone UP3 is a screenless fitness tracker that features an impressive app to track sleep and steps, plus a heart rate monitor. 


This device is ideal for those who want a basic tracker of high quality. It’s also available in a wide variety of colours in a fashionable, minimalist design, making it perfect for the style conscious among us. 


Microsoft Band 2 

The Microsoft Band 2 is versatile fitness tracker is powerful, comfortable and stylish. It features 11 different sensors to monitor everything from altitude to track stairs and hills, to heart rate, skin temperature, acceleration, UV and more.  


This gadget is perfect for tracking not only steps and sleep, but gym sessions, golf, cycling, running and almost any sport! It’s certainly an incredible asset for any fitness lifestyle. 


Mon, 03 Jul 2017 23:21:29 +0000
<![CDATA[What Kind Of Yoga Is Right For You?]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/what-kind-of-yoga-is-right-for-you/ Find your perfect match on the mat

There are so many different types of yoga out there, it can be hard to know what kind of practice will work best for you – especially if you’re a beginner! The good news is that there really is something for everyone. 


If you’re new to yoga and want to find your fit, or even if you have tried out a few kinds of classes but they didn’t do it for you, FIT have created this no-fuss guide to getting your perfect yoga match to take the trial and error out of it. 


You want: to wind down  

Try: Hatha Yoga 

Hatha is a style of yoga that is focused on slow and gentle movements, usually combining a mixture of floor and balance work. It’s a great way to stretch and the perfect way to wind down from a busy day or week. Also recommended for beginners to yoga, as the slow pace is great for learning the different pose 


You want: to be active  

Try: Vinyasa Yoga 

Vinyasa yoga is also referred to as “Vinyasa flow” or simply “flow” yoga. As the name suggests, you’ll be literally flowing from pose to pose. It’s an active and diverse yoga form as you move through different “asana” series (pose sequences] usually with no two classes the same. Great for building strength while stretching the whole body. 


You want: an intense workout 

Try: Ashtanga Yoga  


Ashtanga yoga is commonly called “power yoga” for good reason. This is arguably the most physically demanding form of yoga, based around vigorous sequences. It is best suited to those with a very high fitness level and those who want to push their body to the max with yoga… Definitely not for the faint hearted! 


You want: to sweat and detox 

Try: Bikram Yoga 

Bikram yoga is a 90 minute class following the same precise formula of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises every time, all performed in a sauna-hot room. It’s sticky and yes, you will sweat a lot, but you will feel amazing afterwards. One thing’s for sure; all that sweating will certainly help detoxify your body! The heat is also great for limbering up the body so you can stretch more deeply. 


You want: to use props 

Try: Ivengar Yoga 

Ivengar yoga uses a lot of yoga props, such as blocks, harnesses, straps, and cushions. It’s a great way to support your poses and focus on correct alignment. 


You want: to heal and repair 

Try: Restorative Yoga 

Restorative yoga is the most gentle and nurturing form of yoga, aimed as the name suggests, on restoring the mind and body. Expect to hold the poses for a long time and allow your mind to go into a deeply relaxed state whilst doing it. This kind of yoga is highly therapeutic, both physically and mentally. 


You want: pregnancy support 

Try: Prenatal Yoga 

Prenatal yoga is an incredible form of exercise for expecting mothers. With a focus around breathing and core work to specifically help pregnant bodies and preparing women for childbirth, it’s also the perfect place to connect with other soon-to-be mums. 


You want: to try something new 

Try: Aerial Yoga 

Aerial yoga leaves the normal constraints of gravity at the classroom door, letting you achieve a new kind of access to your body as you use a hammock like sling to support your weight. You are literally suspended in the air. It is especially beneficial for improving your posture and stability, due to its focus on the core. 


You want: lots of fun! 

Try: Acro Yoga 

Acro yoga is done with a partner and is basically a fun combination of yoga and acrobatics. There will be lots of laughs but it can also offer some really challenging poses that require real teamwork with your partner, making it great for connecting with new friends or loved ones. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 06:43:04 +0000
<![CDATA[Immune-Boosting Paleo Chicken Soup Recipe]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/immune-boosting-paleo-chicken-soup-recipe/ A cup of this soup a day will keep the doctor away

Avoiding coming down with something nasty during the cold and flu season can seem near impossible at times, when people are dropping off around you one by one…. But it can be done! 


The best method for staying illness-free is to safeguard your immune system by using food as medicine and it’s no coincidence that almost every culture turns to soup for this. It’s easy to digest, soothing, warming and nourishing – not to mention you can jam-pack it with all sorts of anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and immune-loving ingredients.  


 This FIT Immune-Boosting Paleo Chicken Soup has it all: 


  • 2 Tbsp. coconut oil 
  • 400g chicken thigh, in chunks 
  • 2 brown onions, diced 
  • 1 zucchini, medium, diced 
  • ¼ medium butternut pumpkin, chopped in cubes 
  • 4 cups mixed green leafy vegetables of choice, roughly chopped 
  • 200g mushrooms, diced 
  • 6 cloves garlic, minced 
  • 3 carrots, medium, chopped 
  • ¼ bunch celery, chopped 
  • 1 tsp. ginger powder or 2cm piece fresh 
  • 1 Tbsp. turmeric root powder or 4cm piece fresh 
  • 2 tsp. thyme  
  • 2 tsp. rosemary 
  • 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar 
  • 2L chicken stock 
  • 3 bay leaves 
  • 1 lemon, juice only (optional)
  • Himalayan pink salt, to taste 
  • Black pepper, to taste 


  1. Heat the coconut oil in a large soup pot. Season the chicken with Himalayan salt and pepper, then place into the pot. Sear all sides for 2-3 minutes on medium heat and then transfer to a separate plate.
  1. Add all vegetables except for the leafy greens, plus the onion and garlic to the pot. Add more coconut oil if needed and cook for approximately 5 minutes, until tender. 
  1. Add the herbs and spices to the pot, stirring continuously for about 2 minutes, when it should become noticeably aromatic. 
  1. Add the apple cider vinegar into the pot, scrapping the sides and bottom down as you go to remove any browned bits. 
  1. Pour in the chicken stock, bay leaves and seared chicken piecesthat were set aside earlier. Cover the pot and leave to cook on low heat for around 30 minutes. You will know it’s ready when the chicken is cooked through and tender, the vegetables are soft, and herbs and spices have become extremely fragrant.  
  1. When serving, squeeze lemon juice over the top and garnish with herbs.

Tip: Kelp noodles make a delicious addition if you want to turn it into a paleo version of chicken noddle soup! 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 06:37:36 +0000
<![CDATA[Simple Tricks To Lift More Weight]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/simple-tricks-to-lift-more-weight/ Yes, it’s possible to increase your load now with these hacks

These easy exercise hacks can help you to lift more weight in a matter of seconds, making it great to help you push through a plateau in your training or simply to get stronger faster. Here’s what you need to know to give you a head start on your lifting goals, instantly: 


Irradiation is your friend 

You can actually prime your nervous system before lifting so that it is ready to engage at a higher capacity when you pick up the weights by using a body response known as ‘irradiation’.  


The easiest ways to do this are to clap your hands together (hard – it should sting a little) and by gripping the bar or dumbbells extremely firmly. Both these techniques work by stimulating the nerve ending in the hands, which in turn sends a message through the arms, shoulders and to the brain, preparing your body for a huge effort that it now senses is about to come. 


Align it up 

If your body is out of correct alignment, it will have an adverse affect on your lift performance. If your alignment is good, the message your brain receives will be to go all out, but if it’s poor, your brain will be getting danger signals that will limit the motor power of the working muscles. The right alignment starts in the feet, so experiment with getting it right from the base up. If you’re unsure, a personal trainer will be able to assist. 


Post activation potentiation 

“Post-activation potentiation” is a method that can be used to trick your muscles into becoming stronger naturally. The theory goes that prior to your main lift, you expose your muscles to a heavy weight for a single set. This won’t fatigue the muscles, but “potentiate” them, which makes them temporarily stronger, spiking your central nervous system. After a single heavy set of only about 2 reps, jump into your main session with your muscles ready to go. They should be more receptive to calcium for faster contraction and your nervous system will be primed to generate more force.  


Total body tension 

The “total body tension” technique increases your weight lifting performance by activating your nervous system and engaging as many muscle fibres as possible to bring strength into the movement. Simply think actively about engaging every muscle in your entire body to create maximum tension and away you go. 



You can even use your breathing as a technique to get instant strength. The breath is the base of any lift and where your initial stability comes from. If you align your breathing with your weight lifting movements and use the correct breathing method, you can create greater stability in your foundation through intra-abdominal pressure. To do this, breath deeply from the diaphragm right before the lift, by inhaling in the belly so it grows outward as you breathe in the air. As you begin to move your weight, exhale out powerfully. Winner! 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 06:31:17 +0000
<![CDATA[Top Super Anti-Ageing Foods]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/top-super-anti-ageing-foods/ Stop the clock with these youth-promoting staples

What if the fountain of youth was actually hiding in your kitchen?  


One of the biggest causes of ageing is inflammation in the body, which comes as a response to free radicals. A lack of hydration in the skin’s structures is also a contributor. 


The great news is that many healthy foods are high in nutritional components, such as antioxidants and good fats, which help to actively fight free radical damage and provide deep cellular hydration. This means eating the right foods can have a significant impact on keeping you looking and feeling vibrant and youthful. 


Here FIT shares these top anti-ageing foods to chow down on to help turn back the biological clock. 



Berries such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pomegranate and acai are foods that are exceptionally high in antioxidants. One of these antioxidants that is particularly useful for anti-ageing is resveratrol, which is produced naturally by plants in response to stress. When we consume foods high in resveratrol, the same protective qualities that benefit the plant are transferred over to our bodies.  


 Also try: Dark grapes and red wine (yes please!). 



Avocados are bursting with a very healthy type of fat, monounsaturated fat, which helps your skin stay hydrated. This fat is also beneficial for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins, which your skin needs to look its best. 


Also try: Olive oil, raw nuts and seeds. 



Garlic is an incredible food that can easily be added to most savoury dished. It promotes the growth of white blood cells, which are the body’s natural germ defense. It can also help to lower the bad LDL cholesterol levels and reduce high blood pressure. Either fresh or dried will do the trick. 


Also try: Onions, which help to raise the good HDL cholesterol and are high in quercetin, an antioxidant that helps strengthen damaged cells.  



Oily fish, especially wild caught salmon, are an abundant source of omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are great for preventing the buildup of cholesterol and maintaining heart health. These fats are also one of the ultimate anti-ageing nutrients for the skin, keeping it hydrated and glowing, whilst delivering a noteworthy dose of vitamin D and selenium. 


 Also try: Sardines and mackerel. 


Citrus fruits 

Citrus fruits are exceptionally rich in vitamin C, the beauty nutrient, as well as being high water content for hydration. The vitamin C supports collagen production to keep your skin elastic and supple, which are the characteristics of youthful cell structures. It is also a powerful antioxidant to fight ageing and free radical damage caused by exposure to UV rays and pollutants. 


Also try: Kiwifruit and strawberries, both extremely rich in vitamin C. 



Spinach is undoubtedly one of the healthiest foods around. It boasts a plethora of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals. The high levels of vitamins K, C and E, folate, iron and carotenoids are your anti-ageing friends. 


Also try: Broccoli, which is high in magnesium and vitamin C, fantastic for the immune system and a youthful complexion.  

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 06:17:59 +0000
<![CDATA[The Best Supplements For Hair, Skin & Nails]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-best-supplements-for-hair-skin-nails/ Use these for a secret beauty boost

Most of us know that our skin, hair and nails are an outward refection of our inner health. Eating a healthy diet and staying active are key, but did you know that there are also some supplements that can make a huge difference in helping you get that glowing skin, luscious hair and strong nails?  


Add these superstars to your supplement regime to boost your beauty fuel and see the results: 


Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which works by fighting free radicals and preventing damage caused by them in the body to help to keep wrinkles and other signs of ageing away. Vitamin C is important for collagen production and skin regeneration, as well as supporting a healthy immune system for a healthy glow. 


FIT pick: Amazonia Raw Prebiotic Vitamin C, Ethical Nutrients Extra C 



Zinc is an essential nutrient for skin healing, thick and healthy hair, and strong, clear nails. However, zinc also plays other important roles in the body and so the skin, hair and nails can be one of the last places to receive it, meaning that a deficiency usually manifests in these areas first. If you are experiencing slow wound healing, rough skin, thinning hair and/or brittle nails or white spots on your nails, it’s likely you are deficient in zinc.   


Taking a high quality zinc supplement is an excellent way get an extra boost of this beauty mineral, increasing the bodies stores and therefore the chance for it to be used to support healthy skin, hair and nails. 


FIT pick: Ethical Nutrients Zinc Maintain 


Coenzyme Q10 

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like compound that occurs naturally in the body and is present in all cells. Functioning as an antioxidant, it helps prevent the cells from free radical damage, as well as improving the efficiency of cellular energy production. This means it literally “energises” the skin, helping repair skin cells and make sure the skin is healthy. Young skin is abundant in this coenzyme, however as we age levels of Q10 decline. Supplementing with it can be beneficial in keeping skin fresh and youthful, whilst also protecting against photo-ageing (premature skin damage due to sun overexposure). 


FIT Pick: Ethical Nutrients Hi-Strength Q10 Absorb 



The green pigment of the plant kingdom, chlorophyll, helps to stimulate anti-ageing enzymes, while also supporting detoxification to encourage healthy, vibrant skin. Green supplements are also incredibly alkalising, which assist the body in maintaining an ideal alkaline pH balance in the tissues, which may help keep you looking and feeling young! 


FIT Pick: Passion Project Complex Greens, Amazonia Raw Prebiotic Greens, NuZest Good Green Stuff 



The gut has a huge impact on the rest of our body. If the digestive system isn’t healthy, one of the first places it shows up is on the skin. Probiotics are vital for maintaining an optimal balance of good bacteria for a well functioning gut, and therefore your overall health and skin. The other excellent beauty benefit is that probiotics are known to help prevent bloating, so you get a flat stomach and great complexion to boot! 


FIT Pick Amazonia Pre-Probiotics 


All recommended supplements available from FIT Nutrition Fix, 78 Spring Street, Bondi Junction.

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 06:02:33 +0000
<![CDATA[The Perfect Time To Drink Your Protein Shake]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-perfect-time-to-drink-your-protein-shake/ Get it right and maximise your result

You’ve invested in a quality protein supplement but now what? Are you really getting the most out of it by using it optimally? 


Timing over quantity  

It’s a common mistake for people to get their hands on some protein powder and then over use it. It can easily add up if you start having protein shakes here and there throughout the day, with the mentality “the more, the better.” However studies have shown that between 20-40g of protein in a shake provide enough muscle building amino acids to support strength and muscle gain, in combination with weight training. Higher doses were shown to have little to no benefit. 


Taking this into account, most people actually need much less protein than they may think and the motto shouldn’t be about quantity, but should be “the when, the better.” 


So when actually is best? 

Following a workout muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown are stimulated. Without sufficient protein following weight training, there can be little muscle growth. 


“If you are using a protein supplement, I would suggest having it immediately post workout, combined with carbohydrates to refuel and repair. This will assist with optimum recovery,” says dietician and FIT Crew member Olivia Bates, who recommends consuming the protein shake within 30 minutes of completing the workout.  


Protein is in high demand by your muscles at this time as it is urgently needed for growth and repair, so downing your protein shake in that window allows you to take full advantage of it. 


What about other times? 

Although within the 30 minute window after your weights session is optimal, there can still be a place for your protein shake at other times of the day or in specific circumstances. 


Ideally you should focus on getting your protein from wholefood sources during meals, yet sometimes you need a fast and easy high protein breakfast or snack to tide you over, for which a protein shake or smoothie can work well. 


If it’s been three hours or more since your last meal and you are going to do a strength workout, then having the protein shake pre-workout can be beneficial to ensure there are plenty of amino acids available to reduce muscle protein breakdown during your workout. Ideally though, you would consume a protein and carbohydrate meal or snack within three hours prior to working out and save the shake for afterwards.

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 05:48:06 +0000
<![CDATA[7 Low Sugar Fruits With Health Benefits]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/7-low-sugar-fruits-with-health-benefits/



Blueberries low in sugar and high in antioxidants. “These little berries are a powerhouse of antioxidants, including resveratrol and quercetin,” says Anna Mitsios, naturopath and founder of Edible Beauty. “These antioxidants are specifically known for their anti-ageing benefits and their ability to protect the skin and body against damage from free radicals.” 

If that wasn’t enough, Anna reveals that blueberries are a diabetic's dream when it comes to fruit. “They are low GI, low calorie and also provide protection to the small capillaries of the eyes, which are vulnerable to damage from high blood sugars,’ she says. 



Avocado is a very unique type of fruit because it is so high in healthy fats, whereas most fruits consist primarily of carbohydrates. The main fat in avocadoes is oleic acid, which is renowned for its heart healthy status, as well as being great for reducing inflammation in the body.  

Avocados are also higher in potassium than bananas, with 14% of the recommend daily intake in a 100g serve.  

If you’re looking for a creamy, low sugar substitute to banana in your smoothies, try avocado! It may sound strange, but you can’t taste it and get a delicious, smooth and thick texture, plus the added nutritional benefits. 



Acai berries have virtually no sugar in them and are actually a fatty fruit, containing omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, rather than carbohydrates 

“Acai is an incredible food because it is so rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants, many unique to the Amazon soil,” says Dwayne Martens, founder of Amazonia health food company that was build on organic and sustainable acai products.   

Due to its nutritional profile, acai may help support detoxification, fight free radicals, improve immunity and promote beautiful skin, hair and nails. Just make sure if you order a popular acai bowl from a café, you check they aren’t adding sweeteners or fruit juice to the blend. 



Lemons are a very low sugar citrus fruit, which are full of healthful flavonoids and vitamin C. They are also powerful anti-microbial agents, making them great for fighting off flus and infections.  

Starting the day with lemon juice in warm water is a great way to cleanse and alkalise the system, whilst kick starting digestion. 



While it is not as low in sugar as berries, papaya is still a moderately low sugar and GI fruit, which is well worth eating for its health benefits.  

“Papaya is a super hero when it comes to health promoting fruits,” says Anna Mitsios. “It is abundant in papain, an enzyme which works to reduce inflammation and promote digestion. It also contains beauty-boosting AHAs which promote skin renewal and cell turnover to enhance your skin's natural radiance.”  


About Anna Mitsios  

Anna Mitsios is founder of Edible Beauty Australia and renowned naturopath with a passion for raw foods, who specialises in edible skincare.

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 05:42:57 +0000
<![CDATA[Fun Workouts To Try This Weekend]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/fun-workouts-to-try-this-weekend/ You won’t even feel like you’re exercising


When we say “workouts,” we really mean activities!  


We’re talking about the kind of activities that require you to be active enough that it’s technically classed as exercise… but you’ll be having so much fun that you don’t actually feel like you’re exercising at all. 


Imagine improving your fitness, burning calories and reaping other exercise-related health benefits all while having a great time. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, try one – or more – this weekend. 


Indoor Rock Climbing 

Indoor rock climbing is legit! It’s one of the best arm, back and forearm workouts around. Plus, you get to feel like a boss when you reach the top. As you improve you can move on to more challenging walls to keep pushing yourself and improving your skills and strength. 


Standup Paddle boarding 

Standup paddle boarding may look easy if you’ve never given it a shot yourself, but when you try it any preconceived ideas of its ease will quickly be destroyed. It requires you to stand upright on the board, which actually uses a lot of core strength, leg strength and co-ordination to maintain balance. Once you get the hang of it, standup paddle boarding is a full body workout that is also very meditative, making it excellent for stress relief. Great to do with friends or on your own. 


Outdoor adventures (walking / hiking) 

Going for a walk or hike somewhere beautiful is the ultimate non-exercise exercise. Getting out into nature not only provides an excellent workout as you make your way over uneven grounds (which burns more calories than a flat treadmill), but is also a great mood booster. "Research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety," says Gregory A. Miller, PhD, president of the American Hiking Society. "Being in nature is ingrained in our DNA, and we sometimes forget that." Walking is also fantastic for improving bone density, as it is a weight bearing exercise. 

If you’re located in Sydney, we recommend doing a day trip out to the Figure 8 Pools in the national park, which is a 3 hour hike round trip and incredibly scenic.  



Put on those dancing shoes and get ready to sweat within 15 minutes. Take a class of swing dancing, Zumba, hip hop or tango. Whatever takes your fancy, it will be sure to get your rhythm flowing, heart rate up and induce some fun and laughter at the same time.  



Whether it’s on rollerblades, roller-skates, ice-skates or a skateboard, it matters not. What does matter is that these skating activities are all great for burning calories, improving balance and having fun.  

A note from the wise: if you don’t have experience on a skateboard, you might want to start off on blades to avoid spending most of your said workout on the ground.  

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 05:37:09 +0000
<![CDATA[7 Of The Best: Vegan Protein Powders]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/7-of-the-best-vegan-protein-powders/ These plant-based protein supplements can help you lose weight, gain mass and more!


It used to be difficult to find a good plant-based protein powder, but not anymore. Now vegans or those sensitive to dairy are spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting a vegan protein supplement.  


FIT is excited to share 7 of our top plant-based protein powders with you. There’s something for everyone, whether your goals are weight loss, mass gain or general protein intake support.  


Remember, if you want more personalised information, visit us in store where you can use our revolutionary technology, the FIT Finder, or chat to one of our knowledgeable and friendly staff to help find your vegan protein fit. 


Amazonia Raw Slim & Tone Protein 

Amazonia Raw Slim & Tone Protein is a comprehensive protein option designed to support natural, healthy slimming while helping to banish cravings and achieve results you can feel.  


Specifically formulated to assist with healthy weight management by combining a sprouted and bio-fermented protein base with nourishing trace minerals, nutrient-dense herbs, thermogenic spices and alkalising greens, this delicious protein is designed to help keep you satisfied, address the root cause of cravings and support metabolism. The espresso flavour is amazing. 


Prana On Phyto Fire Protein  

Prana On Phyto Fire Protein features raw alkaline protein along with a synergistic complex of herbs and amino acids to assist with fat loss, appetite control and metabolism. The 11 essential nutrients that it is infused with include matcha green tea, African mango, garcinia cambogia, raspberry ketones, L-carnitine and green coffee bean. 


We love the unique flavours such as chai latte and super berry. 


Nuzest Clean Lean Protein  

This allergen-free and 100% natural vegetable protein that’s great for every-body is an excellent basic vegan protein powder that ticks all the boxes. High in protein yet low in carbs and fat, it supports healthy weight management and helps your body recover faster. Its smooth and creamy texture is another win!  


Passion Projects Pea Protein  

Passion Projects Pea Protein is not only a protein powder, but also a balanced formula of quality, non-damaging ingredients that actually tastes great. 


The formula is specifically designed to enhance wellbeing, body shape, strength and recovery. We especially love the addition of nettle leaf and mushrooms for Vitamins K1, K2 and D, and the naturally source co-factors from sea minerals. Plus, it's certified organic! 


Amazonia Raw Protein Isolate  

Amazonia Raw Protein Isolate is the first-to-market certified organic, raw, prebiotic, dairy-free protein with premium bioavailability. A gentle formula designed with optimum gut health in mind, enhanced with live digestive enzymes and prebiotics (food for good digestive bacteria) to support digestive balance, which assists with the breakdown and assimilation of protein for ultimate absorption.  


This unique protein contains almost 80% organic sprouted bio-fermented protein. A blend of 70% golden pea and 30% brown rice has been specifically formulated to providing an optimal complete amino-acid complex. 


Prana On Natural Mass  

Prana On has created this all natural, gluten free and vegan friendly mass gainer protein powder, with over 60 grams of organic alkaline plant protein per serve from raw pea protein, brown rice and the sacha inchi seed, and complex carbohydrates from the cassava root. 


It also contains healthy fats from flaxseed and MCT oil, 2.5 grams of creatine monohydrate per serve, along with digestive enzymes and an amino acid complex. Plus, you can choose from three delicious flavours – rich chocolate, banana split and vanilla crème. 


180 Nutrition Natural Vegan Protein  

180 Nutrition’s superfood protein formula is available in vegan version. 180 contains a perfectly balanced quantity of flaxseed in it, which are a great source of fibre, lignans, protein, omega 3, vitamins, and minerals. It is also bursting with other sources of plant-based goodness such as chia seeds, almond meal, sunflower kernels, coconut flour, pumpkin seeds and more. 


All products are available to purchase from FIT.  

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 05:33:24 +0000
<![CDATA[Why Skipping Is One Of The Most Effective Exercises]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/why-skipping-is-one-of-the-most-effective-exercises/ 6 Reasons to jump rope

The humble skipping rope packs a serious punch when it comes to providing an effective workout and results that follow. Here are 6 reasons you need to start jumping rope as part of your fitness regime. 


It’s a full body workout 

Skipping is truly a total body workout from the one activity. “It activates most of the muscles in the body,” says Professor Robert Newton, foundation professor of exercise and sports science at Edith Cowan University. 


It’s virtually free 

After the cost of the rope, skipping is a free exercise. Many gyms have skipping ropes available too, so if you’re a member already, trying it out might not cost you a thing.  


You burn more calories in a short time 

Skipping uses more energy that walking, swimming, jogging or cycling because you have to lift your whole body off the ground with every skip. This results in a high kilojoule burn per minute. 


According to Body and Soul, for a 50kg person, who exercises for 30 minutes, skipping uses about 314 cals. Compare this to jogging at 8km/hour which burns 204 cals, walking at 6km/hour which uses 110 cals, cycling at 15km/hour which burns 138 cals, or swimming 25 metres/minute which uses 132 cals. You can see why skipping is a superior choice, especially if your goal is calorie burn or weight loss. 


It suppresses the appetite 

Researchers in Japan have found that skipping can help to suppress your appetite. The recent study carried out at a university revealed that levels of hunger hormones, such as ghrelin, were noticeably lowered in the group who did three 10-minute burst of skipping, compared to a group that cycled for the same duration and didn’t experience the same appetite suppressing effects as the skippers.  


Increase bone health 

Skipping can improve bone density and therefore help prevent osteoporosis and improve overall bone strength and health. The skipping movement places repeat force on the bones as you impact the ground, which in turn stimulates bone growth and reduces the rate of bone loss. 


Great for balance 

Skipping engages the core of the body and strengths the muscles, which is great for your balance. The body also has to constantly adapt with each skip, using mind and body co-ordination to further improve balance as you go. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 05:20:25 +0000
<![CDATA[Nutrition Tips From A Model]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/nutrition-tips-from-a-model/ How international model Cassie Matthews nourishes her body


Have you ever wondered what tips and tricks models use to keep fit and healthy so they look their best? International model and FIT ambassador Cassie Matthews has shared her nutrition secrets with FIT to feel great and stay photo shoot ready. 


Adopt the right mindset  

It’s definitely not about starving yourself to be thin, but about looking after your body with good food and exercise.   


“I think the modeling industry is changing and supermodels of today are fit, healthy and take care of themselves. It's important to me that I am healthy as then I can look and feel my best, and have a long career,” says Cassie.


Instead of focusing your food choices on being “thin”, focus on eating to be healthy. When you focus on this you’ll already be on your way to your best body, sans negative mindset. 


Don’t diet 

Ditch the ‘D’ word for good!  “I don't diet,” says Cassie, “I think about how I can nourish my body rather than deprive it. I think about what I eat and how it can benefit me.”  


Diets actually set you up for failure because they are seen as something temporary and restrictive, so it’s much better to adopt a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. This will yield results in the long run and be enjoyable. Healthy eating is delicious and fun! 


Eat real food 

Choose to eat 'real' food, which is food without artificial preservatives, additives, colours or sweeteners. "I try to eat organic when I can, and food shop with the philosophy that I avoid most food with a long ingredient list. Real food doesn't have ingredients, real food is the ingredients," says Cassie. 


Develop healthy habits  

Incorporate great nutrition practices into your lifestyle until they become habits, such as starting each day with warm water and lemon. Cassie does this along with a probiotic supplement upon rising to kick-start her metabolism, cleanse her system and maintain balance in the digestive system. Fusion Probiotic 8 is her go-to, which is available in store at FIT. 


Prioritise the gut 

The gut is arguably the most important part of the body to take care of for good skin and a healthy weight. Make taking care of it a priority by consuming plenty of fermented foods. Cassie loves adding kimchi and sauerkraut to her meals to support digestion and beneficial bacteria in the gut. 


Enjoy eating out and cooking at home 

Find the right balance between eating meals out, which can be a fun social activity, and cooking your own meals, so you know they only contain clean ingredients. 


“I enjoy eating out, but I also like to cook at home as I know exactly what's in my food. I'm loving James Duigan's 'Clean & Lean' cookbook at the moment!” 


Know your go-to meals 

Having some easy and healthy meals as your regulars will help you stay on track and in the groove. Cassie's favourite options for lunch are salad with some sort of protein or sashimi with miso and seaweed salad, or paleo bread with avocado, tomato & smoked salmon. 


Load up on skin food 

What you eat shows on your skin, which is the body’s largest organ. This can really work in your favour if you choose the right foods. “I try to eat foods that are really good for my skin, hair and nails. My favourites are fish (especially salmon), avocado, greens, green tea and blueberries.” 


Ditch the crap 

Fill up on so much of the good stuff that there simply isn’t room in your diet for the bad. Say goodbye to processed foods and drinks, especially those full of ingredients you can’t pronounce the name of.  


“I never eat refined sugar or carbs, fast food, fizzy drink,” says Cassie. 


Snack smart  

Snacking is actually many models’ secret weapon because it helps to keep their energy levels stable throughout the day and keeps the metabolism on fire.  


Cassie's go-to snacks are a FIT smoothie, Chief bar (available at FIT) or vegetable crudités with hummus. “My favourite FIT smoothies are Antioxidant, Slim and Green,” says Cassie, “I eat regularly throughout the day, otherwise I get ‘hangry’!” 


Be prepared 

A little bit of food preparation is key to staying on track when you’re busy or travelling for work.  


“I can't always find healthy food when I'm travelling or on a shoot so I make sure I pack or buy healthy snack options, or try to choose the lesser of two evils!” 


Don’t deprive yourself 

If you really want the cake, eat it. It’s about eating for health 80% of the time and allowing the other 20% to indulge and enjoy yourself. This method of balance works for many people, including Cassie. 


“I don't deprive myself, just eat healthy most of the time and indulge a couple of times a week. My weaknesses are definitely coffee, dark chocolate, wine, champagne, Camembert cheese and truffle cheese fries! If you don't allow yourself a treat now and then you'll go crazy.” 


About Cassie Matthews 

Cassie is an international model signed with Ford, Wilhelmina, TWO and Chadwick agencies, as well as being a proud ambassador for FIT.

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 04:57:55 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Sporty Accessories To Elevate Any Outfit]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-sporty-accessories-to-elevate-any-outfit/

Go from workout to casual wear in an instant with these stylish, fit-inspired accessories

The rise of the sport luxe look means that sports gear can now transition seamlessly from the gym floor to street wear cool. Instantly elevate any outfit, whether it’s for a workout or play date, with these 6 key sporty accessories to have in your wardrobe.

Nice kicks

If you don’t own a pair of cool sports inspired shoes, you better find some faster than you can say “Air Jordan”. From simple white sneakers to fancy Nikes, sporty footwear is your ticket to instant street cred.  



The Fitbit may be a very useful tracker for your fitness lifestyle, but it also happens to look pretty sleek. Coincidence? We think not. This high tech gadget was made for sport luxe accessorising! 


Duffle bag  

Whether you’re working out or going on a weekend adventure, a stylish duffle bag is your go-to accessory that is both practical and looks good. Easily cart everything you need around, while evoking that “just threw this over my shoulder” kind of cool. 


Peaked cap 

Kill two birds with one stone and don a baseball cap or visor to protect yourself from the sun, whilst adding a quintessential touch of gym gangster or tennis pro to your look. 


Statement headphones  

Have you noticed that every cool rapper wears awesome headphones? Dr. Dre has even released his own funky line. If it’s an ear muffler style, colourful, chunky, carrying bling or all of the above, you need it now. For listening to music during your workout, on your bus ride, or just to have them hanging around your neck; it matters not.  


Colourful crops 

Ladies, colourful sports crops and bras, whether block or patterned, are your friend. Wear them during your workout and match to your runners, or take them off-track under a classic scooped-sleeve, white singlet. Bingo! 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 04:53:44 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Places Around The World To Watch The Sunset]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-places-around-the-world-to-watch-the-sunset/

Seeing end of daylight at these locations is worth the hike

Icebergs, Bondi Beach, Australia 

Do the famous Bronte to Bondi cliff walk, then wind up at Bondi Icebergs in time for a spectacular sunset over one of Australia's most iconic beaches, cocktail in hand.  


Griffith Park Observatory, Los Angeles, USA 

No trip to the City of Angels is complete without enjoying a good hike. Frequented by celebrities and models alike, this is a moderate intensity climb for people with a good fitness level. You can park at the base and begin your journey up, which takes about 30 minutes to the top. It’s dry, dusty and usually hot, so bring water with you to sip along the way. Once you reach the summit, you can enjoy iconic views sweeping over the city. 


Oia, Santorini, Greece 

Watching the sunset over the caldera is an experience like no other. The picturesque town of Oia, perched on the cliffs of Santorini, is every bit as charming as the pictures. You can park as close or far as you like to where the cobbled streets begin, from when you’ll go by foot through the winding streets overlooking the Aegean Sea. Make sure you go early to get a good vantage spot, as crowds flock here to watch the sunset year round.  


Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii 

The summit area of Haleakala National Park has over 48km of hiking trails, ranging from just 10 minutes to multi-day overnight trips, so there’s something for every fitness level. Whichever takes your fancy, make sure you get to the lookout above the crater to experience the mystical sunset in this land above the clouds. Be warned, the air is icy and temperatures very cold, so don’t be fooled even if you came from 35+ degrees on the beach earlier that morning. 


The Cape Lighthouse, Byron Bay, Australia 

The Cape Byron Lighthouse is an iconic fixture on the New South Wales coast of Australia, on the Byron Bay peninsula and is he most easterly point in Australia. From the main beach, you can take a scenic walking track that mirrors the shoreline and climb a number of stairs to reach the lighthouse and soak up the spectacular, expansive views while the sun sets over the ocean and shores of Byron.  


Hvar Fortress, Island of Hvar, Croatia 

The Island of Hvar is situated in the pristine waters of the Dalmatian coast and is a gorgeous town steeped in traditional culture and architecture. Up on the big hill is the old Hvar Fortress, which you can get to on foot via a 30 minute walk up. Despite the hot journey to the top, it will all be worth it when you arrive to enjoy the stunning views of the Croatian landscape, ocean and the quaint port, which becomes a sea of sparkling lights as the sun slips to the other side of the world.  

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 04:01:42 +0000
<![CDATA[Fitness Tips From A Model]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/fitness-tips-from-a-model/

International model Cassie Matthews shares her secrets 

Being a professional model means it’s important to always be looking and feeling in top condition. From keeping energy levels high to get through long hours of shooting and castings, handling the impacts of frequent travel and keeping a slim and toned body (hello swimwear shoots!), models need to be on their health and fitness game almost all the time.  

FIT chatted to model Cassie Matthews who is no stranger to being the lens or international photo shoots to get the inside scoop on her tried-and-tested tips and tricks. But you don’t need to be a model to benefit from this – anyone can apply these principles to their lifestyle and reap the benefits. Here’s what we learnt: 


You can’t cancel out a poor diet with exercise 

“To be honest it's mostly about diet. I would say it really is 80% diet and only 20% exercise”, says Cassie. You have to nourish your body with the right foods in the right portions, because no amount of exercise can outweigh processed, sugary food choices. These wreak havoc on your body in more ways than just the excessive calories, messing with your blood sugar levels and hormones. 


Move your body daily… but don’t overdo it  

Cassie recommends being active every day, without pushing yourself past the point of benefit. “I try to do some form of exercise every day, even if it's a walk or 20 minute HIIT season in the gym. I take care to not over exercise and listen to my body. If I'm run down or too tired, I have a rest day or just do light exercise.”  

When she’s at home in Sydney, Cassie’s routine usually involves walking in the park nearby her apartment most mornings and using the gym a few times a week. 


Mix up your workouts  

In addition to walking and using the gym, Cassie likes to incorporate a variety of other exercise to keep it fun, her favourites being boxing and reformer Pilates. 

“I do boxing twice a week with trainer Nikki Snow. Boxing is lots of fun and a great workout. If that doesn't get you fit then I don't know what will! I also do reformer Pilates at KX Pilates Bondi Junction once or twice a week. It’s really challenging and excellent for toning and elongating the body for that slim, long and lean “model” look.” 

Other exercises Cassie loves are beach volleyball, coastal walks and indoor rock climbing. “I love trying new things - it's good to mix it up!” she says. 


Replenish your body 

Getting the right nutrition into your body following exercise is key. “I make sure I always have a post-workout smoothie to replenish my body after a workout. My favorite is the 'Slim' from FIT.” This kind of smoothie is perfect for staying lean, with a blend of vegan protein, coconut water, raspberries, cacao, cinnamon and Acetyl L-Carnitine. 


Take your fitness routine with you when you travel  

Frequent travel on a model’s schedule is no excuse to abandon a fitness routine!   

“When I'm travelling, I always find a way to stay fit, whether that's a hotel room workout, using the hotel gym, or finding local Pilates or yoga studios”, says Cassie. It’s also a great way to experience the unique fitness culture and studios of new cities. “When I'm in LA, I love Pilates Platinum, Equinox gym or going for hikes. In NYC, Modelfit with Justin Gelband is amazing, and I do lots of walking. In London I got into boot camp training in Hyde Park!” 


Cassie Matthews is an international model signed with Ford, Wilhelmina, TWO and Chadwick agencies, as well as being a proud ambassador for FIT. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:54:44 +0000
<![CDATA[The Paleo Diet For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-paleo-diet-for-muscle-gain-and-fat-loss/

FIT takes a look at the pros and cons of this popular diet trend

The philosophy of the Paleo diet is to eat food like our ancestors did, following a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. This means loading up on vegetables, meats, fats, nuts and seeds, with limited fruit. All processed food, sugars and grains are out.  

This way of eating has taken off among fitness circles, but can a Paleolithic approach to eating help you loose fat and gain lean muscle? FIT takes a look at the pros and cons of going caveman: 



  • Following the Paleo diet removes processed foods that have a high glycemic index and spike blood sugar levels, which in turn can lead to unhealthy cravings and fat storage.
  • It’s high in quality protein sources that support muscle growth and recovery in conjunction with a weight training routine. 
  • Ample fat quantities help to provide satiation (fullness) and reduce the need to overeat. 
  • You can go crazy with non-starchy vegetables, such leafy greens and broccoli provide nutrients and alkalising chlorophyll to the body while bulking up meals for very few calories, as they are high water content foods. 



  • A very strict Paleo diet can be difficult to maintain in the long run and also lead people to feel deprived, which can lead to binging. 
  • It excludes some foods and supplements that may actually be beneficial to muscle gain and fat loss, such as protein powders and complex carbohydrates like quinoa and brown rice. 
  • If you are doing heavy weight training sessions, you will need an increased supply of carbohydrates to provide glucose to your muscles. While the Paleo diet isn’t the same as a low carbohydrate diet, often people adopt it as one, which can hinder your strength training and results. 
  • With such a large emphasis on animal protein sources, it’s important to choose organic poultry and grass-fed meats. If you opt for conventional varieties, you could be ingesting large amounts of antibiotics and hormones, as well as it being less nutritious. 


FIT verdict  

Following a Paleolithic way of eating certainly has many health benefits and can be a great basis for building muscle and dropping fat. However, the best results will be achieved if a flexible approach is taken. Our top tips are: 

  • Allow for supplements and protein powders to be incorporated, as well as healthful carbohydrate sources, like quinoa, brown rice and buckwheat, as needed.  
  • To combat the issue of reduced carbohydrate supply to the muscles when doing heavy weight sessions, vegetable-based carbohydrates such as sweet potato are fantastic to emphasise, while still fitting into the Paleo diet philosophy. 
  • If you are “bulking up” (increasing muscle mass), you need a calorie surplus at the end of the day. Make sure you increase your energy intake by adding in extra servings of calorie-dense foods such as coconut oil and nuts/seeds. 
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Having a treat that falls outside of the Paleo diet every now and then won’t be detrimental to your results and will actually keep you sane! 
Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:38:03 +0000
<![CDATA[Supplement Spotlight: Magnesium]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/supplement-spotlight-magnesium/

This mineral could be the missing link to your health problems

Magnesium is an essential mineral required by every organ in the body for a range of important functions.  


Having adequate levels of magnesium in your body is vital to good health, however it is also one of the most common deficiencies that people experience and can often go unnoticed. “Magnesium is one that really flies under the radar in terms of deficiency. People are often deficient but don't realise it,” says FIT Crew member and dietician Olivia Bates. 


Here’s a closer look at this precious mineral, signs of deficiency, benefits and why supplementing with magnesium may benefit your health, training and general wellbeing. 


What does magnesium do? 

Getting down to the science, magnesium is a co-factor in over 350 enzymatic reactions that occur daily in the body. It is needed for nerve impulses, relaxing the muscles, heart function, protein and fatty acid formation, temperature regulation, detoxification, healthy blood clotting and the secretion of insulin. 


If all that wasn’t enough, magnesium is also essential for bone health. “Magnesium plays a role in preserving bone calcium by transporting potassium into bones where potassium acts in place of calcium to neutralise acids in the body,” explains Olivia.  


Research suggests that maintaining adequate levels of magnesium is beneficial in the treatment and management of a wide variety of medical conditions, including asthma, fibromyalgia migraines, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, pregnancy-induced hypertension, premenstrual tension, restless leg syndrome, stress and anxiety, and depression.  


Natural Sources of Magnesium 

Magnesium is found in varying levels in a range of foods, such as wholegrains, dark green vegetables, nuts / seeds, meat and fish.  

 “The best way to ensure you are getting adequate magnesium from wholefoods is to consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, as well as organic dairy and wholegrain breads and cereals, nuts and lean meat,” says Olivia.  


Signs of deficiency  

“If you’ve recently had a blood test, you might assume it would show a magnesium deficiency. But only 1 percent of magnesium in your body is distributed in your blood, making a simple sample of magnesium from a serum magnesium blood test not very useful,” says osteopathic physician and best selling author, Dr. Mercola.  This is because most magnesium is actually stored in your bones and organs, so it is easy to become deficient and not know it, if you don’t understand the signs to look for. 


Common indicators that a magnesium deficiency may be present include tics, muscle spasms and cramps, seizures, anxiety, irregular heart rhythms, migraine headaches, insomnia, depression and fatigue. If you are suffering from these symptoms, you should consult your healthcare professional to determine if a magnesium supplement could help you. 


Taking a magnesium supplement  

It is recommended that the average person needs a minimum of 300 to 400 milligrams of magnesium a day and this is just to maintain normal levels in the body. “We know much of the population is failing to meet minimum requirements for vegetables and consuming highly processed breads and cereals thus missing out on the benefits of the whole grains, for this reason a supplement may need to be considered,” says Olivia. Due to nutrient depletion in the soil our crops are grown in, produce is also less nutritious than it used to be. 


If you have a deficiency, it is likely you will need to take a magnesium supplement for a therapeutic effect, which can be determined by your healthcare professional, who can also recommend dosage. 


Magnesium supplementation is also popular with individuals engaging in moderate to high intensity exercise as it assists with energy production in the body, needed for all muscle contractions. If you don’t have enough magnesium, it can limit energy production and lead to fatigue, lowered power and muscular cramps.  


Magnesium supplements may also be beneficial for athletic performance by minimising lactic acid build up and supporting the nervous system during and after strenuous exercise. “Magnesium is also lost through sweat, so athletes training hard in hot and humid environments might further increase demands,” suggests Lucy Lascelles, from Trilogy Nutrition. 


Tip: Make sure you choose a high quality magnesium supplement such as Ethical Nutrients Magnesium Powder and Tablets, or Fusion Health Magnesium Advanced, all available to purchase at FIT. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:23:05 +0000
<![CDATA[This Is What You Should Be Eating Before A Weight Session]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/this-is-what-you-should-be-eating-before-a-weight-session/

Perfect pre-workout snacks to maximise your input and results

The ultimate pre-workout snack should make sure you have enough energy for your session, as well as minimising protein muscle breakdown and maximising protein muscle synthesis. You also need to take into account making sure it is something light that is easily digested, so you don’t feel sick during your workout. 


“The best way to do this is to consume a low fat pre-work out meal or snack that provides both carbohydrate and a source of high quality protein 1 to 4 hours before you train (1 hour for a light snack; 3-4 hours for a large meal),” says dietician Sheri Barke, who specialises in sports dietetics.  


This is because carbohydrates are digested fast, providing almost instant energy and assisting with stabilising blood sugar balance for exercise. “If it’s been a while since your last meal or snack, your blood sugar may be a little low and you may feel light-headed, weak, and grouchy if you don’t eat - not a good combination for a strong workout!” says Barke. “Protein provides essential amino acids, which are the building blocks for muscle repair and growth during (and after) resistance training.”  


On the other hand, fats take too much time to be digested and therefore consuming a high fat meal before exercise can make you feel nauseous and cause intestinal upsets during your workout.  


Here are 5 pre-workout snacks to chow down on before your next strength training session: 

These healthy options contain both carbohydrates and a small amount of protein, making them perfect to consume before your workout. 


Green smoothie – natural fruit sugars provide a quick release of energy, while adding a superfood greens product that contains algae, such as spirulina or chlorella, adds a plant-based protein component. Try our FIT Green and Detox Smoothies, which are our favourite pre-workout blends. You can also purchase Amazonia Raw Prebiotic Greens and Passion Projects Greens in store to add to your own smoothies. 


Apple slices with 1 tbsp. nut butter and cinnamon – provides fibre, carbohydrates and protein from the nut butter, which also makes it lower GI. Almond butter is our favourite, finished with a sprinkle of cinnamon to support blood sugar balance. 


2 brown rice cakes topped hard boiled egg and sliced tomato 

This combination is delicious and easy to prepare if you keep some hard-boiled eggs on hand in the fridge, providing an excellent mix of good carbohydrates and quality protein.


A slice of wholegrain toast topped with hummus and cucumber 

A great option for vegans! Opt for a gluten-free sprouted loaf, made with grains such as buckwheat and quinoa for extra points. 


Coconut yoghurt / Organic yoghurt topped with berries or sliced banana and a tablespoon of oats 

This snack hits the spot and will give you the energy you need you’re your workout from the fruit and oats, while the yoghurt provides some satiating and muscle-loving protein. You can also substitute the oats for gluten free muesli, but make sure it doesn’t contain any added sugar. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:19:07 +0000
<![CDATA[How To: Foam Rolling]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-foam-rolling/

Why you need to add this to your workout regime

Foam rolling has recently stepped out of the elite-sports-only field and become part of the laypersons fitness routine, making it more accessible. This is great news for everyone because foam rolling seriously kicks butt when it comes to taking care of your muscles in conjunction with an exercise regime.  

So what’s it all about? How do you do it? And are you getting the most out of this nifty technique? FIT has the answers. 


What exactly is is foam rolling? 

In a nutshell, foam rolling is using a large, firm foam cylinder to apply pressure to specific points on your body and roll around on them to give them a deep massage. This brings oxygen and hydration to the targeted areas, aids in muscle recovery and assists in returning muscles and fascia to an elastic, healthy and performance-ready state. 


How do you do it? 

When using a foam roller you will be vertical on the floor with the roller between your body and the ground. If you’re never tried it or seen it before, get the help of a personal trainer and watch some clips on YouTube. Using the roller and your body weight, you apply moderate pressure to your targeted area, moving back and forth or up and down to “roll” it out. 

It is common to use a mixture of targeting the specific areas that correspond to the muscle groups you are working out with your exercise movement, and also feeling intuitively as you go where is tight and needs some extra attention. Tight parts in the muscles are referred to as “trigger points” and require several seconds of pause to relax the muscle as much as possible.  


Top tips to get the most out of your rolling: 

  • Don’t save it for only after your workout - Rolling improves circulation, which helps the body recover after a workout, but it is just as beneficial in preparing it for one. Try introducing rolling before your workout as well as afterwards for maximum benefit. As part of your warm-up, rolling increases blood flow breaks down knots to improve range of motion and releases muscle tightness, which can interfere with correct form if not addressed prior to exercising. 
  • Suck up the pain – Foam rolling will be painful at times, but sometimes it really is “no pain, no gain” and with foam rolling this is often the case. If you speed though movements when it hurts to avoid the pain, you’re wasting the opportunity to tend to the parts of the muscle that really need it. So bite the bullet and slow the movement right down on those trigger points. You’ll thank us later. 
  • Get multi-directional – Rather than just moving in and “up, down, up, down” motion, you need to incorporate side-to-side, cross friction and flexing / extending the joint being rolled. This is because some fascial attachments are not linear, but run from front to back or even in spirals, so a variety of movement patterns will cater to this anatomy.  
Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:13:43 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Stay Healthy When Eating Out]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-stay-healthy-when-eating-out/

There’s no need to sacrifice your waistline with these tips

If you’re following a health regime or specific diet, eating out at a restaurant or café can seem scary, but there’s no need to fear a food coma, bloated belly and excessive calories just because you aren’t preparing your own food. Just follow these tips from FIT. 


Choose your appetisers wisely 

Many people make the mistake of filling up on appetiser foods prior to the main meal. Bread, chips with dips and salted nuts are commonly served at the table before you even select your meals from the menu. Eating these will quickly add up your calories, sodium and refined carbohydrates. Skip the breadbasket and instead go for a few olives, which are full of heart healthy fats and relatively low in calories. Remember; don’t just chow down for the sake of it. Sip slowly on a drink and enjoy some conversation, there will be plenty of food to be enjoyed at the main course. 


Read the menu thoroughly before you order 

It’s easy to read an old favourite, albeit less-than-healthy menu item and order it before you can catch your breath. To avoid this, make a point of taking a moment to pause and observe what’s on the menu. Once you’ve taken in the different foods and dishes on offer, hone in on your favourites based on what will give you pleasure to eat, yet still have you feeling great afterwards.  

Foods to avoid for the sake of your waistline are creamy sauces, white pasta, white bread and fried foods. 


Know the good, the bad and the ugly 

Understand what the healthy options, average options and the downright terrible options are, and then select accordingly! Your most obvious friends are the salads and vegetable dishes, which you can usually order as sides. Suggest getting a selection for the table and fill at least half your plate with these. Anything green is particularly good! Just be careful of creamy dressings and heavy butter, as this can quickly add up calories and saturated fat. 

Next, select a main based around a piece of high quality protein such as seafood, chicken or grass-fed steak. Condiments and sauces are often unhealthy, so ask for it on the side and use only a small amount or forgo it completely if you can. Choosing tomato-based sauces is always better than their creamy counterparts. 


 Remember your portion sizes 

Don’t get sucked in to the popular mentality that you should eat everything on your plate. Instead, take a breath and pause before scoffing it all down. Keeping your portion sizes under control is a great way to prevent excessive calories and that horrible “stuffed” feeling post-meal. As a general rule of thumb, have unlimited green vegetables and salads, good carbohydrates to about the size of a tennis ball, and a protein serving about the size of your palm. 


 Eat mindfully 

Make sure you eat your meal mindfully, rather than scoffing it down. Savour the textures and flavours of the foods and enjoy each bite. A study done from Cornell University on the eating behaviours of slimmer people revealed that thin diners took about 15 chews per mouthful, which is 3 times greater than heavier diners. Brian Wansink, who led the experiment, says a great way to accomplish his is to ‘put your fork down between bites, even just for a second.” By chewing your food properly, you will be inclined to eat less overall, as the brain will have more time to receive the message from your stomach that it is full (which takes about 20 minutes). You will also get greater pleasure from your meal and allow for better digestion of the food itself.  

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:08:37 +0000
<![CDATA[Why Smoothies Are Better Than Juice]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/why-smoothies-are-better-than-juice/

This is why we’re on “team blend”

It’s an age-old dilemma in the health and fitness world: to have a smoothie or a juice? And when making this decision people are often left wondering which one is actually better for you? 

At FIT, we’re dedicated smoothie fans. This is why: 


Better for blood sugar balance 

The major difference between juices and smoothies is that juices extract the liquid from the produce, whereas smoothies blend the produce up, keeping the fibre of the fruit and vegetables in the drink. The benefit to having a smoothie with the fibre intact is a slower release of energy and sugars into the blood stream, resulting in better blood sugar stablisation. 


Keeps you fuller longer 

The fact that fibre slows the passage of a smoothie through the digestive tract also means it will keep you feeling full for longer after you drink it. Many juices are high in fruit sugars, which release quickly into the blood stream and have no satiating fibre, so you’re likely to be hungry shortly after. A smoothie on the other hand can effectively replace a meal and keep you satisfied. For breakfast on the go, we love the FIT Muscle and Replace smoothies. 


Boost with supplements 

It’s much easier (and tastier!) to combine your supplements into your smoothies than a juice. Simply throw them in and blend! You can add as many as you like and tailor them to your health and fitness goals. Every nutritionist approved smoothie FIT smoothie is developed on the basis of this philosophy. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, lose weight or detox, we have a blend with supplements that’s right for you. You can also purchase a range of premium supplements in store, from protein powders to superfoods, so you can boost your smoothies when you make them at home. 

If you’re not sure what supplements or smoothies are right for you, try out our revolutionary in-store technology, the FIT Finder, which will analyse your data in a few simple steps to create personalised recommendations. 


Include good fats 

Healthy fats are essential for brain function and good skin, hair and nails, not to mention overall wellbeing. Unfortunately juices don’t contain any, whereas smoothies are great for incorporating them in so you can get a dose of omega fatty acids and MCTs in your drink.  

FIT smoothies include good fat sources such as peanut butter (in Muscle, Bliss, Anytime and Tone), chia seeds (in the Fuel and Replace) and coconut / MCT oil (in the Bliss and Strip). 


Quicker to grab or make on the run 

We’re all about convenience. Most people are time poor these days and making a juice, plus the clean up afterwards, just takes way too long. Smoothies are your fast-and-easy friends – just throw everything in and blend!  


Absolute deliciousness 

Maybe we’re biased, but once you try a one of our smoothies, you won’t want a juice again. They are too damn delicious!

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:04:50 +0000
<![CDATA[Which Oils Should You Really Be Using]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/which-oils-should-you-really-be-using/

The answer might surprise you

Healthy fats are an important part of a balanced diet, providing satiety, aiding healthy brain function, and promoting great hair, skin and nails – to name a few benefits. Oils can be a great source of essential fatty acids (EFAs), and an easy way to include good fats in your diet, as most people use oil in their cooking every day. 


However, using the wrong oils or using oils in the wrong way can have the adverse effect and end up being detrimental to your health. So which is best? There is no simple answer to this question because different kinds of oils are best used for different purposes. 


Here’s what you need to know to make healthy oil choices and match the right oil to your food preparation method; from frying and baking, to sautéing and salad dressings. 


Ditch the “vegetable oils” 

Yes, common vegetable oil may be a cheap option for cooking, but it is also high in polyunsaturated fats, which form a harmful compound called HNE when you heat them, meaning it’s not such a good choice. Oils like corn, soy and sunflower fall into this same category and are definitely ones to avoid.  


If you cook with these oils, the HNE product will end up in your food, which will then be absorbed into the body where it can have detrimental effects. No thank you! 


Watch the smoke point  

If you’re cooking and notice that the oil is changing colour, it should sound alarm bells, as this is an indicator that the oil structures have began to degrade on a chemical level. When this happens, harmful compounds called free radicals are formed, along with other detrimental byproducts.  


This is why it’s important to choose a cooking oil that has a high smoke point, especially when working with moderate to high temperatures. Different oils have different smoke points, so familiarising yourself with the recommendations at the end of this article  is valuable in knowing which one to use for what.  


As well as the type of oil, the refining process is another factor that affects the smoke point of oils. Unrefined oils have a lower smoke point than their refined counterparts, so don’t ruin your expensive extra virgin olive oil on the stove and save it for non-heat uses instead. 


Use a variety of healthy oils  

Using a mixture of good oils is the best way to get a multitude of health benefits, as each has unique nutritional advantages (for example, coconut oil is high in MCTs and lauric acid, while flaxseed oil is an amazing source of omega 3s). It also means that you can mix-and-match oils as needed to do your food preparation in the healthiest way.  


Here are nutritionist and chef Monica Reinagel’s recommendations for the best oils to use in the kitchen: 


High-heat cooking 

For frying, searing, grilling, stir-frying, or roasting, I suggest light (or refined) olive oil, avocado oil, clarified butter (also known as ghee), or coconut oil. All have a high smoke point and are low in polyunsaturated fats. 


Medium-heat cooking 

For gentle sauté, stewing, baking, or braising, any of the above would work fine. For extra flavor, you could also choose a filtered olive oil.  


Off-heat cooking 

If you're making a salad dressing or drizzling over a finished dish, choose unfiltered extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, or unrefined or toasted nut and seed oils for maximum flavor and health benefits. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 02:49:34 +0000
<![CDATA[Sydney's Best Paleo Eateries]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/sydneys-best-paleo-eateries/

Local dining spots catering to the modern caveman

An increasing following of the paleo way of eating has seen cafes and restaurants popping up around our city left, right and centre. Sydney is now buzzing with paleo-friendly options! 

The growing movement is defining the concept of the paleo diet not just as eating the foods our caveman ancestors did, but also encompassing using the freshest, healthiest, seasonal ingredients and embracing sustainable practices, which transfers into the menu of these paleo-inspired eateries. 

Here are 8 of FIT’s must-try local haunts that cater to the paleo way of eating: 


Paleo Café, Bondi Junction 

The name says it all. With a fully paleo breakfast and lunch menu, this spot has become a paleo-lovers institution. Popular no matter if it’s weekday or weekend, breakfast or lunch, the only problem you’ll have is deciding what to order off the delicious and expansive, dedicated paleo menu.  


Broth Bar & Larder, Bronte 

This is Sydney’s first dedicated broth bar. Opened by Soulla, creator and director of Star Anise Organics, which is known for their organic, artisanal, wholefood products. Soulla conceptualised it as an extension of her own kitchen, serving nourishing, homemade and unprocessed foods. 


Earth to Table, Bondi Junction 

Here’s one for the paleo vegans (yes this is a thing!) among us – or anyone who loves organic, sugar-free, wholefood meals and desserts.  This raw vegan café boasts a gourmet menu that is fresh, light and delicious. Tip: don’t leave here without trying the coconut and berry raw cheesecake. Utterly to die for! 


Chiswick, Woollahra  

An open, airy space set in the beautiful greenery of it’s surrounding gardens, Chiswick restaurant is the epitome of rustic chic, produce-to-plate dining with a beautiful ambience. The menu changes seasonally and is comprised of sustainable meats and seafood, with an abundance of vegetable inspired dishes and sides based on what is growing in the garden and farm. Yes, the vegetable lots are right out the window, so you can literally see the heirloom tomatoes sitting ripe on their vine before you order them from the menu.  


Egg of the Universe, Rozelle 

Featuring a wholesome, nourishing menu that caters for a variety of dietary needs and complete with its own quaintly charming courtyard out the back, this Inner West gem in a paleo dining favourite. For true paleo fans, you can’t go past the slow-cooked, pasture-raised pork and crackling with caramelized sweet potato cake, poached organic egg, spring apple slaw, and house-made lacto-fermented pickles and barbeque sauce. 


Henley’s Wholefoods, Alexandria & Bondi Junction  

Founded on the ethos of producing meals that are ‘food in its most essential form,’ the Henley’s menu changes week-to-week depending on what comes from the farm, with the exception of some steadfast items that are regularly available. Lunch is done on the basis of a selection of mix-and-match seasonal salads, to which you can add ethically and sustainably farmed protein sources.  

The paleo bread made from pumpkin and hazelnut meal and the chicken cabbage rolls are hot menu items to try. 


The Suveran, Bondi Beach 

For hardcore health enthusiasts and paleo devotees, the Suveran is the place to be. All the meals are organic and chemical free, with a variety of exotic meats on the menu, along with paleo pizza, quiche and pancakes that are a favourite with the Merrymaker Sisters.  

The Suveran also has a strong emphasis on bone broths and fermented / sprouted foods, many of which you can purchase to take away with you. The turmeric and macadamia nut butter spread on their signature sprouted bread is insane. 


Bondi Wholefoods, North Bondi  

This bustling café has created a name for itself, as a go-to for the Bondi health squad, whether it’s an anytime breakfast or lunch, weekday meetings or weekend brunch. Aptly named on the menu, paleo diners can’t go past the “BWF Famous Paleo Bread”, which is a delicious , savory dish made with Papanui eggs, organic almond meal, zucchini, red capsicum, olives and sundried tomato. For a sweeter option, the paleo-friendly banana and chia loaf with vanilla cashew cream is also a winner. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 02:45:54 +0000
<![CDATA[The Benefits Of Stretching]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-benefits-of-stretching/

Why you should be doing it every day

As we age, the muscles in our bodies become tighter and the joints stiffer. Even when you’re young, if you’re active or working out, it will result in tightening of the muscles too, which minimises range of motion.  

The solution? Regular stretching! It’s an easy activity that can have profound results. If you’re training, this is the part of your exercise regime that you should never skip. For general wellbeing, you should be doing some light stretching every day regardless of whether you worked out or not.  

Need convincing? Here are some of the awesome benefits of stretching: 

 Increased flexibility and range of motion 

One of the biggest benefits of stretching is that it allows you to increase your flexibility and therefore improve your range of motion. That means your joints and limbs will be able to move further before a strain or injury happens. 

 Aid in workout recovery 

Stretching post-exercise helps condition the muscles and can aid in recovery, decrease muscle soreness, and promote muscle and tendon health. In turn, this helps your overall training by allowing you to recover faster, train harder and prevent injury.  

Improved circulation 

Stretching improves circulation, bringing a health blood supply to the muscles and joints. This increased blood circulation helps to bring nutrients to these areas of the body, whilst also assisting with the removal of waste products.  

Higher energy levels  

You also can experience increased energy levels as a result of better circulation. Good circulation helps to oxygenate and energise the body. 

Better posture 

Poor posture can often be caused or exacerbated by chronically tight muscles. Stretching can prevent or alleviate this tightness, comfortably allowing for good posture. Stretching the lower back, chest and shoulder muscles are especially good for this. 

Relaxation and stress relief 

It is very common for stress to manifest physically in the body with tight muscles, as we hold tension in them. Regular stretching of the muscle groups where you hold onto stress, most commonly around the neck and shoulders, can help promote relaxation and create a sense of wellbeing as you undo the physical component of the tension.  

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 02:29:12 +0000
<![CDATA[High Protein, Low Carb Dinner Inspiration]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/high-protein-low-carb-dinner-inspiration/

Ten easy meal ideas for tonight

These healthy meals are high in protein, low in carbohydrates, quick to make and delicious. What’s not to love? Try one tonight. 


Loaded Frittata 

Think a traditional frittata egg and vegetable base, then loaded the top with even more greens and veggies, sprinkle with organic cheese and grill until it melts. It’s almost like a frittata pizza – yum! 


Chicken Tacos in Lettuce Leaves 

Ditch the corn shells and put your favourite taco mix into lettuce leaves instead. Cos lettuce or iceberg leaves are especially good wrappers. Fill with Mexican seasoned chicken, fresh guacamole, salsa, tomato, more shredded lettuce and full fat Greek yoghurt, in lieu of sour cream. 


Zucchini Spaghetti Bolognaise  

The old favourite, but you don’t have to worry about cooking and draining the pasta. Simply spiralise zucchinis and heat through the sauce at the end. 



If you’ve never heard of it before, Shakshuka is a dish of eggs baked in a pan in a flavoursome tomato sauce, with herbs. You can add in vegetables such as spinach and mushrooms too. You basically just throw everything in the pan and before you know it you have a delicious high protein meal. 


Thai Beef Salad 

Seared, finely slices beef in a delicious medley of salad vegetables… need we say more? Add some cashews or almonds for extra protein. 


Tempe Stir-Fry 

A great vegan option. Marinate the tempe during the day in a tamari and ginger sauce, then cut into strips and stir-fry with seasonal vegetables. Bonus points if you sprinkle with sunflower seeds. 


Cauliflower Pizza 

Pizza that is actually good for you, low carb and tastes good? Yep, you heard it right. The base is made from blended up cauliflower, almond meal and eggs, and then you’re free to go crazy with protein and vegetable toppings. Get creative! 


Salmon with Asian Greens 

Sear the salmon in a pan with coconut oil and serve with steamed Asian greens, with fresh lemon juice. Sometimes classic is best. 


Bun-less Burgers 

Imagine your favourite burger stack, then simply swap the bun or lettuce leaves and dig in with a knife and fork. Simple, yet very effective. 


Dinnertime Big Breakfast  

Sometimes you just want to eat breakfast for dinner, and that’s okay! Especially when it’s a big breakfast with all the fixings. Do your eggs however you prefer (scrambled, poached or fried), then serve with bacon, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, all on a bed of baby spinach. Just hold the bread and hash-browns please. 

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 02:10:24 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Workout When You're Busy]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-workout-when-youre-busy/

Never let a lack of time be an excuse not to exercise again

 These days most people are time poor, but that’s definitely not a good enough reason not to move your body regularly and get results to boot. If you’re struggling to keep to a fitness regime due to a demanding work schedule or maxed out lifestyle, try these FIT ideas and kick some butt in less time than your lunch break. 


1. Embrace HIIT  

Being fit and healthy doesn’t mean you need to spend hours on end exercising or in the gym. When you’re strapped for time, HIIT is a surefire way to get the most bang for your minutes as it has been shown to generate results in a much shorter timeframe than traditional workouts do. 

 “If you’ve never heard of it before, HIIT is an insanely efficient style of workout that alternates periods of short, intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. 

Basically, that means you’ll be working really hard for a short amount of time, resting, then working hard again. And most HIIT workouts take only about 10 to 20 minutes—making them the perfect fit for busy people of all types,” says Krista Stryker, founder of 12 Minute Athlete. 


 2. Anywhere, anytime exercises 

There are plenty of exercises that you can bust out wherever you are, whenever you get the opportunity. Adding these moves into your repertoire means you pull out a mini workout as soon as the opportunity presents itself, such as when you’re waiting for a late bus or have a spare 10 minutes at the end of your lunch break. These simple exercises will help tone your body, sans gym: 

  • Calf raises  
  • Chair dips 
  • Lunges 
  • Squats 
  • Planks 


3. Early bird gets the worm  

Most people are able to make some time to exercise first thing in the morning by simply setting the alarm a bit earlier than usual. “The great benefit of waking up earlier to workout is that you get it over and done with before the storm of your busy day hits,” says NYC personal trainer Mike Sturrock. “It also helps to energise you and start the day off on a positive note, thanks to the endorphins.” It doesn’t have to be too much earlier either; an extra 30 minutes in the morning to exercise is all you need for an effective power walk, HIIT session or resistance routine. 


 4. Schedule walking meetings  

Okay, we know what you’re thinking, but hear us out. Next time you have a one-on-one meeting, why not do it walking? It makes sense to use this time to move rather than sitting idle, and ideas often flow better if you walk and talk.  

In fact, successful business people are doing this more and more, especially since Nilofer Merchant broadcast the concept on a TED talk and founder of The Upside activewear label, Jodhi Meares, told Harper’s Bazaar that it’s the only way she conducts her meetings. “Instead of doing conference meetings or coffee meetings, I ask people to do walking meetings,” says the very busy, successful and fit Meares. So who’s in? Thought so! 

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 02:11:16 +0000
<![CDATA[7 Ways To Stay Healthy When You Travel]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/7-ways-to-stay-healthy-when-you-travel/

Healthy  jetsetters can rejoice with these easy tips 

It’s much easier to maintain your healthy lifestyle when you’re at home, with your usual routine in place. Travelling takes you out of this comfort zone and is one of the times that people struggle most with staying healthy. Flying takes a toll on your body, unhealthy options are rampant at airports, and being on vacation often involves more eating out and boozing than usual.  


All of this, especially coupled with jetlag, can leave you feeling low in energy, bloated and anything but sexy. Not exactly how you envisioned yourself kicking back on the beach in Miami or hitting up the hottest spots in London, is it?  


 The good news is that it doesn’t have to be. Armed with these tips from FIT, you can enjoy your travel expeditions as a healthy jetsetter: you’ll both feel and look great, while still enjoying your holiday to the max.  


1. Be prepared for the flight

“Preparation, preparation, preparation” is a motto you likely apply to your everyday life. Any discerning health enthusiast knows that preparation is key to success when it comes to nutrition and fitness, but this principle is even more valuable when you travel.  


Come armed for your flight with healthy snacks, such as a piece of fruit, vegetables and dip, homemade trail mix and clean protein bars. Our FIT crew love to take Passion Projects Greens and Berry individual sachets (available in store) for an alkaline/antioxidant blast, which are super handy. Taking some herbal tea bags (peppermint and chamomile are great) and a face mist are also useful tips to help you arrive at your destination feeling fresh. “I spray rose water on my face every hour to keep my skin hydrated and glowing,” says Jessica Sepel, nutritionist and author of The Healthy Life


2. Drink plenty of water 

Bring a reusable water bottle with you and have it filled up once you board the flight. Flying dehydrates you, which in turn can cause a host of health issues, including constipation (no thanks!). Make sure you drink ample water throughout the flight and continue this next day to avoid dehydration and help prevent fluid retention. 


 Continue to use your water bottle throughout your trip to make sure you’re getting enough H2o into your system. When you’re busy working, exploring, relaxing or partying in a new place, it’s easy to let proper hydration slip to back of mind, but carrying it around with you is the perfect reminder to drink up. 


3. Do your research before you arrive

Before you touch down in at your destination, make sure you’ve done some ground research into where you will find healthy options to eat and places that accommodate your travelling fitness regime. Stakeout the local health cafes and restaurants, farmers’ markets, walking tracks, yoga studios or gyms. Usually a quick Google search will bring up all the information you need to find these places. You can save the locations to your maps application on your smart phone for easy navigation once you get there. 


4. Stay somewhere with a kitchen

Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, you usually find yourself eating out most of the time, however often food from restaurants and cafes isn’t as clean as what we prepare ourselves. If you choose to stay in self serviced apartments, a hotel with a kitchenette or an Air BnB rental, you should be able to still make some of your own meals and keep them fresh and healthy.  


 All you need is a bar fridge to store some fresh produce and some basic kitchen utensils and you can easily whip up quick and nourishing breakfasts, such as overnight oats with fresh fruit, or healthful yet simple lunches and dinner, like salads, or stir-fries if you have access to a hotplate. It’s also a great way to save some moolah, which you can then totally justify spending on that new pair of Nikes instead! 


5. Stay active

Travelling actually provides us with the perfect opportunity to walk around instead of driving, so why not set off to explore your destination by foot. When you’re so enthralled with your surrounds, you won’t even notice that you’re racking up hours of exercise at the same time as checking out the sights.  


If you’re on a leisurely vacation, make an effort to plan activities that involve moving your body, rather than spending most of the day sedentary (even if that beach chair is pretty comfy!). If you’re travelling for work, pick out a hotel with a gym or accommodation with fitness facilities nearby so you can fit a workout in before getting into the business. 


No matter why you’re travelling, make sure you stretch everyday. This is a simply way to take care of your body and can be done anywhere - even in the smallest hotel room - in a matter of 5-10 minutes. 


6. Bring your supplements with you 

While you might not be able to take your whole collection due to bag space limitations, it’s always worth taking a few essential supplements with you to help maintain your health while away from home. 


Jessica Sepel recommends using a bush flower essence travel formula if you’re flying or have a long car trip; “It enables a person to arrive at their destination feeling balanced and ready to go.” Jessica also suggests a B vitamin complex, which she says promotes “energy, stamina, recovery and stress management [and] seems to help with jetlag.” Herbs of Gold and Fusion both make an excellent product for this purpose, which you can get your hands on at FIT. 


 Another tip is to measure out your protein powder and supplement powders into individual zip lock bags so that you have them on hand for a breakfast shake each day. Packing a light shaker, such as our FIT shakers we have in store, is well worth it. 


A shelf stable probiotic is another must-pack item (you can find these at FIT locations too) to assist with keeping your gut healthy and preventing constipation or “traveller’s belly”, which is especially common after flying or when in foreign countries with different water constitutions and unusual cuisines. You’ll thank us for this later. 

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 02:05:50 +0000
<![CDATA[Your Acai Obsession Is Completely Healthy]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/your-acai-obsession-is-completely-healthy/

5 reasons to eat this purple superfood

Acai is trending like no other breakfast in the health and fitness world. Pretty colour? Tick. Delicious? Tick. Easy to throw into your smoothie? Tick. Makes for an amazing Instagram post? Tick, tick, tick!  


What was once a weekend treat quickly turns into a slight obsession and before you know it you’re downing acai smoothies and bowls like it’s going out of fashion. But can something this good really be healthy?...Yes! 


Here are FIT’s top 6 reasons to get this Amazonian purple berry into your smoothies and breakfast bowls, pronto.  


1. Acai fights disease

The high vitamin C content of this tiny berry as well as its phenolic compounds has been proven to protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer. A number of pilot studies have shown daily acai consumption to reduce metabolic disease markers in patients and also suggests that its vasodilator effect could be used medicinally in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.


2. Acai is a beauty food

Acai is bursting with nutrients that promote a healthy glow, containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E.  According to Dr. Lindsey Duncan, acai is highly beneficial in its ability to maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails due to the polyphenol antioxidants present in the berry. “They can help to fight free radicals and oxidative stress, and can even slow down the ageing process,” he says.


3. Acai helps you detox 

Acai is exceptionally high in antioxidants, which the fresh berry containing twice the amount found in fresh blueberries, which becomes much more concentrated when using a powdered form of acai. Antioxidants are essential to the detoxification process, assisting with clearing undesirable substances from the body and fighting free radicals. In this function, a study on mice has shown that acai has the powder to noticeably reduce DNA damage, which is suggestive that it can have the same positive effect on humans. 


4. Acai supports athletic performance

Acai can help support athletic performance as a vasodilator, allowing improved blood flow when exercising. In addition to this, one study examined how taking acai improved blood antioxidant status and lipid profile in junior athletes and found that regular acai consumption led to a noticeable increase in total antioxidant capacity of plasma, attenuation of the exercise induced muscle damage, and a substantial improvement of serum lipid profile. Acai is also useful to athletes as it reduces inflammation and helps improve range of motion. 


5. Acai supports a healthy weight

It wasn’t just Oprah saying that the acai berry was a weight loss aid, the science is there to prove it. In a study where overweight women consumed acai pulp over 4 weeks, the result showed a marked reduction in body fat and blood pressure consequently also decreased.  



Visit FIT in store where we stock the high quality 'Passion Projects Acai Powder' or try out our delicious, acai-loaded 'Fuel' smoothie 

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 01:53:37 +0000
<![CDATA[Paleo Carrot Cake Recipe]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/paleo-carrot-cake-recipe/

Satisfy your cravings with this healthy alternative

Who doesn’t like the delicious flavour and texture of carrot cake complete with creamy frosting? Even better is that you get a serving of vegetables conveniently disguised as dessert. You’d think this was a win, win situation, but unfortunately conventional carrot cakes usually hold a multitude of sinful ingredients that more than cancel the goodness of the carrot out. That is, until the Paleo carrot cake was born! 


This grain-free, gluten-free and low sugar carrot cake recipe is totally drool-worthy and gets a nod of approval from the nutritionist. It’s even better than mamma used to make, so go on, get baking. You know you want to… 




  • 1/2 cup coconut flour, sifted 
  • ½ cup almond meal, sifted 
  • 3/4 cup walnuts, chopped 
  • 1/2 cup organic butter melted, or coconut oil 
  • 1/4 cup coconut or almond milk 
  • 3 large carrots, peeled and grated 
  • 3 organic, pastured eggs 
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon 
  • 1 tsp. Nutmeg 
  • 1 tsp baking soda 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • Pinch of pink Himalayan salt 
  • 1 tsp stevia powder or to taste (optional) 

 Coconut Frosting: 

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • Pinch of stevia (optional) 
  • 2 cups thick coconut yoghurt or coconut cream 
  • 1 tbsp ginger, grated 
  • Shredded coconut and walnuts to sprinkle on top as garnish 



  1. Shred the carrots either with a grater or in a food processor, using the appropriate blade. 
  1. Place carrots in a bowl and combine with stevia (if sweetening), pressing firmly to allow the mixture to soften. 
  1. Preheat oven to 160°C. 
  1. Coarsely chop the walnuts up. 
  1. Combine sifted coconut flour, almond meal, chopped walnuts, cinnamon, nutmeg, Himalayan salt and baking soda in a bowl. 
  1. In a large mixing bowl or kitchen mixer, blend eggs, vanilla, melted butter/coconut oil, coconut/almond milk and vanilla extract until well combined. 
  1. Add dry ingredients to wet and blend. 
  1. Stir grated carrots into cake batter. 
  1. Grease large cake tin with coconut oil and grease proof paper on the bottom for easy removal. 
  1. Pour batter into tin and place in the oven. 
  1. Bake for 35 minutes. 
  1. While the cake is baking, prepare the coconut frosting by combining all ingredients in the blender until thick and smooth. Set aside in the fridge to keep cold. 
  1. Test cake center with a tooth pick. If the tooth pick comes out clean, then the cake is ready. 
  1. Once cooked, remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool. 
  1. Frost cake with coconut frosting and garnish with shredded coconut and walnuts to serve. 
Sat, 01 Jul 2017 01:48:12 +0000
<![CDATA[5 World Class Health Retreats]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-world-class-health-retreats/


A trip to one of these wellness resorts is bound to be life changing

There is nothing quite like the experience of a health retreat. It allows you fully step out of your usual lifestyle into a blissful space and channel all your time and energy into improving your wellbeing. Add to this beautiful surrounds, comfortable accommodation, expert guidance, natural therapies and catered food and beverage, and you’re really in health heaven.

No matter whether your goal is to detox, rejuvenate, get fit or loose weight, attending a world class health retreat is an unrivalled luxury and surefire jumpstart on the right track. Here are 5 world class health retreats to add to your bucket list.

Aro Hā, New Zealand 

Hidden away on the breathtaking South Island of New Zealand, Aro Hā’s vision is described in their own words as “Zen inspired luxury, where the luxury comes from intelligent design, function of space, and exceptional programming, rather than opulence or excess.” Despite only being a 40-minute drive from Queenstown, you’ll feel as if you’re in the middle of nowhere; the picturesque backdrop of the mountains and lake could be straight from a postcard. It is probably best described as an adventure retreat, featuring a jam packed physical activity schedule (think twice daily yoga, 4-hour mountain hikes and more), with a menu of portion controlled, light and mostly raw vegan food. Many people use this as a part of a weight loss program, however it isn’t reserved for this and can also be enjoyed by those wanting to improve their health and fitness in a serene location.

Absolute Sanctuary, Koh Samui, Thailand 

A boutique wellness resort specialising in detoxification, this is the retreat for the hardcore people out there. The emphasis at the award-winning Absolute Sanctuary is on cleansing with raw juices, combined with daily colon hydrotherapy sessions and plenty of movement through yoga, as part of what they describe as “a journey back to balance, rejuvenation and a healthy lifestyle.” You can lay back by the Moroccan-inspired pool, slowly savouring your organic juice, amid spa treatments and complementary therapies. There are a range of different lengths for juice cleanses and at the end the skilled team will also help you break your fast by easing you back into solid foods with the restaurant’s light menu.

Ananda, Himalayas, India

Ananda is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas in India and offers a range of wellness programs such as weight management, detox, Ayurvedic rejuvenation and stress management. Housed in a maharaja's palace, the Ananda philosophy is build on traditional Ayuvedic teachings. You will have your “dosha” (body/personality type) diagnosed by one of the doctors and then all your food, beverages and treatments will be tailored to help balance your dosha. Overlooking the holy Ganges River, this resort will have you feeling you are in a sacred place immediately. It is the perfect union of traditional Indian healing wisdom and western luxury spa pampering.

Como Shambhala Estate, Ubud, Bali

You’ve probably seen photos of this gem floating around on Instagram with #goals and #wanderlust in the caption. Set in the magical Ubud countryside in Bali, Como Shambhala is a highly impressive foray into the world of health retreats that will make even the most seasoned detoxers sigh in awe. The inspiring natural surrounds are a sea of lush greenery, which includes rock pools and a natural spring that is said to hold healing properties. “My body immediately relaxed just being there. This is a truly special spot,” says nutritionist and wellness blogger Jessica Sepel. Guests are given their own butler and stay in luxury residencies complete with infinity pools. You can choose to have liquids only or enjoy light and cleansing vegan fare.

Golden Door Elysia, Hunter Valley, Australia

A healing and relaxation haven, the Golden Door Elysia is harboured among the vineyards of the Hunter Valley in New South Whales where just inhaling the fresh air makes you feels healthier. The Golden Door Elysia is Australia’s first purpose-built health retreat and great attention to detail has been taken in ensuring it caters to even the most discerning of tastes. No expense has been spared to provide guests with the ultimate in luxe cleansing and pampering, with 26 wet and dry treatment rooms and private luxury villas that provide guests with a personal sanctuary throughout the detox process. Select from a menu of natural and complementary therapies and individual sessions with world-renowned health practitioners to enhance your stay, and return home a new you.

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 01:37:21 +0000
<![CDATA[Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Fat Or Gain Mass]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/coconut-oil-can-help-you-lose-fat-or-gain-mass/

Try adding it to your diet to reach your goals

Coconut oil has been hailed as the healthiest oil on the planet, thanks to it’s high smoke point (meaning it doesn’t spoil in extreme temperatures like other oils) and its unique nutritional properties. Everyone seems to being going nuts for coconut, but did you know including it in your diet could help you reach your body goals, no matter if it’s to lose weight, reduce body fat or gain muscle? Yes, coconut oil really is the oil that does it all.

For Weight Loss & Cutting Fat

The old myth that coconut is “fattening” has been dispelled by contemporary research that has shown that coconut oil (extracted from the meat of mature coconuts) may actually be beneficial for fat loss and maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol. Although the fat in coconut is a saturated fat, often labelled “bad” fat compared to “healthy” unsaturated fats, this specific type is an exception to the rule, as it acts in a unique way. This is because coconut contains medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are able to be absorbed straight into our cells and used as energy.

Recent research from the Garvan Institute suggests that including ample coconut oil in the diet is helpful for weight loss and preventing type-2 diabetes, by preventing fat storage and insulin resistance. Other studies show that MCFAs are more than twice as thermogenic (fat burning) as long chain fats, with one study indicating that consuming 15-30g of coconut MCTs induced dietary thermogenesis to increase 24-hour energy expenditure by 5 per cent. This equates to burning about 120 calories per day just from chowing down on coconut oil.

“Coconut oil is one of the best fat burning foods because it is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, stimulating to the metabolism, easy to digest, and full of antioxidants,” says nutritional therapist Catherine Crow. Coconut oil is also extremely satiating, meaning it keeps you fuller for longer, which can be a benefit when following a weight loss of cutting dietary regime.

How to take it:

The thermogenic effect of consuming MCTs lasts for approximately 24 hours. This means it’s ideal to eat about about 1 tablespoon a day (which can be divided up between meals) if your aim is to lose weight or cut fat. This quantity should provide you with a regular intake of MCTs to continuously stroke your metabolic furnace, without providing a heavy load of calories (as coconut oil is still an energy-dense food). Use it sparingly to replace other oils in your cooking, put a teaspoon into your smoothie or simply eat it on a spoon from the jar between meals.

For Bulking Up Muscle

To gain muscle, you need to combine the right training with a calorie surplus at the end of the day, which can be used by the body to build up muscle. Instead of resorting to junk foods to create this surplus, coconut oil offers an easy and healthy way to ramp up your calorie intake along with a host of other benefits.

Being high in lauric acid and thus highly antimicrobial and immune boosting, coconut oil may help prevent overtraining by bolstering your system. Using coconut oil post workout can also replenish Intra muscular fatty acid (IMFA) stores in the body and in turn create a greater pump post workout, which leads to an improved muscle growth, according to experts from Harvard University.

How to take it:

“In order to get the full muscle mass building benefits, many take large amounts, approximately 3-6 tablespoons a day,” says body building trainer Mark Otto. The amount needed will ultimately depend upon the individual, how they are working out and what the rest of their diet looks like. The best option is to calculate the calorie surplus you need to hit your goals, and adjust the amount accordingly, bearing in mind that 1 tablespoon of coconut oil contains roughly 120 calories. Slather it you’re your vegetables, spoon it into shakes and smoothies, mix into yoghurt or eat it straight up - just get into that coconut oil!

Tip: Make sure you choose a high quality, organic and unrefined coconut oil. Visit FIT in store to get your hands on the Honest to Goodness Organic Coconut Oil, which we proudly stock and think is the best on the market. 

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 01:31:42 +0000
<![CDATA[Breakfasts Of Champions]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/breakfasts-of-champions/

Eat breakfast like a boss with these supercharged ideas

Just like your mother always said, breakfast really is the most important meal. It sets you up for the day ahead and gets your metabolism roaring after fasting overnight. While there are many healthy, power breakfast options out there, one thing all “breakfasts of champions” have in common is a gloat-worthy nutritional profile. Think low glycemic and balanced, with a mixture of complex carbohydrates, quality protein and good fats to keep your tank full and your energy levels steady right through until lunchtime. 

Give these lip-smacking, nutrition-cracking ideas a go for your AM meal and get ready to power through your daily goals.

Healthy Breakfast Burrito 

Using a wholegrain tortilla, or gluten-free wrap, load with scrambled eggs, spinach, cooked sweet potato, avocado and any other healthy fillings you desire. This is a real powerhouse breakfast, used by mountain skier Lynsey Dyer to last all day on the slopes. The eggs provide a great amount of protein the addition of sweet potato provides long-burning carbohydrates for fuel and the avocado offers heart-health fats.

Loaded Oatmeal

Never under estimate the humble oatmeal. Boasting a healthy dose of soluble and insoluble fibre, plus an array of vitamins and minerals, having oatmeal for breakfast is a great choice for before exercise. “The complex, slow digesting, carbohydrates will give your muscles the energy it needs to have a better workout,” says Dr. Matthew Brennecke, who practices in combination with naturopathic principles. “Eating oatmeal on a daily basis can reduce your blood pressure several points,” he adds. Boost your bowl of oats by loading it with healthy toppings, such as nuts, nut butters, fresh fruit and superfoods, such as goji berries and cacao nibs.

Nourishment Bowl

Savoury breaky bowls are the latest trend to sweep the health scene and after trying one you won’t be surprised as to why it’s started a phenomenon. Basically this involves filling a bowl with a wholefood carbohydrate (quinoa is popular), greens (kale and baby spinach rock), other vegetables to your liking, then topping it with poached or boiled eggs and a healthy fat source, such as avocado or tahini. Bonus points if you add a spoonful of enzyme and probiotic-rich sauerkraut to assist proper digestion.

Super Smoothie

Think frozen fruit, nut milk or coconut water, chia seeds, protein powder and your personalised supplements. Smoothies are a fantastic way to squeeze a whole lot of goodness into one convenient meal. Perfect for those who need to take breakfast on the go, visit FIT to grab your morning fix. If you need to make it yourself, you can stock up on your favourite supplements in store and whiz it up at home.

Clean Green Eggs & Ham

Dr. Suess had it right after all! To jump start your morning with a clean, green eggs and ham meal, simply fill a bowl with a bed of fresh baby spinach or lightly sautéed kale, then top with pesto scrambled eggs and a couple of organic ham slices. “An egg contains 6 grams of protein and carry a variety of health benefits,” says Zoe Bingley-Pullin, nutritionist, chef and author, who is a big promoter of adding them to your breakfast routine. Include a piece of sprouted toast on the side to ensure you’re getting your complex carbohydrates in too.

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 00:45:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Recipe: Matcha Protein Bliss Balls]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/recipe-matcha-protein-bliss-balls/

Antioxidant and protein-rich power snack

Protein bliss balls are the perfect healthy snack and when you spike them with matcha, it gets even better. 

Matcha is a traditional Japanese powdered for of green tea, made from the whole leaf. This means that the nutritional properties are concentrated. Matcha is high in antioxidants, rich in fibre and is known to increase metabolism, energise the body and boost concentration. 

The protein powder will keep you full and your blood levels stable to help avoid sugar cravings. What’s not to love? These Matcha Protein Bliss Balls are your new go-to snacking weapon for when the 4pm slump hits, or pre/post workout.


1 cup of almond meal
8 dates
2 1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil
2 teaspoons of matcha powder + ½ teaspoon for rolling
1 scoop of protein powder (vanilla or plain)
4 tablespoons of shredded coconut + 1 tablespoon for rolling
2 teaspoons chia seeds
Splash of liquid of choice to reach desired consistency (nut milk, coconut water or filtered water)


1. Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Slowly add liquid until mixture becomes moist and consistent. 
2. Once combined well, form mixture into balls. 
3. Roll balls in more matcha powder and shredded coconut.
3. Place in the fridge until set firmly (about 30-60 minutes).
4. Enjoy!
5. Keep airtight in the fridge for up to 10 days.

Need these ingredients? Visit FIT in store to get your matcha and choose from our wide selection of protein powders!

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 00:38:39 +0000
<![CDATA[11 Male Gym Bag Essentials]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/11-male-gym-bag-essentials/

Up the ante on your gym time and never leave the house without these items

What every man needs is a stylish and practical assortment of gym accessories. After all, you go to the gym to take care of yourself, so it makes sense to extend this sentiment to all areas of the routine. Having these must-have items in your gym sack will take your whole gym experience up a few notches.


No one likes a smelly man drenched with sweat on the equipment next to them or in the locker room. Do yourself and the rest of the gym a favour by always, always having an anti-perspirant deodorant on hand. Apply right before your workout and again after you shower.


It should be a no brainer, but there are far too many people who forget this essential item. We suggest taking two with you; one to wipe sweat off yourself and the equipment during your workout and a fresh one to dry-off with after your shower.

Shaker with protein

What gym bag is complete without a quality shaker readily filled with your favourite supplements? You can use it for your pre-workout and protein powder – just add water and you’re good to go!

Magnesium spray

This is one of the best kept secrets when it comes to soothing sore muscles. Apply afterwards to help the muscle fibres relax and release any stored tension. Trust us, you’ll thank us when you wake up the next day with pain-free calves after leg day.

Music /Headphones

Working out to a beat can boost motivation and stamina. Make sure you have your music device and a good, comfortable set of headphones ready to “pump up the jam”!

Water bottle

Your water bottle is your portable hydration station. Choose a BPA free variety and continuously sip from it throughout your workout to replenish lost fluids through sweat.

Weight training gloves

You don’t want those callouses and blisters on your hands and it’s not beneficial to your workout either. Keeping a pair of weight training gloves in your gym sack is the key to preventing this.

Band aids

For those times when you accidentally leave your weight training gloves in the wash, band aids will be your friend.

All-in-one wash

If you’re like most of us, you’d probably prefer not to be hauling around an array of grooming products (that can be left for the ladies!). Investing in a good product that doubles as a hair shampoo and body wash means you can kill two birds with one stone.


Three words… Gym. Shower. Floor. It’s a breeding ground for foot fungus, so take your rubbers thongs to protect yourself. Need we say anymore?

Odour absorbing laundry bag

These bags are pure genius. Simply throw your sweaty workout attire inside, pull shut tightly and forget all about the horrible smell…until you get it out to wash on the other side!

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 00:18:32 +0000
<![CDATA[6 Fitness Apps We're Loving]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/6-fitness-apps-were-loving/

Living in the “tech age” certainly has its benefits when it comes to your wellbeing. Health and fitness-focused smart phone applications can be extremely handy motivational tools, provide specialised workout advice, match music to your exercise, track your progress, log your runs and much more.
Here are 6 fitness apps that FIT is currently loving and they are just a click away from being yours too.


1. Jefit Workout Pro

Say goodbye to that awkward notebook or scrunched piece of paper that follows you around at the gym. The Jefit Workout Pro app is a better, smarter and convenient way to keep track of your sets and reps. It provides you with simple tools for creating weight-lifting workouts and keeping a log of routine details as you go. You can record your sets, reps and how much you lifted. Plus, the calendar function is great for planning your workout and rest days.


2. MyFitnessPal

This app is the perfect tool to keep you on track with your daily nutrition intake and fitness goals by recording what and how much you eat and drink, and how many calories you burn through exercise and activities. Of all the apps that follow a similar formula, MyFitnessPal has the largest database of foods and beverages and is extremely user-friendly, making it a winner.


3. Pact

Do you need to be kept accountable with your gym visits? Try putting your wallet where your fitness intentions are and it might be the perfect solution to blowing off a workout. Pact is an app which facilitates money wagering on whether or not you’ll go to the gym or complete a planned workout. If you stick to your guns and hit up that weights session, you keep the pennies in your pocket. The “cash pot” is communal and if you’re reaching or exceeding your goals, you’ll actually earn money. But don’t be a slacker, or you’ll pay for it – literally.


4. RockMyRun

Simply kick off your workout and select a playlist from one of RockMyRun's music sets, and get a beat tailored to your heart rate as you run. When your tune matches your tempo, it motivates you to forge ahead and stay at or increase your pace. With a wide variety of musical genres, this is a fun app to try out on your next running session.


5. Nike Training Club

Nike has used their world-class training research to develop this clever app, which is like having your own handheld personal trainer. Designed for all fitness levels, Nike Training Club offers 60 customisable workouts which are delivered by your virtual trainer through audio guidance and visual demos. Oh, did we mention it’s free? Yep! Fitness expert from Body + Soul, Damien Kelly, suggests using this app 3-5 times a week. “With a mix of cardio and strength sessions, this app covers your whole week,” he says.


6. Pocket Yoga

Technology and yoga join forces in an unlikely but fantastic duo with this app. Guaranteed to bring a bit more Zen into your life and stretch even the most hard to reach spots, Pocket Yoga offers 3 varying yoga practice styles, difficulty levels and “class” lengths. The best thing about it? The sessions can be done just about anywhere. An audio guide takes you through the asanas (or poses) and assists with breathing, while the images provide visual cues so you can get your downward dog down pat.

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 00:10:29 +0000
<![CDATA[Superfood Spotlight: Chia Seeds]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/superfood-spotlight-chia-seeds/

These tiny seeds pack a real nutritional punch

Chia seeds have become a household name in recent years and for good reason! You probably know these little guys are good for your health, but that’s about as far as your chia encyclopedia goes. FIT are shining the superfood spotlight on them so you can get your facts straight when it comes to this wonder seed. If you’re not already a dedicated chia fan, we can guarantee you’ll want to incorporate them into your diet after reading this.


Chia seeds are an ancient superfood that played an important role in the diets of the Aztec and Mayan civilisations. It is believed they consumed chia to support times of high physical exertion, such as running between tribes and hunting expeditions. The seeds grow natively in South America on the Salvia Hispanica plant, which is a relative to mint. That these seeds have long been prized for being a sustainable energy source is evident in the name “chia”, which means “strength” in Mayan.


So what exactly makes chia seeds an ancient and modern day “superfood”? It comes down to the fact that they are a nutritional pocket-rocket, providing highly concentrated nutritional benefits in a small and low calorie serving.

Chia seeds are a plant-based source of complete protein, meaning they provide all 8 of the essential amino acids in one go. Additionally, chia provides antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and are a rich source of omega-3 vs omega-6 fatty acids. In fact, by weight, chia seeds contain more omega 3 vs omega 6 fats than salmon, and higher levels of calcium than full cream milk. Celebrity nutritionist and best selling author of The Beauty Detox Solution Kimberly Snyder is a huge fan of chia’s benefits; “Because they are so nutrient-dense and filling, chia seeds can help reduce cravings and keep you on track with your diet. I eat them daily,” she says.

Almost all the carbohydrate content of chia seeds is made up on fibre, which the body doesn’t digest, therefore chia seeds are very low glycemic and are good for blood sugar regulation. Chia seeds contain a high level of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which both play an important role in overall digestive health. Due to the high-fibre content, chia seeds can swell up to 15 times their size when mixed with liquids, creating a filling, nutritious and slow energy release gel substance.

“I’ve experienced that its ability to keep you full and provide optimal energy has helped my clients ward off sugar and other cravings, especially later in the day when they are stalling to workout and want to eat a treat instead!” explains Kimberly.


The easiest way to incorporate chia seeds into your diet are by adding them into your smoothies. Blending them up also makes the nutrients inside easier for your body to absorb. Try adding 1 tablespoon into your next smoothie or check in to the FIT smoothie bar and try one of our delicious chia-containing blends, such as our 'Fuel' and 'Replace' smoothies.

Chia puddings are another quick and easy way to get your dose of chia seeds, and they make a delicious and nourishing breakfast, snack or dessert. You can grab your chia stash in store at FIT where we stock Honest to Goodness Organic Black Chia Seeds and get creating. As a general rule of thumb, mix a ratio of ¼ cup chia seeds to 1 cup liquid, such as coconut water or a non-dairy milk, and leave in the fridge to set for a few hours or overnight. You can also add in your superfoods and supplements, such as cacao or acai powder (both available in store). Top with fruit, yoghurt and/or a healthy granola for a delicious meal. 

Other ways to incorporate chia seeds include by blending them into homemade dressings, sprinkled onto salads, in healthy pancakes and other baked goods, and in bliss balls.

Hot FIT tip: For a vegan egg substitute in cooking, stir 1 tablespoon of chia seeds into 3 tablespoons of water and stir vigorously for a few minutes until a gel “egg-like” consistency forms. Use it just as you would use an egg – easy!

Sat, 01 Jul 2017 00:02:05 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Choose The Right Protein Powder]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-choose-the-right-protein-powder/

5 questions you need to ask yourself

Looking at the protein selection on the market and trying to pick one out can be a daunting task. With everything from mass gainers and whey proteins to weight loss options and vegan blends, there sure is no shortage of choice. 

Determining the protein powder that is the right fit for you, your goals and your lifestyle is an important process. FIT have put together the top 5 questions to take into consideration so you get it right. Go!

“What is my purpose for using protein powder?”

There are many reasons why someone choses to invest in a protein powder, the most common being to support muscle gain and/or toning, athletic performance, weight loss and general wellbeing. These are very varied uses and therefore require varied protein supplements.

If your goal is to increase muscle, opt for a mass gainer. If toning and supporting muscle recovery is the name of your game, a whey protein isolate or other protein high in the amino acid leucine is a great choice. Looking to drop kilos? There is a good selection of protein supplements formulated especially for weight management and also designed to be used as meal replacement shakes. For general wellbeing, go for a high quality natural vegan or grass-fed whey protein.

“Does it need to fit any specific dietary requirements?”

Next you should consider what dietary requirements you have which will need to be reflected in your protein powder. If you are a vegan or have difficulty digesting dairy products, you will need to find a plant-based protein option, such as a pea/rice blend. Perhaps you only want natural ingredients, prefer organic, or have allergies to some foods or food additives? Whatever your needs or nuances, taking them into account when selecting a protein brand and checking ingredients will help you make the right choice.

“How will I be taking the protein?”

When it comes to protein powders, it’s not just what you take, but also how and when you take it. Think about how it will fit most easily into your healthy routine. Will you be taking it mixed with only water? Or will it be blended into a smoothie with other ingredients? These are factors which could effect the flavour and type of protein you want to purchase. As much as the taste doesn’t impact the quality of protein, it could mean the difference between you sticking to regular use or leaving it at the back of the cupboard.

“When will I be taking the protein?”

Now ask yourself when you will be taking it. Immediately post workout? You need something that digests as rapidly as possible, that does not contain fat. Personal trainer Shannon Clarke recommends whey protein isolate powders as a great choice for this, typically when mixed with some form of carbohydrate, like dextrose or maltodextrin, to provide the glucose the muscles need. As a snack between meals or meal replacement? Selecting one that does have some dietary fat could be helpful in keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Before bed? Consuming at least 20g of casein based protein has been shown to help increase muscle protein synthesis while you sleep.

“Do I want extras included in my protein?”

There are many protein powders on the market today that have other nutritionally functional components other than their protein content, such as fibre, extra amino acids, digestive enzymes, antioxidants and more. You may be the kind of person who likes your protein powder plain and simple, so stick with traditional, basic formulations.

If you do want a protein with extras included, then tailor this with the goals you’re working towards or your health needs. For example, those gaining muscle may find a protein that includes supplemental BCAAs helpful. Whereas, if you struggle with bloating or other gastrointestinal issues when taking protein, selecting a supplement that includes digestive enzymes and prebiotics is a smart way to go. “Find a sprouted and fermented protein for sensitive systems to ensure easier digestion and maximum bioavailability of nutrients,” recommends founder of Amazonia and health coach Dwayne Martens.

FIT Nutrition Fix stock a large range of premium protein supplements, with something to suit everybody’s needs. Visit our friendly staff in store for personalised help selecting a protein supplement. Protein supplements increase the body’s need for water, so always ensure adequate water intake.

Fri, 30 Jun 2017 23:48:15 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Carbohydrates That Your Waistline Will Love]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-carbohydrates-that-your-waistline-will-love/

These healthy carb sources are definitely friend not foe

Carbs have gotten an unfairly bad wrap in recent years, with many fad diets advising to cut them out. Stop! Don’t fall down the no-carb trap. Eating the right kind of carbohydrates is actually essential for your health and maintaining a svelte or toned physique. The trick is to choose unrefined, nutrient-dense options and be conscious of portion sizes. The more energy you are expending, the greater the quantity of wholefood carbohydrates you will require each day for optimal wellbeing. Ditch the white processed stuff and make friends with carbs by chowing down on these:


Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is a highly nutritious pseudo-grain, which is gluten free and exceptionally high in complete protein, meaning it contains all 8 essential amino acids. Quinoa is also abundant in fibre, iron, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin E. Celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder is a huge advocate for this ancient food and it’s blood sugar stabilising properties, which can be beneficial for healthy weight loss. “It’s important to choose complex, unrefined carbohydrates [like quinoa] because they are high in fiber, keeping you fuller longer,” says Snyder. It’s also highly versatile and can be enjoyed in hot dishes, salads and even in sweet breakfast bowls, such as with fruit and coconut milk.


Bananas offer a quick release of natural sugars into the blood stream from a wholefood source, which is highly beneficial when you require fast energy, such as before exercising or as part of a morning meal. Bananas also contain all sorts of good things, such as health-promoting flavonoids, vitamin C, fibre, vitamin b6, magnesium, manganese and just one banana alone contains 467 mg of potassium, which is important for controlling your heart rate and blood pressure.

A 2003 study on bananas, which are rich in vitamin A and carotenoids, showed that they have the potential to protect against chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and types of cancer. As delicious as they are good for you, bananas are great as a portable snack (add a tablespoon or nut butter for a slower energy release), in your smoothies, or sliced on top of just about any breakfast imaginable.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are packed with vitamin A, C, Bs, manganese, biotin, potassium and more. They offer a fantastic lower GI substitute for white potatoes, providing a slow and steady release of energy into the blood stream. Mash them, bake them, boil them – just make sure you’re eating these bad boys because the benefits are just too good to pass up.


Oats are an easy and healthful carbohydrate option that is rich in a specific type of fiber called beta-glucan. This kind of fibre is especially beneficial as it is known to help lower levels of bad cholesterol. Oats have also been shown to assist with healthy weight management, with an Australian study carried out by Nutrition Research in 2009 finding a significant correlation between higher levels of beta glucan from oats and higher levels of Peptide Y-Y, which is a hormone associated with appetite control. “Oats contain minimal amounts of gluten,” says Jessica Sepel, nutritionist and author of The Healthy Life, “so most people who are gluten intolerant can actually often handle oats.”


Buckwheat is another pseudo-grain (like quinoa) because it has grain-like qualities but is actually a nutrient-packed seed. Buckwheat groats contain protein, fiber and antioxidants. Buckwheat may be especially useful for athletes and exercisers as it contains high levels of rutin, a phytonutrient found in buckwheat, which acts as an important antioxidant for cardiovascular health. Clinical studies have shown that it supports the circulatory system and may help protect against high blood pressure and keep cholesterol levels in check. In addition, buckwheat provides an easily digestible source of plant-based protein, with around 14g per 100g. Buckwheat can be eaten in sweet or savoury dishes, such as porridge, bliss balls, healthy desserts, as a rice substitute, in casseroles, baked goods or in salads.

Fri, 30 Jun 2017 23:23:01 +0000
<![CDATA[Improve Your Health Every Time You Shower]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/improve-your-health-every-time-you-shower/

5 ways to pimp your bathroom routine for better health

You shower everyday but did you know that you could be using this time to increase your health and wellbeing? Start incorporating these cheeky shower-time hacks into your life and say hello to glowing skin, reduced cellulite, better sleep, less stress, decreased tension, humming hormones and improved energy.

Didn’t think all that was possible to do between stripping off and towelling dry? Read on.

  1. Dry brush – Before you get wet, brush over your entire body with a natural bristled brush to improve circulation, remove dry skin and support the lymph system. ‘We dump tons of toxins out of our skin so it’s important to keep the pathway clear,’ advises wellness guru Kris Carr, author of Crazy, Sexy Diet. Start at the hands and feet, gradually working your way inwards and upward to the heart area, using gentle circular motions. Ladies listen up: this is especially great for helping rid unwanted cellulite, so spend a bit longer going over problem areas.
  2. Fluctuate water temperature – Alternating between hot and cold during your shower can increases alertness, support smooth skin and even improve cardiovascular health. When the body is subjected to hot and then cold temperatures, the flow of circulation is encouraged inwards and then back outwards, helping increase the rate of blood flow and detoxification. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, turning the shower to freezing leads the arteries to pump blood more efficiently and therefore boosts heart health. The easiest way to try this is to simply end your usual shower with a cold bout, which also helps to tighten your cuticles and pores for supple skin. Bonus!
  3. Massage your scalp – You know how when you go to the hairdresser, the best part is when they wash your hair at the basin, giving you that heart-wrenchingly good head massage? Well, time to do it to yourself next time you shower. The scalp is one of the places where tension is commonly stored in the body and stimulating the area can help release this. In addition to helping with muscle stress, some studies have shown that massage can increase production of feel good chemicals such as serotonin and endorphins, helping promote a relaxed and happy mood. Put your hands in and massage around with firm pressure, so that it feels good – it’s not rocket science.
  4. Use natural and organic products – ‘Our skin absorbs up to 60% of what we put on it and is our largest organ,’ warns naturopath and Edible Beauty founder Anna Mitsios, ‘that’s why it’s so important to only use truly natural skin and hair care products.’ Read ingredients to check what’s really in there, taking care to avoid common nasties like alcohols, artificial fragrances and parabens.
  5. Add a drop of essential oil – Aromatherapy is a powerful age-old modality. Try applying a few drops of essential oil to your skin before you get into the shower, adding it to your shampoo, or simply putting it on the corner of the shower floor. As the hot water steams up the area, the scent will be diffused around you. Inhale deeply and enjoy! Tip: choose the oil depending on your needs.  If you’re unwinding at the end of the day, lavender is a great calming choice. Need a pick me up? You can’t go past invigorating peppermint. Blocked nose? Eucalyptus is your friend.
Fri, 30 Jun 2017 22:56:09 +0000
<![CDATA[The Ultimate Fit Green Smoothie Guide]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-ultimate-fit-green-smoothie-guide/

If you can’t get in for your daily FIT green blend, this is the next best thing!]

Green smoothies may have become the latest hipster accessory but that doesn’t stop them fulfilling their original purpose as a nutrition powerhouse. It’s an easy way to squeeze plenty of dark green leafy vegetables into your diet, such as spinach kale or even broccoli, in a delicious and easy-to-drink beverage. Blending it up also ensures the produce has already been broken down and the nutrients are therefore highly bioavailable.

Sounds simple, yet it doesn’t always go to plan. Most people on a health kick have had at least one experience with a green smoothie gone wrong that ended up down the sink, so FIT are sharing our fail-proof guide that will have you drinking your silverbeet with pleasure.

Don’t forget to visit the FIT crew in store for one of our famous smoothies and learn a few tips from our maestro blenders while you’re there.

Base Ingredients:


  • 2-3 large handfuls of greens E.g. Kale, cos lettuce, spinach, silverbeet
  • 1 cup / piece of fruit (recommended: use frozen for a creamier consistency and chilled temperature, experiment with different combinations) E.g. banana, mango, berries, pineapple, apple, pear, kiwi, avocado
  • ½-1 cup vegetables (optional) E.g. cucumber, celery, zucchini, broccoli
  • 200-300ml liquid (depending on preferred consistency) E.g. coconut water, non-dairy milk (almond is delicious), water


Supercharge It

All supplements available at our FIT retail store, where you will also receive personalised advice on which ones are right for your goals.


  • 1-2 serves of superfoods E.g. Chia seeds, maca, acai, coconut oil, camu camu, spirulina, greens powder
  • 1-2 serves supplements E.g. Acetyl L-carnitine, glutamine
  • 1 serve protein powder E.g vegan protein powder or whey protein



  • Wash produce and remove any hard, fibrous parts from the greens (such as kale stems)
  • Add liquid to the blender, followed by the greens and vegetables. Top with fruit, as this is heavier and will help weigh the rest down for easy blending. The fruit should be in small chunks, whether fresh or frozen
  • Add your chosen superfoods, protein powder and/or supplements
  • Combine all ingredients on high speed until smooth
  • Tip: if using fresh fruit, you may add a handful of ice to chill the smoothie down

Serve immediately and enjoy!

Fri, 30 Jun 2017 22:42:45 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Increase Muscle Mass Quick, Smart]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-increase-muscle-mass-quick-smart/


Are you thinking that bigger is better, but don’t know how to increase your muscle mass the right way? Adding ‘bulk’ or gaining is one of the most common goals for males who train, yet it’s not always a simple feat to achieve. Sometimes it seems to take forever and a day, while at worst it sees punters sacrifice their health to get there, or even gain fat instead.

Solution: you need to be smart in the way you gain. In turn, this will also optimise your results in the shortest time period possible. Want to kill two birds with one stone and be on your way to getting bigger, quickly and healthily? Follow this expert advice.

1. Train heavy and consistent

Like most big goals, it’s going to take blood, sweat and (maybe) tears to get there. But when you do, it’s going to be so worth it. If you want to bulk up fast, you’re going to need give it your all, every single time. It’s important to lift heavy loads and alternate your muscle groups on training days. “I would make sure you are training 5 days a week,” says fitness expert Blake Worrall-Thompson. Stick to simple exercises with heavy loads, like deadlifts, shoulder presses, bench presses and squats with the weight as heavy as you can handle in the 8-12 rep range.

2. Increase your calories with the right foods

To gain muscle, you will need a calorie surplus at the end of the day and when you’re using a lot of energy training, this means you certainly need to increase your overall fuel intake. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this means a free-for-all at the burger joint. The emphasis needs to be on choosing nutrient-dense, clean, balanced meals and snacks. Think protein and lots of greens, with moderate complex carbohydrates and good fats. Nuts are a great healthy shortcut to getting enough food in for gains, due to their calorie density. “One of the easiest ways I get my male clients to put on weight is by adding 6-10 nuts to each meal,” advises Worrall-Thompson.

3. Invest in a quality protein / amino acid supplement

The most important macronutrient for muscle growth and repair is protein, as the amino acids act as the building blocks for muscle in the body. Incorporating a high quality protein powder into your regime is an easy way to support muscle gains. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are thought to be especially significant when it comes to developing and building muscle and can also be taken in specialised supplements. “If you do decide to take BCAA supplements, pay attention to how you feel while taking them," advises registered dietician and personal trainer Sarah Currie. "If you think they're making a difference, go for it."

4. Train big, sleep big, gain big

Sleep is crucial to gaining muscle. When you snooze is when your body releases the highest amount of growth hormone, so make sure you get 7-8 hours of shut eye each night to support your overall wellbeing and faster results. Enough said.

Fri, 30 Jun 2017 18:24:26 +0000
<![CDATA[Kettlebell Training: 5 Reasons Why You Need To Try It]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/kettlebell-training-5-reasons-why-you-need-to-try-it/


Here are FIT’s top 5 reasons why everybody needs to try getting sweaty with a kettlebell

If you’ve eyed-off the kettlebell equipment at the gym, but never really knew how or why you would pick one up, now is the time. Kettlebells are amazing for a full-body strength workout with benefits and the science is there to prove it. The other perk? Gaining some serious gym cred: the cannonball with a handle is completely old school cool.

Here are FIT’s top 5 reasons why everybody needs to try getting sweaty with a kettlebell:

1. Cardio, strength and balance at the same time

The reason kettlebell training is so effective is because it combines cardio, strength and balance in one workout. A research study sponsored by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) has shown that kettlebell training significantly boosts aerobic capacity, whilst also improving core strength and dynamic balance.

2. A time effective full-body workout

Training with kettlebells is perfect for the time poor and those who like their workouts to be short and sweet, but still kick butt. Kettlebell training has been proven to burn over 20 calories every 60 seconds, which is pretty amazing stuff! Doing a full-body kettlebell workout can take 30 minutes or less and will have you burning fat and toning muscle. The ACE research has even suggested that kettlebell devotees could be enjoying twice the results in half the time compared to using other exercise methods.

3. It’s for all fitness levels

Are you a beginner, a pro, or somewhere in between? Either way, kettlebell training is right for you. That’s because kettlebell exercises are easily tailored to any fitness level. For those just starting out with an exercise regime, kettlebells are a great way to introduce resistance to movements like squats and deadlifts. For experienced trainers, the more complex moves like the kettlebell clean and press will provide a difficult challenge and rewarding results. 

4. It makes you strong and lean

One only needs to take a look at Gerard Butler in the Hollywood epic 300 and know he prepared his buff physique for the role with a kettlebell regime to understand that it works. It really works. Using kettlebells trains all the major muscle groups with functional movements rather than isolated exercises to create strong and lean muscle. Kettlebells have also been shown to offer a superior intensity workout than standard weight-training routines, meaning you can increase strength and develop muscles more quickly.

5. It’s fun and convenient

All you need is that one piece of trusty equipment, the kettlebell, and you’re set to experience all the benefits above. It’s fun to try something new and a fresh workout routine can be great motivation to keep improving your fitness. Not to mention, how convenient it is! A kettlebell workout isn’t confined to the gym and can be done anywhere you have a few metres of space around you. Why not take your kettlebell regime outside to your local park and get some fresh air while you’re at it?

Disclaimer: Not all exercises suit everyone. Always listen to your body. If you have any existing medical conditions, injuries or are pregnant, please consult your healthcare professional before undertaking a new exercise regime or workout.

Fri, 30 Jun 2017 18:17:02 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Get A Killer Bikini Body]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-get-a-killer-bikini-body/

Celebrity trainer Ben Lucas shares his top 5 tips

There’s a reason why Ben Lucas is one of Australia’s most highly-demanded personal trainers, boasting a celebrity clientele including actress Cassie Howarth and model/singer Erin Holland. One thing that all his clients have in common? A killer bikini bod with long, lean muscle tone and washboard abs.

They are also all very busy individuals, so Ben’s philosophy on exercise and healthy eating is to work smarter, not harder, so the lifestyle can fit it into their hectic schedules. “Perfect!”, you’re probably thinking, and let’s face it, who isn’t time poor these days? Just don’t let it be an excuse to slack-off on the health front. 

So what are the secrets to getting a killer bikini body without spending hours a day at the gym? Ben chatted with FIT to share his top 5 tips to achieving the body of your dreams, while fitting it into a busy lifestyle.


Forget what you may have heard about strength training making you “bulky.” It’s simply not true! Working with weights is a key aspect to getting a trim and toned body, plus a host of other health benefits. “Strength training is a great way to add definition. It boosts your metabolism, strengthens your bones, ligaments and tendons and gives your body tone and shape,” says Ben. “Unless you are eating like a body builder and putting in several hours each day, you are not going to bulk up!”


The perfect partner to strength workouts is cardio. It’s great for getting your heart rate up, improving cardiovascular endurance and burning fat. “Every time I do a strength session, I aim to also do a cardio and yoga for balance. Hill sprints, interval sprints and HIIT training are all excellent,” advises Ben. The benefit of doing high intensity bursts is that it burns more fat, so incorporating this into your exercise routine is great for getting your body bikini-ready.


When it comes to sticking to a healthy eating regime, one of the biggest traps that people fall into is reaching for something quick and less healthy when they are tired and hungry, for lack of a better option. “If you are a busy person, then I would suggest that you prepare 3-days worth of meals in advance, if possible. This will mean that the meal is accessible when you come home and you are far more likely to stick to the plan,” advises Ben. You know what they say? Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail!


Resting your body is just as important as exercising. If you don’t allow for recovery, you will be burning the candle at both ends, which ultimately causes stress in the body. In turn, the hormones associated with stress make it harder to lose fat. There’s also the risk of overtraining your muscles. “Eating well and recovering properly is essential for building lean muscle. I think it's important for us to listen to our bodies - if you are working out hard every day despite being tired, all your hard work will most likely have a contrary effect,” says Ben, who advocates having 1-2 rest days a week.


Snacking can be great if you make healthy choices, however Ben sees too many people going down the opposite root. “Cut out the unhealthy snacks. One piece of chocolate here, a couple of chips there - it all adds up. Food prep is important to my clients so that they don’t end up eating the junk food on set.” Instead, make sure you always have some clean options on hand for when you really need something between meals, such as fresh fruit, homemade trail mix, or a natural protein bar.

Ben Lucas has been in the fitness industry for 18 years. Prior to opening Flow Athletic he owned 3 successful personal training businesses and was an NRL player for the Cronulla Sharks. He is a regular voice on health and fitness in the media. Ben has several high profile clients who are fans of his dynamic and results-driven training methods. 


Fri, 30 Jun 2017 18:10:45 +0000
<![CDATA[The Benefits Of Acetyl-L Carnitine]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-benefits-of-acetyl-l-carnitine/

Why this supplement is your new best friend

If you’re into your health and fitness, you’ve probably heard of Acetyl-L-carnitine before, but did you know how effective adding this supplement to your diet can be for reaching your exercise goals? The answer is that it’s very effective indeed.

L-carnitine is made naturally by the liver and kidneys and transported to other areas of the body, including the brain and heart. A potent antioxidant, it helps fight harmful free radicals in your cells. Supplemental Acetyl-L-carnitine is a high quality, concentrated form of L-carnitine.

Here’s the reasons why taking this supplement could be beneficial to your fitness regime:

1. It boosts energy

Acetyl-L-carnitine helps the body produce energy, particularly where it counts, such as for heart and brain function, muscle movement and other bodily processes. Ultimately this means you can work out harder for longer, helping you to reach your fitness goals sooner.

2. It burns fat

Acetyl-L-carnitine is a popular supplement among those who want to lose fat because it helps the body to release stored fat and then burn it for energy more easily. It has also been shown to assist in lowering blood glucose and improving blood vessels, which is particularly beneficial in supporting those with weakened cardiac systems.

3. It assists with muscle recovery

Taking Acetyl-L-carnitine helps muscles to recover faster after a workout, which meaning less muscle soreness and fatigue, and better performance the next day. This is why the supplement is particularly popular among body builders who rely on fast muscle recovery to be able to train more frequently.

4. It improves cognitive ability, memory and mood

There are several clinical studies that show the benefit of Acetyl-L-carnitine when it comes to cognitive ability, memory and mood. It’s widely known to support the heart and brain, two of the body’s most vital organs. In turn this assists with overall wellbeing and enhanced stamina for your training regime.

Fri, 30 Jun 2017 17:53:29 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Prevent A Hangover]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/how-to-prevent-a-hangover/

 How to enjoy a night out and still wake up fresh

Letting your hair down occasionally is part of a healthy lifestyle. After all, we need to enjoy ourselves and going out to have drinks and dance with your friends all night long is a great way to keep your happiness levels high, which in turn promotes lowered stress levels. Yes, life is all about balance! But sometimes one drink leads to another and another, until before you know it, you’re waking up nursing a head-splitting hangover.

We’ve all been there before and it’s definitely not pleasant, so wouldn’t you be pleased to know that FIT has the answers to preventing that old friend the hangover from coming over for a visit after every big night you have? And don’t worry, the words “avoid alcohol” are nowhere to be seen! Nutritionist Pip Reed shares these simple and effective methods:

1. Line your stomach

Always, always eat before you drink! This will allow your body to digest food and line your stomach before it has to embark on processing alcohol. Eating first will also help to decrease the alcohol absorption rates so you don’t suddenly find yourself blind after only two vodkas. No one wants to be that person.

2. Hydration is key

Start your drinking session well hydrated and drink 2 glasses of water between every alcoholic beverage. This one really works wonders! Then at the end of the night, drink at least 2 glasses of water before you go to bed and keep a bottle nearby for when you wake up.

3. Ditch the sugar

Avoid sugary drinks and mixers as these beverage choices will only further spike your blood sugar levels, stress out your liver and dehydrate you, on top of the alcohol. Vodka with fresh lime and soda water is a great choice.

4. Support your liver

Take a herbal supplement that assists the liver to function optimally, such as St Mary's Thistle or a specific liver formula, before drinking, before you go to bed and upon rising. Yes, dose up – your liver will love you for it! By assisting with the detoxification process, it helps to decrease hangover symptoms.

5. Enjoy a nutritious meal

The morning after, resist eating junk food and instead load up on a high protein meal with complex carbs and healthy fats. A good option would be eggs with wholegrain sourdough, spinach and avocado, sprinkled with sea salt. Yum!

6. Beet it!

Grab a fresh juice with plenty of beetroot in it to increase liver detoxification the next day. Carrot, celery, beetroot, lemon and ginger is a winning formula.

By nutritionist & trainer Pip Read

Pip Reed is a qualified, certified and registered nutritionist, personal trainer and Australia's first trained and qualified Yoga-Fit instructor, with over 10-years experience in the health and fitness industry. Pip specialises in weight loss, hormones, endometriosis and healthy aging.



Fri, 30 Jun 2017 03:11:50 +0000
<![CDATA[5 Ways To Improve Digestion]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/5-ways-to-improve-digestion/

Stop bloating and other gut issues with these expert tips

Good health really does begin in the gut. Fueling your training with the right foods is important, but if your digestive tract is stressed out and not functioning correctly, you may not be absorbing all the nutrients you need to replenish glycogen stores, repair damaged muscles, nourish the body and maintain general health. 

Drawing on the knowledge of digestive health specialists Doctor Claudia Lee from Sydney Integrative Medicine and Maggie Godin from Healthspace Clinics, here are 5 simple strategies to help sort out your digestive troubles, including an idea on how to take things further when nothing is doing the trick.

Tip #1

Limit water at meal times. Ideally you should stop drinking 15-30 minutes before sitting down to eat and refrain from gulping down the H2O for a further 15-30 minutes once you’ve finished your meal.


Drinking water with your meals dilutes digestive enzymes and makes it harder for your stomach acid to do its job and break down your food. The result? A ‘swooshy’ feeling in your stomach and undigested food heading into your digestive tract. This leads to increased bloating and all the fun stuff that comes with it. Don’t worry, a little sip to rinse your mouth won’t hurt, just don’t go downing a giant glass full! 

Tip #2 

A glass of red wine with your dinner can actually help to speed up digestion, which is a good thing BUT you should never drink booze on an empty stomach. 


Alcohol will immediately inflame the stomach lining when it hits an empty tummy, meaning the rest of your meal will have trouble being digested properly. Wait until after your appetiser before taking a sip and make sure you stop at 1-2 glasses, otherwise the benefits are reneged. 

Tip #3

Get your digestive juices flowing before you start on your main meal, by sipping on a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in it, around 15-30 minutes before eating.


To stimulate digestive juices and help your body break down the food you’re about to eat. As an extra bonus, ACV also good for clearing up skin, boosting liver health and immunity, regulating blood sugar, encouraging the body to release fat, reducing cramping and improving stamina and energy. Make sure you choose a brand that is unpasteurised and still contains the “mother”. If you’re not keen on ACV, try fermented drinks/foods like kombucha, sauerkraut or other pickled vegetables.

Tip #4

Get your food combinations right. Fruit is a food that best digests alone, so eat it first thing in the morning and wait 30 minutes before other foods, or as a snack by itself, not directly before or after a heavy meal. Protein and starches do not mix, so choose steak or potato/rice, not both, then reach for leafy greens and colourful veggies to go with your choice. Fats are well digested alongside most things and the best kinds are grass-fed and organic animal fats (from eggs, meat, broth, butter, cream), or wild-caught seafood (salmon, sardines, mackerel) as well as virgin olive and coconut oil, ghee, avocado, and activated seeds or nuts. Eat these in moderation though, as too many fats taken at once can slow digestion down a little too much. 


Different foods digest at different rates and use different enzymes, some of which cancel the others out, leaving food poorly digested and leading to bloating, weight gain and gas. Getting your food combinations right can be a game-changer for your gut health and is also a nice way to stay mindful about your meal choices.

Tip # 5

If these simple things don’t work for you, get your gut checked out properly by a professional. Find an integrative doctor and ask them to test for any parasites you may have picked up (often while traveling, eating raw fish or unwashed food, playing with pets and drinking unfiltered water), imbalances in your gut bacteria that may need treatment, or an underlying syndrome that may need specialised attention to heal.


If you’ve got an underlying and chronic issue, all the good nutrition habits and over-the-counter probiotics in the world won’t make your stomach happy for long, so you need to get to the root problem. A few simple tests can pick up what’s really going on and help your doctor get you back on track. Trust us, it’s worth the hassle! A little warning though, you may have to collect your own poop for a few days.

By health and fitness expert Libby Babet 

Libby Babet has a long line of credentials under her belt. As a known health specialist, presenter and writer, fitness expert for Women's Fitness Magazine, owner of AGOGA and' Bottoms Up!' Fitness, and brand ambassador for Lululemon and Vie Active, Libby’s passion for wellbeing makes her one of Australia’s favourite health and fitness personalities. 


Fri, 30 Jun 2017 02:58:41 +0000
<![CDATA[4 WORKOUTS TO TRY TODAY]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/4-workouts-to-try-today/  

Mix up your training with these exciting and effective exercise routines

There’s nothing like shaking up your workout routine to stay motivated and optimise results by keeping your body guessing. Ben Lucas, co-founder of Flow Athletic, advocates exploring different training styles regularly to keep your training fresh and exciting, whilst giving you the fun opportunity to learn new exercises and add them to your repertoire.

 rut, jump in and try one of these. Ben shares with FIT the top 4 workouts he and the Flow posse are loving right now.

1. Hybrid workouts

Forget just choosing one kind of workout to do in your training hour, hybrid workouts are where it’s at, offering an effective way to maximise limited gym time. and provide time poor people with a way to honour a holistic training approach. “At Flow Athletic we offer combinations including Spin x Yoga, Spin x Strength, Yoga x Boxing and Boxing x Strength, to name a few,” explains Ben. “It is also the perfect way for time poor people to have a holistic approach to their training. All combinations are strategically chosen to maximise the benefit of the other. With Bike-Asana (cycle/yoga), for example, it allows the client to focus on strengthening the same muscles and joints that are used in cycling through the yoga component of the workout. You are essentially benefiting from two different types of training in the same session. Furthermore, because each session is only 30 minutes and they are so different, you can train just as hard in both.” We’re sold!

2. MMA training for the average athlete

Feel like kicking some serious butt during your workout session? Then MMA training, which stands for Mixed Martial Arts, could be your new dig. “MMA training has been around for ages but it is predominately fronted by athletes and fighters,” says Ben, “Now, companies such as ‘From Wimp to Warrior’ are turning this around and making the sport a little more user friendly for the weekend warrior.” Aside from unleashing the frustration at your boss or letting out the steam from a bad day during this kind of training, MMA is also a fantastic full body workout with a strong mental component, explains Ben, “MMA provides an excellent workout and it requires lots of skills including full body awareness and mental endurance. It is a great way to train!”

3. Heated spin classes

Adding heat to just about any exercise is guaranteed to make it harder and also more rewarding when you come out the other side, dripping in sweat, but a real winner. Forget Bikram yoga, hot spinning is the latest thing, a trend that Ben has observed taking off in the States and is sure to become an exercise phenomenon here too. “As if an indoor cycling wasn’t hard enough! You will look like a monster at the end of it, but it is an awesome workout, and add in a DJ into the mix and you have a really fun class!”

4. Ariel yoga

Aerial yoga has been around for years but only recently came into the public eye in 2015. “Not only does it guarantee you an amazing Instagram pic, but it is also a great way to get a deep stretch and it has a low impact on your joints,” says Ben. Not to mention, how fun does it look? Getting Zen whilst being suspended in mid-air certainly has an intriguing appeal. Come on, get the blood flowing to your head whilst doing the upside down flying lotus…you know you want to!

Ben Lucas

Ben Lucas has been in the fitness industry for 18 years. Prior to opening Flow Athletic he owned 3 successful personal training businesses and was an NRL player for the Cronulla Sharks. He is a regular voice on health and fitness in the media. Ben has several high profile clients who are fans of his dynamic and results-driven training methods. 

Fri, 30 Jun 2017 02:39:29 +0000
<![CDATA[Your New Year Plan To Shred Up and Slim Down]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/you-new-year-plan-to-shred-up-and-slow-down/ Mon, 12 Jun 2017 23:08:30 +0000 <![CDATA[The Lowdown On Pre-Workouts]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/the-lowdown-on-pre-workouts/ Mon, 12 Jun 2017 23:06:11 +0000 <![CDATA[Green Tea - The Fat Burning Phenomenon]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/green-tea-the-fat-burning-phenomenon/ Mon, 12 Jun 2017 23:04:36 +0000 <![CDATA[What You Need To Know About Hormones]]> https://www.fitnutritionfix.com.au/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-hormones/ Mon, 12 Jun 2017 23:02:48 +0000